Why Humans Need Humor | Teen Ink

Why Humans Need Humor

January 16, 2024
By 4laurila BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4laurila BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humor is a very useful skill to have in life, if you look at the successful people in your life they most likely have some sort of sense of humor. Although people have many different ways of expressing humor most of the time they all share some common qualities. All people can share the enjoyment of certain things in life; young animals, sunrises or sunsets, or a pleasant unexpected surprise—humor could be tied into all of these things in different forms. 

Humor may not always be a good thing though, some people use humor as a coping mechanism for sad times or experiences to try to cover up a hurt. It is like covering a hole in drywall with a piece of paper and paint, because although it looks good it may not be good underneath. 

People who are successful in life and making money most likely have a likable sense of humor because that is what gets people far in life. Many successful business people have that skill because it helps them appear more friendly and therefore people will like them more and possibly will be more likely to do business with them. 

Now with all that said it is not 100% of the time a good thing, sometimes people will use their sense of humor on others who might not share the same humor. Bullies will be mean to people and they find it funny or amusing and that is their sense of humor, but for the one being bullied they probably do not think it is funny or amusing.

Overall with taking everything into consideration humor is overall a good thing that us humans can bond over and make us happy. Humans need happy and good things in our life and humor can bring that to us. without it, the human race would be much more miserable on a day to day basis than it is already—which is quite frightening. 

Now good and bad humor will always be a part of human nature and human culture so it is not going away anytime soon so might as well learn to harness the ability to your benefit.

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