Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

October 1, 2020
By 2salaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2salaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Latin, my name means, “the greatest.” Max means impatient. It means always in a hurry. It means quick. It is like the color red. Blazing through work sometimes too fast. Leaving problems. It's a job done efficiently, it's someone who always leaves space for jokes.

None of my family members had this name. My mother gave me this name, but my last name Salaja was passed down from my great-grandfather who was from Czechoslovakia and made his way to America.

I’ve never met my great-grandfather. But I knew he was a man that based his life off hard work. The driving factor in his life. He never felt accomplished at the end of the day if something wasn’t worked on. He raised my grandfather with those same lessons of hard work. How you won’t truly appreciate the things you own and your time to do the things you enjoy if you never have struggles.

The trend continues. My father is trying to teach me those same principles. Where I should learn to be independent and work hard on everything I do because it will get me to appreciate the things I have earned. 

I wonder if these principles have changed over time. I feel that my great-grandfather worked my grandfather much more than my father is having me work. Most of them grew up with a childhood they weren’t happy about, and when they got to retire their bodies were beat up, and barely able to function anymore. 

My father wants me to learn that lesson without growing up only caring about work. That’s why the name Max fits so perfectly. It's a job done efficiently, a job done swiftly, but a person that wants the maximum from life and makes sure work isn’t controlling his life.

Some people just think the name Max is too short, quick, or is missing something. People like to add to the name to make the name more meaningful or for a good laugh, cause the name has endless nicknames that fit perfectly.

I have no interest in changing my name because I think it’s great. Max isn’t too serious, Max is in a hurry. It’s unique and its short nothing complicated.

The author's comments:

This piece describes the way I think about my name. Using historical relationships, family members, and my opinion to describe what emotions my name evokes, actions my name feels like, and the kind of person the name max would connect to.

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