Differently Lived | Teen Ink

Differently Lived

June 3, 2022
By Anonymous

Being a teen in 2022 can only be described as different, at least that's how I would describe it. Of course it was different fromteens in the 1920’s, not insignifying there teenagedom they had it pretty difficult considering the circumstances of what was going on. The end of World War One. The Great Depression. the Red Scare. 

Teenagers' lives were turned upside down more specifically the teenagers that were born in 2005. Half our freshman year was moved to online. We had to adjust so fast to such a big change. personally being online for highschool was nails on a chalkboard, you just want it to stop. I wanted to give up; I did give up. My grades had gone from solid A’s and B’s to a big fat F for every class. Now I know that’s my fault and I probably would have done alot better if I had actually put the effort and did the assignments, even if it wasn't my best work. But everything that was happening, quarantine, depression from being isolated from the outside world, politics dividing America. I would hope other teens would argue it was quite difficult to think school was important when “the world was ending,” conspiracy theorists would say. 

After freshman year we had the choice to go back to school or stay online. My dad was so terrified of me getting Covid and giving it to him or our elderly family mem\bers that he kept me online even though he saw my grades were suffering. He knew my health and our families health was more important in the long run. I didn't see it like that. I was furious that he didn't care if my grades were still afloat. It took me till junior year to understand why he did what he did and why what I took of ignorance was actually keeping me safe. 

Covid was difficult for everyone. If you got Covid you had to stay home from school. You're close contacted you had to stay home from school. You come in contact with someone who was close contacted and you had to stay home from school. There was no other option than to be quarantined. Which brought on many many many hours of loneliness and depression. We were cut off from the outside world: No friends, no family, and no life. 

Social media became everything, because it was all we had to feel any ounce of normal during these dark hours. Social media was a hero and a villain all in one. For one thing it allowed us to connect with people but on the other hand there was so much dividing and comparing others and it got to the point where no one wanted to leave their house from anxiety. Even now no one really talks in person all that much. We're all on our phones texting people that are usually in the same room. Teenagers were always addicted to our phones but took away the outside world and it was all we had. Now that we have most of our life back our phones, social media, online has become an avalanche. 

Being a teen in a time where we all rely on technology so much is different from the past because utill the two thousands there was no technology. Our highschool years were cut in half, we stopped talking to people and most importantly we lost a lot of family and friends. Us teenagers all grew up way too fast. 

The author's comments:

My piece is about how the pandemic has affected teenagers and what it is like growing up in this time. 

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