The Best Characters Are Those Shown The Most Real Emotions | Teen Ink

The Best Characters Are Those Shown The Most Real Emotions

June 23, 2022
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Several weeks ago, I read <A Tale of Two Cities>, and I was really touched by the character of Sydney Carton. Among the most popular characters such as Lucie Manette, Dr. Manette and Darnay, Sydney Carton is the one who gave me the greatest impression for his realness.  

From Charles Dickens’ creation of depressive atmosphere when describing Sydney, I can feel that started from his adulthood, Sydney’s life is gloomy and hopeless, he has nothing to pursue and there is nothing he can work for. He repeats his boring life day after day and puts himself into the wine barrel to relieve his mental pain. He waits for one day when he can leave this world and restart his life and throw away his past. I was about to cry out when I read the description: “climbing into a high chamber in a well of house, he threw himself down in his clothes on a neglected bed, and its pillow was wet with wasted tears”. The portrayal of the silent heartbreak really fleshes out the character completely.

In Sydney’s monotonous life, a girl named Lucie shows up. She is a light that shines Sydney’s life which has been dark for so many years. If that girl falls in love with Sydney, then I suppose they will live together happily and this will encourage Sydney to welcome the arrival of his new life. Unfortunately, that girl falls in love with a guy that looks like Sydney. But as a person’s love is not so easily to disappear, Sydney intends to turn this love into the motivation of helping Lucie. Sacrificing for Lucie and Darney turns out to be the best opportunity to help her, so he decides to do it. To some extent, this sacrifice is seen by Sydney as an opportunity to show his value and to make a beautiful end for his “failed” life. 

Sydney Carton, changing from being an indifferent person in Book 2, is a man whose heart is full of enthusiastic flame in Book3. He is depicted with all human emotions that we are supposed to have. A real fully-fledged character. 

The author's comments:

The characters that impresses us the most are the ones that are shown most real; the ones who are experiencing what we are experiencing.

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