The Tale of Solitude | Teen Ink

The Tale of Solitude

September 12, 2023
By Swetha BRONZE, Puducherry, Other
Swetha BRONZE, Puducherry, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all might have heard the term "pin-drop silence". What if our whole life is compressed with that silence. It feels so peaceful, trust me I lived that life. The days I spent alone paved the way for the days I stood strong. None can behold others. People are busy fighting their own demons. Expecting someone to solve our problem is stupidity. Problem solving is a skill and not everyone possess it.

I am a spiritual person who pray daily and read bible often. There is a verse in The Holy Bible that says, 'After Jesus was baptized He spent 40 days praying in the wilderness.' ~Luke 4:1. Meaning- Jesus was baptized and then he spent 40 days preparing himself to face the world. He stood in prayer in those days. Even the almighty needed some quality time in solitude before engaging with others.

Not only in this verse, even after that Jesus spent a lot of time in solitude, praying to God. Being his followers, people being in solitude must use their days as the days of preparation to meet the battle. And so my time of solitude was spent well on reading bible and knowing more about the word of God. 'It is good for me to have been through trouble; so that I might come to the knowledge of your rules.'~Psalms:119:71.

Have you ever thought of living in a fictional world? Because I used to think of it often. The place in which our desires get fulfilled and it's a treasure house because all that we feel so precious are collected over there. In this world we expect a lot to happen but it does not occur. Expectation is the Father of Disappointment.

I love the series named "Harry Potter". In that series Harry Potter, an orphan, gets his admission to Hogwarts, a magical school. Every year he was met with some scenario which finally leads him to fight alone to survive. And the protagonist, without any hesitation fought his own battles and rescued others too.

Here are few stuffs in which I engaged during the time of solitude. I had that thought of spending time in a productive way. So I chose to do the following stuffs:

1. Gardening

2. Writing Diary

To be Honest, gardening taught me to be patient. Our job is to sow seeds and water them daily. In the beginning, I was so curious that I used to take out the seed from the pot now and then, to check it's growth. But then I learned to wait. I was patiently enduring until that cute little green head peep out. Then it started to grow and it's time for the flower to bloom. It was 7 am in the morning when I looked at the pink & white blooms.

It lightened my heart. It took me hardly few weeks to witness such a beautiful sight. It is worth waiting... So whoever living the life of solitude (living inside the mud) sometimes coming out from the solitude(mud) and socializing with others (growing and blooming) changes a lot.

I am not a person who used to write diary. But this stage of my life made me do it. Whenever I feel so burdened I started to express my thoughts through words on paper. To Be Honest, it is a good therapy. This process of unloading my stress onto a paper made me feel stress free. Expressing our anger on someone through words will lead to the loss of dignity, this is far better right?

What is Life? Life is a beautiful journey with lots of UPS and DOWNS. If currently you are in a phrase in which you feel so down. Have HOPE, surely better days are coming...

The author's comments:

This is completely written to motivate someone who gets pleasure in solitude.

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