To my past self | Teen Ink

To my past self

May 31, 2023
By Anonymous

To my past self… Don’t be so hard on yourself, stressing out about school, grades, work will only make it harder; it will only set you back. Especially when it comes to tests; if you stress out or spend too long studying you will only forget what you need to know. 

Yes grades do matter but they also really don’t. You obviously need to do well and pass but you don’t need to have perfect grades to succeed in life and even if you do have good grades after high school and college they don’t matter at all no one looks at them just as long as you have the degree. Doing your homework will really help you out, when you miss school get caught up as quickly as you can otherwise it will start piling up and the more homework you have the more stressed out you will be.

 Set reasonable goals for yourself only focus on those in the meantime, once completed move on to the next set of goals. Don’t feel like you have to work so much either. Yes, having money is good but you will be working the next 50 years of your life, enjoy your teen/ young adult years and live a little. Take it easy, have fun, make some great memories with your friends,let loose a little. It is great, you don't really have to worry about anything. It all goes by so fast, enjoy every minute of it, the good and the bad you are meant to experience it all to help you learn.

The author's comments:

This is a letter to my past self 

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