Relationships | Teen Ink


October 18, 2022
By cadenbunting BRONZE, Brighton, Illinois
cadenbunting BRONZE, Brighton, Illinois
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Relationships. It is something everyone has. You can have friends and that is a relationship. The relationships I am talking about are girlfriend/boyfriend relationships. Go to any high school and you will see boys and girls holding hands. Go through a town on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and you will see the same thing. It is the American life, right? That is what shown on TV but what is not apart of that picture is kids like me. Kids who are hanging out with their friends. They look happy but there is more to it then what meets the eye. There are kids out there that look happy with their friends. Although they look happy, they feel like something is missing. What they want is a relationship. It is something that you just could not tell that by the way they act.

Relations from my own aspect is something valuable. It is something that if you have an opportunity to have, take that opportunity and run, especially if it could be a good relationship. The thing with relationships though is that they can be hard to get into at times. Especially for someone like me. People like me just do not want to ask. They do not want to be told no, but that is a topic for later. There are people like me who are not connected with people. Those same people like me do weird, crazy, and even stupid things just so they can be noticed. People like me say they do not have a care in the world about what people think of them. There is only partial truth to that. They do not want to be embarrassed to much by other people. They want to be liked by other people but then again, who does not. There is still another problem with relationships, and that is the fear of no.

The fear of no. I could probably write a whole book on that. The fear of no is not something that people deal with, and it is real. People like me do not ask people out because they do not want to be told no. Most people do not want to be told no but some people handle it differently than others. For me, the no is kind of embarrassing. I worry about what people might think about me, even if I do not even know the people they are around. It is also that if I get told no by someone I know, I worry about losing a friend. Even if I do get told no, I still want to be friends. There was this one girl I used to talk to every day. Then one day I decided to ask her out. We have not said a thing to each other since. I am not using this example so you can feel sorry for me. I do not want you to feel sorry for me. It is a part of life. The point is though I do not ask sometimes because I do not want to ruin a friendship. There has been many of times when me and my dad have gone to the Bunker Hill Drive In to get ice-cream on the way to Gillespie. Most of the time there is a girl my age working the counter. My dad always tells me to ask the girl who is working that day for their phone number. Whenever I say no, he always says something along the lines of this. “The worst they can say is no.” While he is not wrong, he is not right. The worst they could say is no, but it is a lot worse than what he thinks it is. I will ponder on the no for a while. It will shoot me into a depressive state. I will be upset for a week or two. The no is sort of embarrassing to me. Even it is around total strangers. I do not like to be told no and no one does but it is something that we have to get over.

All in all, though, relationships are wonderful things. While a lot of people want relationships, people are afraid to ask. While I cannot speak for everyone, in my experience, the only way to get over the fear of no is to just ask. The more you ask, the less scared you get.

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