Sixteen | Teen Ink


June 8, 2023
By Anonymous

I love being sixteen. There are many magical memories, and I’m bound to make more. Being sixteen means having more freedom, more responsibilities, and more knowledge. 

Freedom. I’ve wished for it, like wishing on a shooting star. Once I turned 16, I gained the freedom to drive where I choose, choose what classes I want to take, and the freedom to buy my clothes. Some may think these freedoms are small, but I enjoy the small freedoms that I’ve gained. Of course, I don’t have complete freedom; I’m only sixteen. But, I’m grateful for this too. I’m still guided by my parents, leaning on them when I need them. 

Responsibility. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have any responsibilities, but I’m grateful for them. My mom and dad trust me enough to give me responsibilities like driving my siblings around and opening up my mom’s business. Sixteen comes with the ability to support those around you, which is a gift. I like aiding my friends, family, and colleagues. 

Knowledge. I like learning new things and asking questions. I’ve learned so many things as a sixteen-year-old. I’ve learned how to manage my time between school, friends, and sports. I’ve learned what weird noises my car makes mean. Like, “Dundundun.” means that my air conditioning is too high a speed. I’ve also learned how hard it is to be an adult, getting a small sense of all the money I’ll be spending. All of these come with questions like “What gas do I use?”, “How do I write a college essay?”, and “How do I fit 9 of my friends in a 5-passenger car?”. Through the mistakes I’ve made, I’ve gained knowledge that will help me for the rest of my life.

In conclusion, being sixteen has as been the best year of my life so far. Sixteen is freeing, grounding, and telling all at the same time. Sixteen is sweet sour summers under the sun. I’m grateful for sixteen.

The author's comments:

This is about being sixteen years old, which is my favorite age so far.

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