Three futures | Teen Ink

Three futures

February 23, 2022
By Anonymous

I awoke to a rainy night that felt like a long dream, bright light. What felt like an eternity in a white box that seemed to drag on. Just a few minutes had passed, and out of nowhere the room suddenly changed to a battlefield with gunshots flowing in the air. All of a sudden I heard someone shout, "Get down!" Screamed, "Get down!" All of a sudden I was tackled and saw myself in a navy uniform. I got goosebumps as soon as I saw someone who looked like me but was older. After that, we drove to his camp and I asked him what made you join the military. He said to me that it was the only option he had. 

So as you know, my name is Jesus, and I'm a captain in a special unit of the navy seals. I have been enlisted since the day I graduated school and 10 years have passed since then. 

I asked him, why did you enlist in the navy?  

He replied. It all started due to a situation that happened in my home that made me join. It was the only option I had so that the rest of my family would not have to worry about money coming in.

Do you regret making this decision? -I asked you.

He replied to me.

No, I don't regret this decision at all. It has made me a respectable man with pride and an honorable man. This life was meant for me to release anger and doubt about myself whether I was to live or die.

I replied, will you soon retire and live a normal life?

Captain replied, I will be retiring later this year. This will probably be my last tour of duty if I were to live. Live with my wife and child until it is my time.

I asked what your plans were after that?

Captain said he would love to live in an isolated area where he could enjoy a peaceful life. He would want to live on a mountain next to a lake where he would spend time fishing and teach his child how to fish and even hunt.

Captain asked what your plans were for the future.

I replied that I cannot tell you because I do not know myself. 

Upon hearing that question, the captain told me not to worry, you'll find your way. Good luck kid.

I began to fade away like a ghost. In just a few seconds, I was back in the white box, thinking about what he said. This box will either take me home or just send me somewhere else or even kill me.

What felt like a few minutes was just a few seconds. It looked like I was back in a comfortable home with a variety of animals. All I was thinking was he might be an animal keeper or animal sitter. The person could be a crazy version of me or I could be some version of him. I heard a door open and he said” Who are you to me? 

I replied with the same answer

He said my name is Jesus ….

I said that is also my name, but I am younger and more confused than you.

He said you can call me vet, so that we can’t get confused.

I said to him sure, that is fine by me. 

I told him how I got here. I said that you aren't the first person I've seen. I told him that the other man was a military man.

"Vet replied with a sudden burst of energy. I would have been a military man if I had been a part of the K9 unit. 

 told him that version was a captain's version, given the orders. 

The vet replied that it sounds fun but not as cool as the K9 unit.

He told me why I should call him a vet, and I asked him if he had a fetish for animals.

Vet enthusiastically responded that I don't have an animal fetish, I love animals and I'm a veterinarian.

I said to him, sorry for the misunderstanding but I hope you get where I am coming from.

Vet vaguely said, I guess I see your perspective on this. 

My wife said she doesn't mind and my children love playing with the animals. I myself love these beautiful creatures and how nostalgic they can be, even when they are at peace or even when one is furious. Animals are extraordinarily complex creatures who have both a constructive and a flawed side to them. 

I asked him what motivated him to become a veterinarian.

Vet replied abruptly with an explanation of a misunderstanding.

I asked you what you meant by misunderstanding. Could the animal be to blame?

The Vet said it is never an animal, it is always a human, he said. The human mindset about animals is that they are pets and nothing else. All I need to do is feed it and water it. This is not true. Pets are a companion that we yearn for, one that will never betray us. That is what a pet is to me.

I said those are fine words and I agree with them that they are not just pets but your friends. So that is what led you to the path you are currently on.

He said yes. What is your path that you would like to follow?

That was the same question I was asked by the captain himself. I told the vet that I had no idea what I wanted to do yet.

The Vet replied, "Do not worry, you will find your way."

With that one response, I was fading away once more. The last thing he said was good luck finding your future. In a matter of seconds, I was back in the white box. This time I was in there for what seemed longer than usual. All I could think of was what the vet and captain said to me: find your own path. As I thought about that answer over and over, suddenly it became dark. In a flash, I heard someone there.

I answered that my first name is Jesus. I can say that yours is also Jesus, though a much older version of myself. 

He said yes, my name is Jesus, but it did not answer my question.

I said to him I had been transported through two different locations that were not from this time. I'm still in high school, trying to figure out what I want to do in the near future. I guess I am being transported to various eras in time to find out what I want to do.

replied with so thats so then I believe you 

I asked him what is your story?

I told him that as an entrepreneur, I did not want to take the route of going to college to become a person in debt, and I also did not want to work a 9 to 5 job either. So I took a risk that caused me to lose people in my life. I took the chance that took me 2 years to accomplish and now I am one of the world's top 3%.

I asked him what the three percent was. 

The three percent are the people who took a chance and now are rich. I can now live my life with no worries. I can now travel the world like my dream was for so long. Now I have investments that just keep producing me more money even if I am traveling. 

I asked, “How old are you?”

He replied, “I am twenty-eight years old. I became wealthy at twenty-two years old. I partied for two years straight until one day I met someone who is still with me till this day. She stopped me from partying and now I live in an isolated area with more than 85,000 acres of land, free from everything.” 

I asked him if he regretted those two years he spent partying instead of making more money.

He said, “Yes and no. Yes, because instead of partying I could have made more money. I would have already retired by now, living in a more calm life.  And no, because I would have never met my fiance and been happy. I would be happy just traveling with my soon to be wife.”

He then asked me the same thing all the others asked: What path will you follow after experiencing and listening to all of you’s in the future?

He then said to me the best advice I can give you is to not listen to anyone and especially don’t let anyone choose your path. You alone choose what you want to decide.

All the sudden my body was fazzing once again and I was back in the white box. At a sudden moment, the three men that I met appeared and I heard a voice shout which path will you choose in the end. After that, the white box disappeared into a flashing light and I suddenly woke up from a slumber. I said to myself, what was that dream I just had?

The author's comments:

This stroy is about the three futures I wish to follow one day.

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