Death | Teen Ink


December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Death. The dictionary definition of death is the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism. Death is a universally recognized word that can mean so many things. Everyone has a different definition of death. Death can mean the absence of physical life from a once living and breathing thing. Death can mean the discontinuation of a friendship, relationship, or connection with a person. Death can mean no longer supporting or believing in a religious view or the end of a spiritual journey. Death is everywhere. Death is constant, continuous, and inevitable. 

The traditional definition of death is someone passing away. Death is something that can have a very powerful effect on people. Death is something that makes people feel things that have never been felt before. Death or the effect of someone’s death is an experience that no one person can experience the same. Death can be a chokehold of emotions. Death, traditionally is the discontinuation of someone’s life and that is something that no one can prepare themselves to face.

Another definition of death is the ending of something, more specifically a friendship or relationship. Killing a relationship with someone that you cherished and loved at a point in time could possibly have more of an effect than the traditional death of someone. Deciding that no longer communicating with or participating romantically or platonically with an individual is a detrimental decision with life altering effects. Ending relationships with people causes a lot of reflecting on yourself and others along with possible denial and a more negative headspace. Ultimately the death of a personal relation is as much death as the lack of air in one’s body.

One of the most crucial definitions of death is the end of a religious or spiritual journey. Switching religions is a huge commitment. Deciding if what you believe in is what fits your mold of yourself and beliefs. This also ties into spiritual journeys or beliefs such as different gods and deities. Religion is something that many people use as a guide in their lives and killing a part of that or changing a view can be so life altering. This form of death is more mental than physical although, it could still cause as much permanent damage as traditional death could.

As people, we are constantly growing, evolving, and changing. Death is most commonly viewed as a negative result of nature. Many fail to realize that death is necessary. Death is a natural, inescapable action. Death signifies a completed cycle, the conclusion to an occurrence or individual. Death is the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

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Wrote for English class

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