Purrfectly Good Reasoning | Teen Ink

Purrfectly Good Reasoning

May 25, 2023
By Anonymous

There are many good reasons to get a pet, but which kind? Why not a cat? A cat is a great choice for a pet for a multitude of reasons. One they are entertaining, two they are great companions, and three they are low-maintenance and self bathing. Cats are amazing pets but you do have to treat them right otherwise it could be a problem. 

The reason cats are “pawsome” is because they can make almost anyone laugh. I mean just look across the internet-some of the first few videos on youtube were about cats. In the early 2000s around 2007 there was a video called Keyboard cat that became very popular for many reasons mainly because it's a cat “playing” piano and it's a very unique video for many reasons like why is that cat wearing a blue shirt and how is it playing the piano because the last thing you would ever except from a piano video is a cat to be playing it. Even today they are many videos that are just compilations of cats doing random silly things that anyone could laugh at. There are so many things that cats do that are enjoyable to watch no matter what size they are. It is funny to see a cat sleeping in a shoe box that it is too big for but it is even funnier the larger the cat you have. Nothing is funnier than seeing a leopard sitting in a box that it is too big for, no matter the size of the cat it will always make you laugh.

Cats are also amazing companions that can bring joy into your life. According to Lake City Humane, “Adopting a feline manifests a happy environment” with this information it could lighten the mood of almost any house. On top of that, think about how cool cat cafes, a cafe where cats are let loose to roam the cafe, and how they have such an inviting environment and the best part is that sometimes they even let people adopt the cats. Another thing that makes cat cafe great is that the owners of the cat cafe can dress them up it ties and when cats are dressed up like this in such a professional way but with a face that says “I hate every second of this” it is really hard not to laugh at something like that and it really does improve the environment that they are in. 

Some other reasons why cats are awesome pets is because they are great at catching things like bugs and even small rodents and that has been the case for them over the past 10,000 years. Cats having this natural ability to hunt is what makes them amazing companies and the most popular household pet with 74 million in only the U.S. Having a household cat can almost be like having a fly sweater that you can giggle at while it does what it does best. 

Now I am not saying that you cannot have any other pet because cats can also get along with other animals too. In this case mainly dogs because something else like a bird a cat could have that natural instinct to want to hunt it but with a dog not only will the cat “hunt” it but the dog will love it. There are many videos of cats and dogs playing together and it's great because it looks like the cats hate it but you just know that it is somewhat loving it. 

One important thing to know about cats is to know about the many different kinds of cats, kind of like if you were to ask someone who owns a dog they would reply with “their a husky golden hound poodle mix” it can be the same thing with people that own cats. If you were to ask some who owns a cat what kind of cat they would probably respond with something like, orange” or “long hair white and gray” Now their may be a more correct answer like a “maine coon” but realistically no one knows what that really means so people resort to color and hair length. A few good things to know about the main few I can think of are Orange cat means they are more friendly and affectionate but also very unintelligent, Long hair cats are very playful but they leave hair almost everywhere, and sadly black cats the one who get the most hate because they are associated with bad luck and get treated bad but they are amazing and awesome cats are.     In conclusion to this very serious P.S.A there cats used to be useful pets and some are still useful today and now through the internet the cats are legends from the many things they do. Just think about it if you could be the owner of the next famous cat. Even if you do not want to have famous cats, they are still a worthwhile investment that could liven up a room and bring joy to people that see them. So what's holding you back from owning a cat?

The author's comments:

This piece of writing is not only something that I am very passionate about but this was also an  essay for my Senior English class. While writing this paper it was very fun to think about all of the amazing things about cats especially since I can relate to them because I have 2 cats myself (Clyde and Fury)

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