Why (so) Blue? | Teen Ink

Why (so) Blue?

January 18, 2024
By alysem11 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
alysem11 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blue is one of the most simple, yet complex colors because it has infinite interpretations. That is why it is my favorite. When most people see blue, they think of sadness or melancholy, which I used to think as well. However, I find more comfort in the color than most. 

Blue reminds me of my family–we all have blue eyes. Our living room is blue. My mom’s favorite color is blue. It evokes feelings of comfort, security, and love, which makes me feel at home no matter how far away I am. Additionally, every year we escape the stresses of ordinary life by spending time together in the blue Atlantic playing catch, jumping in the waves, or watching, in awe, as the locals surf. Furthermore, blue represents the lulling waves of our pond in our backyard, where I spend time every summer with my friends and family sharing stories over the campfire as we watch the sunset.

Blue is the string that connects my life to those I love and appreciate, and for that, I am grateful. In fact, everywhere I go, I wear or keep something blue as a reminder of how lucky I am to have such wonderful, caring people in my life. 

The author's comments:

In my English class, we were prompted to write about our favorite color and explain why it is our favorite. In this piece, I hoped to capture my feelings about why the color blue is not only my favorite, but also how the color represents part of identity. 

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