The Lord of the Rings Teaches us an Appropriate use of Power | Teen Ink

The Lord of the Rings Teaches us an Appropriate use of Power

January 6, 2021
By rachelsoucy BRONZE, Liberty, Maine
rachelsoucy BRONZE, Liberty, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All who wander are not lost.

Is the Ring’s power good or evil? You can use it in a good way or you can use it in a bad way. In The Hobbit, when Smeagol takes the ring from his friend and says it is his birthday present, that is a lie.  It is not a good use of power. He was being greedy. He was living in a cave away from everyone.  He did not have a good relationship with his family. He said, “My precious,” over and over again. He chose the power of the ring instead of his family. As you can see, The Lord of the Rings teaches us an appropriate use of power.

In the Bible God says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth where moth and rust destroy put your treasures in Heaven where thieves can not break in and steal.”  Matthew 6:19   

Soroman did not use the ring in the right way. He only wanted it for himself, just

like Smeagol.  Soroman used to be Gandalf’s friend, he just wanted to be greedy. Soroman created all the bad orcs he uses to fight the battles. The orcs are dirty and smelly, they are like Gailth from the Bible. 

When Frodo and his friends named Legolas, Gimli, Sam, Pippin, Boromir, Merry, and Gandalf were on their journey to put the ring into Mount Doom, Frodo does not want to let the ring go. Frodo does use his power wisely; he uses his power to disappear so that when bad guys come around he can protect himself. But when he has the ring on, he feels so selfish.

“Throw in your lot with us; we’ll share our money. My son, don’t go on the path with  them; keep your feet from their way, because their feet run to evil they spill blood.” 

(Proverbs 1: 14- 16)

And he goes on to say, These are the ways of all who seek unjust gain; it costs them their lives Proverbs 1:19  “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first of all of your crops.” Proverbs 3:9 In closing, The Lord of the Rings teaches us an appropriate use of power. There is an appropriate use of power, according to the Bible, and inappropriate use of power. J.R.R. Tolkien’s stories teach us how to think about power in a Biblical way.

The author's comments:

This is a paper that I had to do for school and I would like to share it with you. And this is one of my favorite series to read. The Lord of the rings!

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