The Aftermath | Teen Ink

The Aftermath

April 1, 2018
By alysonlancaster, Staunton, Virginia
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alysonlancaster, Staunton, Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
Stars cannot shine without darkness.

Author's note:

I was very determined to write something new and challenging, so I opened Word and just began typing. My fingers led me to write a thirty-thousand work novella about something that a lot of people don't write about. 

My blood is pumping, my heart is pounding, and my breath is coming in short pants. My feet are racing against time, begging for more of it. My clothing is tattered, not even attempting to hold itself together at this point. My shoes are long gone, left behind ages ago. I am bruised and bloody, but I am alive.
My kidnappers are nowhere in sight, but so are my fellow captives. I hope they’re okay…they’re the whole reason I joined in on their escapade, even though I knew there was a chance this would happen. I didn’t want to be separated from them, no matter what could potentially happen to me or us.
Somehow, someway, this is better than being trapped in that hole…The forest under my feet, fresh air around me, the blue sky above me…It’s a dream come true, even if I am running for my life.
I didn’t think I’d ever leave that hell hole, but here I am. I am out, and I am alive. I need to stop running, I don’t know how much more of this my body can take. After weeks of constant torture and agony, my body is very fragile and weak.
Oh god, I really hope my friends are okay. James, Camilla, Bradley, Sebastian, and Niall have to be okay. They have to be. We made it through everything else already, this is it. This is the final hurdle and then we’re free. We can all make it through this if only we get through the next few minutes.
“Ally,” a voice hisses, making me freeze.
I pant hard, fighting to keep a grip on my breathing. I look around wildly, finally spotting Sebastian and Niall crouching together beside a bush. Relief floods my veins, and I rush to them, throwing myself into Sebastian’s arms first. After making sure he’s alive and sound, I cling to Niall tightly, glad he’s okay.
In retrospect, I should have expected for Niall to be okay. He’s so strong and sturdy. He has been this entire time, holding us all together. Him and Sebastian share that.
“I’m so glad you guys are okay,” I whisper, voice cracking. “Where are the others?”
Niall shakes his head, “don’t worry about them, love. They’ll be okay. Right now, we need to focus on us. I don’t think any of them are near us. There should be a road somewhere around this area. We need to find it quickly and without much fuss, alright?”
I find myself nodding without even realizing it, “okay.”
Sebastian helps me to my feet, before taking my hand tightly.
“We stick together,” he says firmly, the three of us agreeing on that immediately. “Let’s go.”
We break into a run, my legs burning and protesting the harsh movements. I let go of my surroundings and my situation, instead focusing on Sebastian’s hand and the sound of Niall’s breathing. Finally, finally, finally, we reach a road.
Right across from us, across a dirty, dusty road, the first road we’ve seen since being kidnapped, is a gas station. Right beside that gas station is a McDonald’s. A freaking McDonald’s; they really are everywhere. I slightly fall into Sebastian, a single tear running down my face. He holds onto me just as tightly as I hold onto him.
“Let’s go,” Niall states firmly, taking my other hand.
We jog across the road and into the McDonald’s. The cashier stares at us as if we’re crazy for a moment, but then her eyes narrow. Suddenly, realization crowds her eyes. She’s the first person I’ve seen besides for them and my fellow captives. She’s quite pretty.
I analyze her, noticing her clear cleanliness, her acne-free face, her skinny waist. She has light brown hair that falls to her chin, defiant brown eyes, and a smile that rivals the sun. She is wearing the traditional McDonald’s work uniform, but she wears it with pride. A fierce tug at my heart makes me pause to analyze my feelings. I’m…jealous of her. Jealous that she’s here living her life, while I had mine taken from me for who even knows how long.
“Oh my God…you three are part of the stolen seven,” she gasps, whipping out her cell phone. The stolen seven? But we’re nine…or we were. “Don’t worry, I’m calling the police. Where are the other four?” A co-worker comes out as well, but his eyes clearly show he already know who we are.
He has acne on his cheeks and chin, but his forehead is free from it. He has pretty blue eyes, black hair, and nice cheekbones. He isn’t that fit, but he isn’t obese either. His cheeks redden when his eyes land on me, and I look away, feeling embarrassed for some reason.
“Don’t you worry, alright? You’re safe now. Are you guys hungry? Thirsty?” He offers kindly, and we immediately take him up on his offer.
Someone being kind to us…that’s so unusual. Sebastian and Niall each get half of the menu, eating sloppily and noisily. I can’t even blame them. We haven’t seen a decent meal in what…five, six weeks? I don’t know how long we’ve been gone.
I, on the other hand, get a three-hotcake meal with a sweet tea, knowing my stomach won’t be able to handle too much food after going so long without. We sit in a booth farthest from any doors and windows, constantly checking them to be sure our kidnappers aren’t back.
“Where are they?” I whisper to myself, tears rising in my eyes.
I got separated from Camilla only a few minutes before I found Sebastian and Niall. I hope she’s okay…She has to be okay. After Natalia and Emma were killed, we were the only girls left. She was my best friend, my solace, the only one who understood what I was going through. And I was the only one who understood her and what she was feeling.
“Ally? I think I see Bradley,” Sebastian says in confusion, narrowing his eyes to see better.
Niall immediately turns to the window, peering out eagerly. Bradley is Niall’s best friend. They knew each other before they were taken from their homes in rural North Carolina.
“It is him,” he muses, but doesn’t make a move to get up.
What the hell? It’s Bradley we’re talking about! We need to save him. No one gets left behind. We’re a team. No, we’re more than that; we’re a family.
“Well? What are we waiting for then? It’s Bradley!” I try to get up, but Niall’s hand presses down on my thigh, holding me next to him. “What are you doing? Niall, let me up. It’s Bradley!”
“Alyson,” he says, getting my full attention. His blue eyes bore into mine, very serious. “He’s hurt. They could be using him as bait, to see if he can lure us out.”
My heart doesn’t want to listen. My heart wants to run over to Bradley, hold him, and heal him. But my mind knows that Niall is right. My mind is one hundred percent aware of the fact that they hurt him just to lure us out. And it hurts my heart even more to know that.
“What do we do?” I ask desperately.
The door jingles suddenly, an ominous sound. The three of us freeze. I grab the hand that’s on my thigh, holding it tightly. I squeeze my eyes shut, tears rolling down my cheeks now. They’ve found us. They found us. They found us and there is nothing we can do about it. We’re dead. Literally.
“Oh my God, you guys are okay!” James’s relieved voice hits me like a semi-truck.
I scramble over Niall, ignoring his sounds of protest, and throw my arms around him.
“You’re okay,” I cry, holding onto him tightly.
Arms gently wrap around my waist, pulling me away from James. I fall into Niall’s lap. Confused and slightly angry, I turn my head to glare at him, but Niall’s face is gentle. Taken aback, I look back at James.
Niall isn’t gentle. He’s brash, arrogant. He’s a leader. I look at James, seeing his gentle brown eyes, his ruggedly handsome face, and I know. He is in bad shape.  I throw my hands over my mouth, a quiet sound escaping through them.
Sebastian takes me from Niall, holding me firmly against his chest, allowing me to cry. Silent sobs wrack through my body as James is escorted into the booth alongside Niall.
Niall gets to work on helping James, but we all know that unless help comes soon, James will die. First Bradley, now James…Where is Camilla? The door’s jingle hits our ears again, and my sobs instantly stop. This is it. It’s either Camilla or them. Please don’t let it be them. We’ve made it so far…don’t let them be here. Please, please, please.
“Where are they?” A rough voice asks.
A voice I’ve never heard before…who is it? It’s not Camilla…and if it’s one of them, I’ve never seen him.
“They’re right in that booth. They are hurt, scared, and in rough shape,” the cashier explains.
I hop off of Sebastian, slowly creeping around the corner, ignoring their protests. Four uniform-clad officers stand at the register.
“Oh my God,” I whisper. “We’re saved! Sebastian, Niall, James, the police are here! We’re okay!”
The officers turn to me immediately, relief on their faces. They take me in, horror slowly creeping into their eyes.
“Have you found Camilla? Is Bradley okay? James…James is in rough shape. He needs help,” I whisper, some more tears running down my cheeks as I beg the officers for answers.
“Alyson, right?” One of them ask gently. I nod, feeling Sebastian’s presence behind me. His hand finds mine, holding it tightly. I reach my other hand out, finding Niall’s easily. James’s bloody hand lands on my shoulder, squeezing gently. “Bradley is alive. He’s already being taken to a hospital, but he’s in bad shape. As for Camilla...”
“How did she die?” I ask, voice shaky. No one responds. Sebastian’s other hand goes onto my waist, trying to tell me to stop, but I can’t. She helped me through being raped, being beaten, being spit on. She was there for me through it all. And now she’s dead. I entrusted her with everything about myself. I held her when she cried, when she missed her family, when she mourned her old life. I was there. And now we’re both alone. “How did she die?” I repeat, more vindication in my voice.
“Her head was chopped off,” one of them finally blurts.
My face crumples, but I don’t sob. I don’t cry. I let go of my emotions.
“Can we go home, please?” I ask, voice full of emotion. “I really want my mom.” My voice catches on the word. Mom. I haven’t thought of her in a long time, unable to take the guilt of leaving her. My family…I’ll finally be with my family. “I-I…we’re going home. We can see our families again.” I turn to the boys, seeing their own tear-streaked faces staring back at me.
“Can we promise each other something first?” James asks, wobbling on his feet. We nod. “We can’t leave each other. We did not just go through all of that together, just to lose each other. You guys were all that kept me going. You all helped me through what we went through and I…I can’t just let that go. Alyson?” 
I’m already nodding, “of course. I can’t lose you guys after losing everything else. Bash? Niall?”
Sebastian looks at the hand holding me to his chest for a moment. He swallows and agrees, “I can’t leave you.” I look up at him, nodding once. “Niall?”
The three of us look at Niall. He’s the wild card.
“Please,” I whisper, his eyes shooting to mine.
Blue rivals brown. He looks away, down at the arms holding me.
“Okay,” he finally says. “Okay.”
“We need to get you four away from here. We have officers patrolling the woods, but we don’t know where any of your kidnappers are. They could be anywhere, so we need to move quickly,” an officer tells us sincerely, his eyes zooming around outside, looking for any hostile movements.
“Can you take us to the hospital Bradley is, please? We all need to be checked out, but we need to be with him,” I say, knowing that I have to take charge here.
Niall is in shock or something. Sebastian is focused on holding me. James is trying to keep himself alive. The officers look at each other before nodding. The officer that spoke before steps forwards and gently grabs my arm, holding me tightly yet gently.
“You’re bleeding,” he says in a whisper.
I look down and sure enough, there is blood dripping down my stomach.
“I’m fine.”
I’m not. But I have to be. I have to be fine. Sebastian comes on my other side, taking me back from the officer. Niall is helping James out of the fast-food restaurant.
“Quickly now,” the officer says, his voice conveying urgency.
He ushers us into an ambulance, shutting the doors after two officers get in with us. The officers help to strap us into the seats before giving the driver a signal. Sirens burst through my eardrums, making me wince. Niall’s hand entwines with mine, a silent promise that I’ll be okay.
“Where are we?” I shout over the sirens.
“Virginia,” one of the two officers shout back.
“Where in Virginia?” There is so much hope in my heart.
“Charlottesville,” he finally responds after looking at a map.
I cannot control the flood of tears that escape my body. Sobs wrack every inch of my soul. I close my eyes against their questions as to why I’m crying. Finally, one of the uniform-clad officers manage to figure it out.
“You’re Alyson, right? Alyson, your family lives only thirty minutes from here.”
I nod, showcasing that he is right. Niall’s hand tightens on my own, but I don’t look over at him. We were in that horrid place the entire time. I was only thirty minutes from my family this entire time.
The thoughts are endless. Didn’t the police scour Charlottesville? Didn’t they cover every inch of the states the stolen nine had been kidnapped from? We used to be nine…and now we are only five. Four lives lost. Two hanging in the balance. Three left psychologically damaged.
How will my family react to seeing me? How will I react to seeing them? What if the others’ families don’t want us staying together? We have to stay together! We’re all each other has left! I won’t leave any of them. I refuse too.
The ambulance comes to a halt, lurching me forwards. I hadn’t even noticed we were slowing down…It feels so weird to not have to worry about anything and everything around me. The doors are thrown open and the cops are unstrapping us from the seats.
Paramedics are suddenly swarming us. My breathing increases, my heartbeat is racing, and suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, I’m back in the forest. I’m running for my life. Camilla is right behind me.
“Come on, Milla, we have to run!” I scream, feeling their presence right behind us.
“I’m coming, Ally! Don’t worry about me!” Her reassuring shout calls from beside me.
My heart is in my throat. Oh God, where’s Niall and Bash? And James and Bradley? Where are they, where are they? At least I have Camilla.
“Camilla, where do we go?” I yell, but there is no response. “Camilla! Which way?!” I stop running for a second, turning around quickly, but she’s gone. “Camilla?! Milla!” My throat burns, my eyes filling with tears.
“Run, Ally, run!” Her scream is far away, but it gets me going.
I break into a sprint, not slowing for anything. She’s coming. She’s right behind me. She’s fine. She wants me to go. She is right behind me, she’s coming, she’s fine. We’ll both be okay.

I come back to reality, finding myself curled into a ball on the floor of the ambulance, sobbing and screaming.
“She’s having a panic attack,” someone says urgently. “Don’t touch her. She’ll freak out.”
“No, she has PTSD! She’s probably having flashbacks! There is too much commotion!” Someone argues.
I stop screaming, heaving for air as mangled sobs exit my raw throat. I put my hands to my ears, finding a deep silence. I breathe in air, coughing loudly. I finally come to my senses, releasing my ears and sitting up. I look up only to find the cops from before and two doctors. I look around wildly, searching for Bash, Niall, and James.
“Where are they?” I blurt out, voice raw. “Are they okay?”
“They’re fine,” the female doctor soothes me. “They didn’t want to leave you, but we had to make them. Can you stand up or do you need help? You can see them as soon as we check you out, okay?”
I nod, “I can stand.”
I attempt to do so, but every muscle in my body aches, my knees tremble, and I fall to the ground in a heap. Another memory flashes behind my eyes.
I’m pushed back into The Hole, falling to the ground in a mangled heap.
“Ally?! S***, Ally, what the hell did they do to you?” Camilla’s worried voice wakes the others. “Ally, please, what did they do to you?”
She grabs my shoulders, helping me to a sitting position. Her warm eyes wash over my body, searching me for injuries. Finally, she sees the blood on my thighs in the warm, amber light. Her face pales, her grip slackening.
“Step back,” she orders the boys. “Take a few steps back.”
“Why? Is she okay?” Sebastian asks worriedly.
“None of us are okay, Sebastian! She’s no worse off than the rest of us,” Niall quips.
Camilla’s head snaps over, her eyes narrowed and mean.
“She—was—raped!” She seethes, scooting closer to me. “Again,” she adds in a painful undertone. “She is worse off than the rest of us!” Silence reigns in the hole. “It’s okay to cry, Ally, please cry. Say something, do something, please.”
I gasp for air, “it—I—don’t…how? Why—why?” I can’t form a single sentence, not even a few words. “Ca-Milla, pl-ease.”
She looks over at the guys desperately, just as we hear The Hole get covered.
“Wait, where’s Emma? Where is Emma?” She asks me, voice hard now as she scoots away from me.
Feeling the weight of all of their stares, I crawl away, my hand on my stomach. I go into my own corner, ignoring their stares, ignoring their whispers.
“Alyson!” Niall’s voice is like a whip, cracking through the silence. “Where the hell is Emma?”
She’s the favorite. No one likes me. None of them besides for Camilla like me. But now…now she hates me too. If Natalia were here, she’d defend me. But she’s not here.
I look down at my thighs, seeing the blood spreading down my legs. I’m still bleeding. How odd. Not only was I raped, but I was gang raped. Not only did they gang rape me, but they put razors deep inside of me…And not only did they do that to me, they also made me watch as the literally tore Emma limb from limb.
“They…they gang raped me,” I finally whisper, voice scratchy and raw from all of my screaming and crying. Silence immediately takes over, shocked eyes landing on me. I curl into myself, not wanting their eyes on me. They might see just how badly they hurt me today. “And they…they made their own . They covered it in razors from a razor and…and…” I stop, eyes glazing over. “They said they did it because I’m the weak link. Because I’m the least liked. I need to be in the most pain. They recorded it and sent it to my parents with me watching them do it. I…they killed her. They killed Emma and made me watch. I screamed and screamed and screamed, but they held my eyelids open. I had to watch. It…was…it was—” I stop, unable to go on any longer.
But I don’t cry. I simply stare at the other side of The Hole, eyes wide.
“I’m so-rry,” I whisper. “I tried. I did all I could. I wish it was me, don’t worry.” I go further into my corner, groaning a bit as the movements irritate my wounds.
“Alyson…” Bradley trails off, as if trying to understand all I just said. “They sent it to your parents?” I wince, squeezing my eyes shut.
“At least they’ll know you’re alive. You’re lucky and so are they. That’s more than the rest of us can say,” Niall snaps. I sit up now, face contorting into agony for a moment.
“No, you don’t get to say that!” I say harshly, anger filling every single ounce of my body. “You don’t have the right to say a word! This entire time you’ve been putting me down, saying that you hope I die, telling everyone just how horrible I am, and I am sick of it! This is bad enough as it is! Niall, my parents, the parents who have definitely been scouring every inch of this goddamn country for me, hoping for any chance their eldest daughter is alive, just got sent a video that shows me being gang raped, tortured, and being raped with a knife dildo. How are they lucky for that? How are they lucky for seeing the only thing that could be worse than seeing me dead? Please, shut the f*** up. Everyone else here has only been cut and beaten. I just got my innocence taken away on so many goddamn levels! I was raped, burned, cut, spit on, beaten, and I just witnessed the most terrible thing in my f***ing life!”
I’m breathing heavily, fighting to keep a grip on myself. The Hole slowly reopens, the grating sound filling everyone with instant fear. A clapping starts up.
“Well done, darling,” he says. “I didn’t know you had it in you. For that, I’ll clean you up a bit. I suppose you don’t deserve to die from the knife dildo as you called it. Can you stand, sweetheart?”
My body begins to shake with fear. Please, no. I know how he’s going to clean me up.
“I’d rather die from the knife , thanks,” I spit. “I would rather not be in any more pain tonight.”
“Oh, you know how I was going to clean you then? Please, doll, enlighten me.” He drops down into the hole, the others pressing in on each other to get away. He storms over to me, crouching right in front of me. He leans close, his breath mingling with mine. “Because I was going to give you the best time of your life.”
“I’d rather die than have your hands and mouth on me ever again.” He laughs, putting one arm under my knees and the other under my arms. He lifts me up so easily, holding me bridal style.
“I like you. I think I’ll keep you.” Though his words sound light, there is a danger behind them. “Come along, darling, I would like to clean you up now.”
And in that moment, that very moment, I give up completely. I don’t fight back, I don’t say a word. Instead, I lie there in his arms and give in.

I come back to reality, eyes so wide it feels they might pop out. Finally, I say two words that hurt me more than anything, “drug me.”
The doctors instantly obey. My arm is grabbed, a sharp sting entering the inside of my left elbow. My eyes flutter shut, rendering me unconscious.
I wake up, feeling numbed and painless. That’s an odd feeling. I’ve grown so accustomed to feeling some sort of pain that not feeling it is…weird. I open my eyes, feeling safe, another weird feeling. I look around me and see Bash, Niall, James, and Bradley in beds surrounding mine.
Bash and Niall are having a quiet conversation, James is sleeping, and Bradley is staring out of the window.
“Bradley,” I whisper, tears springing to my eyes. “You’re okay! We’re all okay.”
Bradley turns over, his surprised eyes landing on mine. Bash and Niall stop conversing to look at me.
“You’re awake,” he comments. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
His voice is even, measured. Why?
“Is something wrong?” I ask, confused.
I just woke up. What did I already do? Is he angry with me? Did I actually do something? I swallow, bracing myself for whatever he’s about to tell me.
“Nothing,” he finally sighs.
I open my eyes tentatively, only to find that he’s not looking at me anymore.
“Seriously, what?” I ask, my voice a little hard.
“I said nothing,” he barks, his furious eyes staring straight at me, burning a hole through me.
I flinch, retreating under my blankets as a defense mechanism.
“How long were we gone?” I ask no one in particular, feeling angrier by the second.
“Three months and two weeks,” James replies, sounding a little anxious as he looks between me and Bradley.
“Stop!” Niall snaps. “We’re not going to already be fighting.”
“Bradley is obviously angry with me, but he won’t tell me why! I want to put this whole thing behind me! I’m sick and tired of feeling like this! If something is wrong, he needs to tell me, so I can fix it!” I seethe, clenching my fists as tightly as possible.
A jolt of pain passes through me and when I look down, I see red blood running down my palms. I swallow heavily. How did I do that to myself?
“Camilla and Emma both died because of you,” Bradley says, voice void of emotion. My head snaps up, hurt hitting me like a truck. “You can’t fix that. It’s your fault. They’re dead. You can’t fix that.”
I stare at him for a while longer, begging him mentally to take it back, to not do this to me, but he doesn’t.
“You can’t say that,” Sebastian quietly remarks. I don’t look at him. Instead, I look at the blood on my hands, watching as it blurs with my tears. “It is not her fault. They chose to kill Emma. And I know for a fact that Alyson wouldn’t have let Camilla die if she could have helped it. We all know that. Besides, if you want to play the blame game, what about Cole? Huh, Bradley?”
“Stop,” Niall says, exhausted. “Just stop. Our friends died because they wanted them too. We had no say in any of what happened to us.”
“Yes, we did,” James comments, his eyes focused on me. He repeats, “yes, we did. We could have controlled a lot of what happened to Alyson. We all know she got the worst of it.”
“Can we please stop?” I ask tightly. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I want to forget it all happened and go back to normal.”
“Hey, what about sticking together, Alyson?” James asks sharply, an edge to his voice now.
“I don’t want to stick together if this is what is going to happen,” I say honestly, tears evident in my voice. “I don’t want to blame each other for anyone or talk about controlling what happened to us. It happened, and we can’t go back and change it.”
“How are we supposed to not talk about it?” Bradley remarks in disbelief.
I don’t answer, and the room goes silent. The door to our room opens and in walks a doctor with a kind face. He has chestnut-brown hair, golden-brown eyes, and a killer jawline. He smiles gently at me.
“Hello, Alyson. My name is Doctor Clarke Cameron. I’ll be telling you of the injuries you sustained. May I sit?” He asks politely. I nod, feeling on edge. I don’t like new people. “I’m not going to lie to you. You should not have survived any of your injuries. They are the worst I’ve ever—what happened to your palms?”
“I…I…” I trail off, unable to speak.
I look away in shame as he tends to my hands, cleaning and bandaging them.
“It’s okay,” he says softly. “I understand.” I nod, still not looking at him. “Alyson, I’m going to tell you some big news, okay?”
“I already know,” I whisper.
But I don’t know. I just don’t want to know anything of what happened to me right at this moment. Not when I just woke up. Not when I just dealt with Bradley accusing me of murdering Camilla and Emma.
“Do you?”
“Can we not? I don’t want to know what happened to me. I’ll deal with it later,” I mutter, a tear rolling down my cheek.
“Alyson, you need to know,” he argues.
“No, I don’t! You say you understand, but you don’t! You have no idea what I went through! They,” I gesture to the boys around me, “don’t even know the half of what I had to endure! Only I know what happened to me and that is the way it’s going to stay! I know I am messed up, in bad shape, badly injured, psychologically damaged, whatever you want to call me, I already know. So, please, leave me be. I would love a few minutes of quiet, thank you.”
I stop talking, breathing heavily. I’m angry. Angry at being kidnapped, angry at being the least liked, angry at what happened to me, angry at being the most punished, angry at my family, angry at everything! How am I supposed to go back to normal when I can barely breathe? When I can barely close my eyes without feeling like I’m dying? How am I supposed to live?
“Okay,” Doctor Cameron says quietly, taken aback by my outburst. “Okay. Would you like to see your family?”
My heart clenches, soaring with hope. I shake my head quickly.
“No, no, no,” I rapidly say, mind racing with thoughts. “Please don’t make me see them, please, please, please.”
He grabs my bandaged hand, scaring the actual hell out of me.
“Don’t touch her!” Sebastian roars, getting out of his bed and coming to my side immediately. He pushes Doctor Cameron’s hand away before pulling me into his arms, stroking my hair comfortingly. “Do not touch her. No one but me, Niall, James, and Bradley can touch her. She was severely traumatized. She only lets people she knows, and trusts touch her.”
Sebastian has been the only one to really attempt to help me, to heal me, to understand me. He was the first person I met and the first person I trusted. Whenever Camilla was taken out of the hole, he was there. Even when Camilla was in the hole with us, he was there. He was constantly holding my hand, constantly touching me. It gave me warmth and made me happy. He would tell me all about his life before hell. It comforted me. It helped me to trust him. Besides for Emma and Camilla, he was the only one I trusted.
As he holds me in his arms, arguing with Doctor Cameron, I am flashed back to the memory of when I first met Sebastian.
Someone prods my shoulder delicately, not too hard. I wrinkle my nose, ignoring the touch. My shoulder is grabbed and shook, harder than before. I blink once, twice, three times, before opening them fully. The first thing I see is gray. I focus a bit more and see that I’m on carpet.
My face burns and I realize I’m lying face-down on this carpet. I become aware of the fact that I’m moving. In a car? A honk sounds right by me. Yes, in a car.
“Good, you’re awake. Look, we’re in danger,” a person states firmly, yet gently. “We were kidnapped. I don’t know where these people are taking us. What’s your name? I’m Sebastian. Sebastian Collins.”
My eyes widen, and I sit up, facing the boy before me. I’m taken aback by his ruggedly handsome looks. He has hair the color of honey. It’s as if his hair was drizzled over his head, perfectly tousled yet irrevocably sexy. His eyes are the shade of amber, yet there is a yellow on the inside of his eyes, showcasing a radiance rivaling the sun. His skin is pale, which isn’t odd considering it’s the middle of winter.
He is muscular, as if he works out a lot or plays a sport. His bottom lip is full and plump, his top lip slightly skinnier but still just as desirable. There is a light scar right above his left eyebrow. I wonder what happened to him…
His words suddenly register in my mind. Kidnapped. We were kidnapped? I jolt, staring at him in horror.
“We were kidnapped? But, how? I don’t remember—” But I do. I do remember. I was staying home while my parents went to my younger sister’s soccer practice. I was singing and dancing around the house, having a good time. I remember hearing a window break in the formal dining room. When I went to see what had happened, a rag was shoved over my face. I tried to scream and fight, but I got sleepy… “What do we do?”
“What’s your name?” He repeats with a little amusement, grabbing my arms to help me steady myself as we go over a large bump.
Right, my name. I know my name.
“Alyson Winters,” I whisper, my nerves alight with fear and adrenaline. “Where do you think they’re taking us?”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “But don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
We look into each other’s eyes for a moment. I relish in them. His amber gaze is warm and full of safety.
I hold out my pinky, not caring how immature it seems.
“I promise.”
His pinky interlocks with mine, and we stay that way until the car slows to a stop and shouting is heard…

I come back to real life when Sebastian’s pinky holds mine, a silent reminder of the promise he made and kept as best he could.
“Thank you,” I murmur into his neck.
He shivers slightly, holding me a little tighter than he probably should, but neither of us mind at this moment.
“No. Thank you,” he breathes.
“Guys, I think we have visitors,” Niall comments, his voice heavy with amusement.
I trust Sebastian to look and tell me who it is, as I don’t want to move. I’m so comfortable, so warm. I don’t ever want to leave his side.
“Alyson, I think you’re going to want to see who’s here,” Sebastian says in amazement.
His hand twitches on my back. That sole movement alone is what makes me lift my head up and see who just entered our room.
My breath catches in my throat, and tears roll down my cheeks immediately.
“Camilla!” I yell, my voice a mangled sob. “Oh my God, it’s Cole! Milla, you’re alive! Cole, you’re—you’re okay!”
But how? We were told Camilla died by getting her head chopped off! How is she alive? No, that doesn’t even matter right now. What matters it that two of us, two of us we thought were dead, are alive and okay.
“Cole…” Bradley trails off, quiet and shell-shocked.
“Camilla,” James whispers, eyes full of emotion.
Suddenly, I tighten my grip on Sebastian and look him square in the eyes, blocking out everyone around me for a moment.
“Bash,” I say abruptly. His shining eyes turn to me, worry clear in them. “Don’t ever let that happen to us.”
He immediately knows what I mean. Slowly, he holds out his pinky. I take it.
“I promise,” he vows strongly, not a single waver in his voice.
A shuddering sensation takes over me and I turn slightly, seeing Niall’s blue eyes staring into my own, an intensity I’ve never seen before reflected in them.
I c*** my head slightly, right as understand washes over me. He…he likes me. Niall Lockwood likes me. I take another look into his eyes. No, like isn’t a strong enough word. He loves me. Niall Lockwood loves me. It makes sense in an odd way.
I break the contact, but pull away a little from Sebastian, hugging Camilla tightly. Cole is next, who hugs the other the tightest, I don’t know.
“Do you think Emma…?” James asks as Camilla sits lays down next to him.
All eyes turn to me. I wince, shaking my head.
“What about Natalia?” I counter, hope flaring in my chest.
“No,” Niall declares. “She’s dead. I’d know if she was alive.”
Natalia and Niall are—were twins. Natalia is a story for a different time, however. I’d rather not recount her tale at the moment.
“Alyson, there is a whole waiting room for you,” Camilla earnestly tells me. “Why don’t you let them know you’re okay? If my parents were here, I’d do anything to see them.”
Pain fills me as I’m forced to remember everyone waiting for me.
“I…I can’t,” I breathe. “My parents…the last thing they saw of me was me being gang raped and brutally maimed by four men. They saw my undoing. I…I just…I just can’t do that right now.”
“Alyson.” Doctor Cameron. Yay. “Look, you’re only sixteen. I can’t legally refuse your guardian’s entry. They want to see you. It’s been almost four months since they last saw you.”
“I want to be in a separate room.” My command shocks everyone, especially Sebastian, but Doctor Cameron smiles, his grin unnerving. “I’m sorry, but this is something I have to do alone. I…I am going to lose it. Things have never been real until I see my mom. When I see her, I am going to completely, one hundred percent, lose it. You do not want to see that.” I am strangely calm. The calm before the storm. “Can I get up?”
“No,” Doctor Cameron is quick to assert. “Do not get up. Mister Collins, if you would please go back to your bed.”
Sebastian rubs my arm before hobbling back to his bed, glaring at the doctor the entire way there. His voice is icy, disapproving. Something isn’t right. I don’t trust Doctor Cameron. My gut twists. My instincts are telling me to not go anywhere with him, especially alone.
“Can you give me a second alone with my friends? I want to talk to them before I go meet my family. Things are going to change after it.” I fake a smile. He nods his approval before shutting the door and leaving. “Press the red button!” I command someone.
“Why?” Cole asks from where he’s sitting on Bradley’s bed.
Niall is quick to press it. He locks his gaze with mine and nods once. He’s showing me that he trusts me.
“There’s something about Doctor Cameron that frightens me,” I admit, holding myself.
Sebastian perks up.
“I thought it was just me,” he mutters. “Honestly, I think he has some sort of crush on you. The way he looks at you…it isn’t right.”
“Your opinion is biased,” Niall comments amusedly. “But on a real note, it’s true. Something isn’t right about him.”
The door suddenly opens, multiple nurses and three police officers rushing into the room.
“What’s wrong?” An officer asks urgently. I look among the nurses.
“Where’s Doctor Cameron?” Camilla beats me to the chase.
“Doctor…Cameron?” A nurse asks in confusion, looking around. “There is no Doctor Cameron in this hospital, I’m sorry.”
The officers spring to attention, asking us for a description, what he did and said.
“What would have happened if I had gone with him?” I ask in horror, shaken up a little bit.
“Don’t worry about that,” an officer croons, making sure not to touch me. “Right now, focus on healing. By the way, would you be interested in seeing your parents? They’re really worried about you.”
I look around me, looking at everyone. They nod encouragingly.
“Yes,” I breathe. “Yes,” I repeat more strongly. “But…” I trail off, looking over at Niall uncertainly.
His eyes are dark, understanding. He knows what I want.
“I’ll go with you,” he offers. Sebastian stares at him as if he has two heads but after he looks at me, backs off. The others seem confused now. “Everything we’ve done for the past four months, we’ve done together. We’ve always been with each other. We…we need each other at this point. It’s hard to do anything alone, let alone be alone.”
James nods, “every time I think about going back to Florida, I…I get all shaky. I know I’d have to leave you all and I can’t do that.”
“So, what are we going to do then?” Camilla asks, voice frail as she looks at each of us in turn.
“I like Virginia,” Sebastian says lazily, winking at me.
A slight blush covers my face. He’s never flirted with me outright before. I guess since we’re free now, free to go back to who we were and who we want to be, things will be different. Scratch that, things are already different.
“I do too,” Niall puts in, smirking.
“Niall was my only friend in North Carolina. It was only my ma and I,” Bradley comments. “I think she’d like it here. I know she’d like all of you.”
“I live in Grottoes so it’s no problem for me to stay up here for a while,” Cole tells us all genuinely.
“I’ll stay here if I get to stay with Alyson,” Camilla says sternly, a smile lighting up her face.
James looks at her. Slowly, ever so slowly, he nods.
“Everyone is staying here? With me?” I ask, seemingly shocked, but at the same time, it feels right.
This is supposed to happen. We are supposed to stay together. I have a slight problem with that, however. This whole Sebastian likes me, Niall likes me thing. I definitely have strong feelings for Sebastian, but at the same time, I have feelings for Niall.
He’s brash, but he’s a leader. He’s intelligent, passionate, and he cares. He puts up a front of not caring but deep down, he does care. He cares a lot. I think back to the first time I met him.
The car stops slowly, the tires hitting gravel as they slow. I look at Sebastian with wide eyes. What are they doing? Are we being given back to our families? The door right next to me opens and quick as lightning, Sebastian reaches out and grabs me, pulling me firm onto his lap. He raises his fists around me, completely ready to deck someone if the need arises.
His stomach is tense against my back. His sweater seeps warmth into my back. I need to stop letting him distract me.
“Hey, get your hands off o’me!” A British voice exclaims angrily. I freeze a little. Out of all the things I had been expecting, that was definitely somewhere down on the list, probably next to a magical unicorn riding in. Sebastian’s shaky hand runs down my arm until he reaches my hand. He grasps it tightly, letting me know he’s scared, too. “Oi! You won’t get away with kidnapping me, you bloody wanker!”
A blond boy with shockingly bright blue eyes is suddenly shoved into the car right next to me. He turns around quickly, prepared to fight it out, but the door is slammed shut. There’s a divider between the back and the front. It must be soundproof because I don’t hear anything from that end of the car.
In the back, the seats are all ripped out, leaving it bare except for three seats along the back window of the van, like a trunk. We have a lot of space to roam about. There are also a few blankets and pillows on the seats. Despite the situation at hand, it’s quite kind.
“Are you alright?” I ask the boy gently.
He looks to be about my age, maybe a little younger. He looks at me sternly, as if he’s sizing me up. Finally, he relaxes slightly.
“I’m as alright as I can be, I suppose. Thanks,” he adds as an afterthought. He quirks an eyebrow as he stares at me and Sebastian. I realize we’re still in the same position as we were. Blushing, I scramble off of him. “What’s your name, love?”
“Alyson Winters. This is Sebastian Collins. Yours?”
“Niall Lockwood. Why are these psychos kidnapping us? D’ya know where they’re taking us?” He asks, looking around suspiciously, as if the car’s walls have the answers to his questions.
I shake my head, letting him know that I have no idea what our kidnappers are doing.
We all go quiet, and I take the time to really observe Niall. His face is completely flawless, so symmetrical. His looks are godly. He has an extremely muscular physique, as if he works out ten times a day. On his left wrist however, are faint, white scars.
What happened to him to make him do that to himself? Is he okay now? He looks up, catching me staring. He holds my gaze for a moment before giving me a slow smirk, forgetting about our situation. Well, he ignores the situation until we come to a stop, the door opening. Screams reach our ears and we all exchange wide-eyed looks. 

I pull myself out of the memory, swallowing. Natalia. No, I can’t think of her. Niall was a completely different person before she was murdered. He was brash, hurtful before she was murdered. I understand. I’d be a different version of myself for a while too if my twin had been murdered right in front of me.
“Alyson, Niall, are you two ready to be escorted?” The kind police officer asks, very, very delicately, as if we’re glass falling, falling, falling towards the ground.
“Yes,” I reply, trying to sound stronger than I feel.
The kind police officer grabs my stretcher/bed and begins to wheel me out of the room. I hear Niall’s bed following me along. I’m more than scared. I mean, seriously, I can’t bear to see…disgust in their eyes when they look at me. It’s terrifying. What if they decide they don’t want me anymore?
“Okay, Alyson, your parents will be coming in shortly. A police officer, Daniel Smith, will accompany them into the room and then he will leave when he deems it safe to do so. Niall, we just got word of your parents. They’re twenty minutes away and will be here shortly. Your father says he’s sorry it took so long, they had to stop driving because they were crying too hard, and that they love you very much. Your mother said to add that they do not blame you for Natalia’s kidnapping or her death,” the kind police officer says. “By the way, my name is Karen Scott.”
Niall looks at me, a clear look of desperation. Now that he knows his parents are almost here, he’s feeling the same way that I am.
“Together,” I say softly.
“Together,” he confirms, holding his hand out.
I take it, entwining our fingers slowly, relishing in the feeling of his hand on mine.
“I’m scared,” I blurt. “I…I don’t want to see how disgusted they are of me. I look nothing like I used too. What if they decide I’m too messed up or damaged for them to love?”
Niall brings my hand to his lips, kissing it ever so sweetly, before staring at me with his intense blue eyes.
“They won’t,” he states. Sensing my protest about to occur, he continues, “but if they do, which they won’t, but if they do, you will always have me. And the others,” he adds hastily, a hint of a blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Thank you.”
He goes to say something, but the door opens and in walks an officer, presumably Daniel Smith. I freeze up, swallowing heavily. He steps out of the way and there, right before me, are my mother and father. I forget how to breathe for a moment. I forgot how beautiful they are. I forgot how much they loved me. I forgot my mom’s long, brown hair that is silky and smooth.
I forgot about my dad’s blue eye and his green eye. I forgot how my mom’s eyes twinkled when she was happy. I forgot how much my dad smiled and joked. In my almost four months of captivity, I had thrust away memories of my parents, too scared to even dream of seeing them again. But now…here they are.
A tear rolls down my cheek, and that is what sends my parents into motion. Mom rushes forwards a few steps, stopping abruptly about four feet away from me, Dad right behind her.
“Can I hold you?” She asks, voice full of unshed tears.
No one besides for them and my friends have touched me…
“Please,” I sob, letting the tears stream down my cheeks as everything catches up to me.
The fear of what would happen next, the exhilaration of the run through the woods when we escaped, seeing Bradley almost dead, watching Emma die, seeing the change in Niall once he saw Natalia’s death…it all catches up to me right then and there.
My mom collapses onto me, hurting me by the action, but there is so much relief all over her that I don’t even care that she is. Dad folds the two of us into his arms, holding me so firmly that it almost feels like the broken pieces of my heart and soul are being physically pushed back together.
“I’m so sorry,” I sob. “I am so sorry!”
“Shh, don’t apologize,” Mom whispers, stroking my hair gently.
We stay this way for a while, Mom stroking my hair, Dad holding me tight, and Niall holding my hand until I finally realize Niall might be frightened of them.
“Oh, um,” I start, cueing my parents into the fact they need to let go of me. “Mom, Dad, this is Niall Lockwood. He…he helped me through a lot. Niall, this is my mom and dad, Sarah and Clark Winters. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you, I promise.”
“Nice to meet you both,” he says kindly, but warily. “But Alyson, don’t give me too much credit. Sebastian helped you through more than I did. I was dead weight.”
I’m already speaking before I even start shaking my head, “no, you weren’t, Niall. You were a leader. You’re the one who organized the whole plan of escaping! We’d both probably be dead right now if you hadn’t have done that. We were saved because of you. As for Sebastian helping me more, I understand why. Your twin died, Niall. You saw her die. Don’t ever say that you’re dead weight.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead, he offers me a watery smile.
“Thank you,” Mom tells him emotionally. “Thank you for saving my Ally.”
Before he can say anything, the door opens and in comes Sebastian, without his bed.
“Sebastian? What are you doing in here?” I ask in slight shock. There are tears running down his face and he looks a mess. “Sebastian?! What’s wrong? What happened?” He hobbles over to my side, looking completely damaged and broken.
“My parents—” he begins to say, but he starts sobbing before he can finish.
“Come here,” I whisper, tears springing to my eyes as well. He climbs into the bed with me, laying on me like a pillow, holding me tight as he breaks in my arms. I kiss his forehead before stroking his hair like he always did with me. He calms down after a few minutes but still clings to me. “What happened?”
“Ally…my parents came. They—they took one look at me and said I was too messed up for them to love,” he admits, his voice broken and his face haggard.
I swallow, holding him even tighter, though it causes me immense pain to do so.
“Bash, I’m so sorry.”
“I have nowhere to go,” he murmurs, eyes glazing over with pain.
“Yes, you do,” I say vehemently. “You’re family. You all are my family. We are all staying together. Mom, Dad, can he—”
“Yes,” Mom replies instantly, Dad nodding. “Yes. How many of you are there, again?”
“Seven,” Niall whispers, a haunted look overcoming his face.
“Well, we have the carriage-house. We can renovate it to fit seven people and then some,” Dad suggests, a determined look crossing his face. “We need to get started right away. Ally, are you okay if I leave for a few minutes to make some calls?”
“Of course. Thank you.” He nods, kissing my forehead. “Dad, I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He is already calling someone as he walks out of the room, phone pressed firmly to his ear.
“Mom…who all is here?” I ask, holding my hand out for Niall to take without even realizing it.
He holds my hand firmly, his hand slightly shaky. His parents will be here any minute now.
“Your father and I, your sisters, Granddaddy, Jamie, Aunt Kathy, Jenna, Brent, Uncle Max, Uncle Sean, your group, and a whole bunch of other people from school and the community,” she tells me.
The door opens and in walks Daniel Smith again. Wow, I hadn’t even noticed he had left.
“Niall,” he says, stepping away to reveal a supermodel-like woman and an equally model-like father.
“Niall!” The woman shouts, clear relief and love all over her face.
“Son,” the man says gruffly, a tear already rolling down his cheek.
Sebastian clutches me tighter to him, his body shaking with silent tears again.
“Mom, Dad,” Niall whispers, releasing my hand to open his arms to his parents. They share an emotional reunion, before Niall introduces us. “Mom, Dad, this is Alyson. She’s…she’s probably the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met, inside and out. She’s the heart of us all, keeping us all together. And this is Sebastian. He kept us all going, even on the worst days. I’m closest to these two. Ally, Bash, this is my mom, Lana Lockwood, and my dad, Luke Lockwood. Oh, Mom, Dad, this is Alyson’s mother, Sarah Winters.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Mom says politely, shaking their hands, but Mrs. Lockwood pulls her into a tight hug, which my mother gladly returns.
“If only it were under better circumstances,” Mr. Lockwood says, to which my mother quickly agrees.
“Oh, my husband is outside talking on the phone to someone who is going to renovate our carriage-house into a huge place for them all to live in. Apparently, they all want to stay together here. Or, at least, that’s what Ally told me.” Gee, Mom, way to throw me under the bus.
“We do,” Niall sticks up for me. Thank you, Niall Lockwood. “Mom, Dad, I know this is weird, but I can’t leave any of them. We were all each other knew for four months. We went through so much together…they’re a part of me. I mean, Alyson is my heart and soft side, Sebastian is my brain, Camilla is my strength, James is my social side, Bradley is my fighting skills, Cole is my wit, Emma is my compassion, and Natalia…Natalia is my soul.”
“We’ll get a house down here,” Mr. Lockwood decides, his wife agreeing. “We’ll live close to Mr. and Mrs. Winters and you can stay in their carriage-house if it’s what you want. You all can come over any time you’d like. Lana loves to bake.” He smiles lovingly at her. She places a manicured hand on his shoulder, stepping a bit closer to Niall as well.
“I could really use some of your homemade croissants right about now,” Niall mutters, shooting me a look.
I return it easily, my eyes glistening with tears. He called me his heart and soft side…
“Hey, Mom? I never got told my injuries. How bad are they?” I ask, my curiosity peaked now.
I’m feeling more normal than I have in a long time. I look down at Sebastian to see he’s asleep. Good. He doesn’t deserve to see how happy we are with our families when he doesn’t have his parents anymore.
“Sweetheart, they’re bad. You’re um…” She trails off, looking at Niall.
“Mom, it’s okay. We’ve all…it’s okay,” I say lamely, not wanting to explain that we have all seen each other naked on multiple occasions.
When they actually did shower us, we had to all strip. They’d have us in a line, facing each other before spraying us down with a very pressurized water hose. It hurt so badly, but it was actually kind of worth it, because we were clean.
“Your uterus was extremely damaged. Luckily, the surgeons and doctors here fixed it in surgery. You’ll be in recovery from that for about two weeks. Your vocal cords were ruptured, but again, they fixed it in surgery. You’ll start to sound like yourself again in a few days.” When did I rupture my vocal cords? I don’t remember sounding any different than I do now… “You have a bunch of stitches all over you, but they’ll dissolve ranging from a few days to a month. Your right knee was dislocated, which they fixed. You’ll be in a knee brace for about six to eight weeks for that. Your left foot was shattered. Your doctor said it’s a miracle you made it as long as you did with that injury. They mended the bones in surgery, but you’ll be recovering from that for three months, if not longer. Your last major injury is that two of your ribs were fractured. It will take about six weeks to heal. You had a minor concussion, but everything is okay with that now. Other than that, you just have bumps and bruises.”
“That’s actually better than I thought it would be,” I mutter.
Mom’s face shows a look of slight horror, and she quickly looks away. I frown, looking down at Sebastian’s sleeping face.
“Son, I hate to ask this,” Mr. Lockwood says in a low voice, obviously not intending for me to hear. “But, if you and that sweet girl right there are together, why is Sebastian on her chest holding her so tightly?”
I pretend as if I hadn’t heard, instead focusing on my mom as she answers a phone call, sending me an apologetic glance.
“We’re…we’re not together. I—I think I love her, Dad. We all treated her so badly because we had no idea what she was suffering, but she still helped us every single time we got hurt. She was always there, helping, healing, fighting back. As for Sebastian…he was there first. Why is he there right now? Is that what you’re asking?” Mr. Lockwood must give his son some kind of confirmation because Niall continues, “his parents came. They took one look at him and abandoned him. He’s pretty messed up right now. All that all of us could think of while being there was coming home to our parents, being reunited with our families. And right when he thinks he has his, they leave. I can’t imagine…but, in all honesty, I thought you guys would leave, too. Alyson was a wreck before she saw her parents. As I’m sure you already know, they sent a video to her parents of her being…”
“Yes, yes, we already know,” Mrs. Lockwood states quickly, obviously upset about it.
“She thought her parents would be disgusted with her because they saw that video of her being…anyways, we all have our doubts about our families, our friends, our lives now,” Niall finishes.
“You said you all treated Alyson badly because you didn’t know what she was going through. What did you mean by that?” Mrs. Lockwood asks, voice a little louder now.
I turn, pretending I just now heard the conversation.
“She was being hurt the worst,” Niall mutters angrily. “They thought she was the weakest, so they hurt her the worst. I still remember the day we all found out she was being hurt worse than all of us…it was the day that the video had been filmed and sent to her parents. It was also the day that Emma was murdered. I was awful to her that day. After that day, I tried to be kind to her, but every time I saw her, I could think only of Natalia and how similar they are. Alyson is just as headstrong, strong, and lovely as Natty was.”
“Niall,” I whisper, causing him to look at me.
I put everything I feel for him in my gaze and he easily understands it, grabbing my hand again. Sebastian stirs, waking up.
“Ally,” he whimpers.
I have to let go of Niall, sending him a remorseful look before giving the boy in my arms my full attention.
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s okay, Bash,” I comfort him, stroking his head and rubbing his back. “I promise everything will be okay.”
“What if it’s not?”
“I’ll make it okay.”
“Promise?” He holds out his pinky.
I interlock it with my own.
“I promise.”
A doctor walks into the room, introducing herself as Laura Simmons.
“Alyson, I need to speak with you in private for a few moments. Would it be alright if I were to take you into a separate room? It shouldn’t take but a few minutes and then you can come back in here. It is urgent,” she tells me.
I look at my mom, whose eyes are wide as she wonders what could be urgent enough to interrupt this.
“Sure, it’s fine,” I agree. “Mom, could you help Sebastian while I’m gone?”
“Don’t you want me with you?” She asks in bewilderment and if I’m not mistaking, a little hurt.
I take a deep breath, ready to hurt her some more. I feel awful. We used to do everything together, but now I just…don’t feel the same about anything.
“I think this is something I have to do alone.”
Silence reigns in the room, Niall quirking his eyebrow, and Sebastian raises his head from my chest to stare at me inquisitively. I swallow heavily, a tick I do way too often. Even though I feel the weight of everyone’s stares, I don’t change my response.
A long silence stretches around us all. No one knows what to say.
“Um, I’m Sebastian,” Sebastian begins, looking at me for encouragement. I nod at him, that being the best I can offer. “This is Alyson, Niall, and Natalia.”
Niall glares at Sebastian for a moment, “what if they’re part of the people who took us?”
“Don’t be so brash,” Natalia chides her younger twin by three minutes and thirty-two seconds. “What are your names?”
“I’m Camilla and this is Emma,” a girl says from the darkness.
She slowly comes into the light, her features coming into view. She has dark brown hair that is shiny and luxurious. She must have come from money or maybe she just takes really good care of her hair. Her eyes are a dark brown, her nose centered directly between them.
Her nose is small but fits her face. It has a slight bump on the bridge, but it suits her. Her mouth is small, her lips following suite. She’s on the heavier side, her body curving gorgeously. Her skin is a dark brown, just lighter than her eyes which are the color of chocolate. She has a heart locket around her neck, which she is clutching tightly.
Emma follows Camilla into the light. She’s as skinny as a stick, no curves on her body. Her hair is a light brown, blonde highlights peeking in. She has green eyes and freckles all over her face and from what I can see, her arms and hands as well.
Her nose is big, but she doesn’t seem to care. I think it adds to her beauty. Her lips are full and plump, glossed with sparkles. She doesn’t seem to be wearing any jewelry, but she is wearing a worn-down scarf, which must hold some value to her.
“I’m James,” a guy offers, shyly going over to stand next to Camilla. “I like your locket.”
She looks up at him with furrowed eyebrows, looking as if she’s trying to decide if he’s kidding or not.
“Thanks,” she mutters, hurriedly looking away to her shoes.
James is a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes, freckles on his cheeks. He also has a mole right beside his nose and a birthmark on his left cheek which looks like a small drop of rain splattered on a sidewalk. He’s skinnier than Emma is, which is saying a lot, but he doesn’t seem to notice or care about it. His skin is dark too, but he seems to be more Mexican than black.
His wrists are bandaged, a bit of blood peeking through. Are they from himself or from the people who kidnapped us all? Would our kidnappers have bandaged him up? He looks up to meet my gaze, guilt in his eyes when he saw where I was looking. Self-inflicted then. But why? I shake my head at him with a small smile, trying to let him know he doesn’t need to explain himself to me even if I am curious.
It may be a trick of the artificial and dim lighting, but he seems to look super relieved.
“I’m Cole,” another guy sighs, not looking happy at all.
Cole has black hair, brown eyes, and a seemingly flawless face besides for the smattering of acne on his forehead and nose. He wears a silver band on his right wrist, it glinting in the light. He’s muscular and proud of it, by his dominant stance.
His arms are crossed, his head is high, his eyes are set in a glare, and he is standing tall and mighty. He is very intimidating. I shudder a bit, creeping a bit closer to Natalia, who looks at me, my same fears in her eyes. I like Natalia a lot.
She’s super nice and seems to be able to control Niall, which is good because he is a firecracker.
“And I suppose I’m the only one who hasn’t introduced themselves,” a new voice flits over to us from the farthest corner of The Hole. He struts out of the corner, head high just like Cole’s. “I’m Bradley, but you, Natalia, can call me anytime.”
My jaw actually drops. We were just kidnapped and thrust into this hole thing and he wants to flirt? The thought it dismissed before it is even thought of. How can I be such a hypocrite? Sebastian? And Niall? I’ve been flirting with both of them, I’ve got no room to talk.
But Bradley flirting with Natalia right in front of her brother…probably not his brightest idea. Bradley has dyed blonde hair, his brown roots peeking through. He’s wearing what seem to be colored contacts but could be a trick of the light.
He’s skinny and not that muscular but he’s definitely flaunting the muscle he has. I’m definitely judging the book by its cover here: I don’t like him. He’s too arrogant for someone in our situation.
“Don’t,” Niall snaps. “She’s my sister. Back off.”
He sounds defensive but also tired. Now that I think about it, I’m tired as well.
“Is that everyone?” I ask, looking around. No one else comes out of the shadows or speaks up so I’m assuming I’m correct. I nod to myself before looking at Niall and Sebastian. “What now?” I aim it at them, but everyone absorbs my words.
No one has an answer for me.

I snap out of the memory when Sebastian grudgingly gets up and hobbles over to my mom, who takes him over to a couch and talks to him, sneaking looks at me. Wow…I had almost forgotten meeting Camilla, Emma, James, Cole, and Bradley for the first time.
Of course, I remember meeting Sebastian, Niall, and Natalia most vividly. Speaking of Natalia…
The car door opens, screaming being heard from the opposite side. I perk up, eyes wide. I exchange a horrified glance with Sebastian, but Niall’s attention is elsewhere. He stares intensely at the open door, our freedom. But he doesn’t seem interested in that.
“Get your bloody hands off of me, you wankers!” A sharp yell echoes throughout the tiny space, leaving me staring just as intensely as Niall. That’s a girl yelling for her freedom, her accent thicker than Niall’s.
“Natalia?” He breathes, peeking out a bit. His question is answered when a girl is thrown into him, knocking him to the side.
“Hey!” I shout, rushing forwards to make sure the girl is okay. “Are you okay?”
“Thanks, love,” Niall says sarcastically since I didn’t ask him if he was alright, but then he quickly gets serious. “Natty, are you alright?”
The car door slams shut, and we begin moving again. Sebastian stays put, but his stare is fiery hot on the back of my head. Why is he staring at me like that? Shouldn’t he be worried about this poor girl who was just put in the same situation as us?
“You know her?” I ask curiously after she sits up, rubbing her forehead as if she’s in pain.
“She’s my twin sister,” Niall deadpans. I whip around to look at Sebastian, who looks even more shocked than I am, the fire in his eyes extinguished for now. “Natalia, are you okay?”
“Yes, Niall, I’m just dandy!” She spits, her English accent shocking me with how strong it is. “I wasn’t just kidnapped or anything. Who are you?” She suddenly fawns over me, causing me to be a little shocked. She just pulled a complete one-eighty. One second, she’s irritated with her brother, the next she’s nice as can be to me.
“That’s Alyson,” Niall sighs, looking frazzled as he runs a hand through his hair. He shakes his head at her, but she doesn’t seem to notice.
“Hi,” I whisper. “Natalia, right?”
She nods, smiling a bit, “I’m glad I got a girl with me! If I was just with Niall and that other guy, I’d be right pissed.”
She has honey-colored hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her lips are small but plump which really helps to enhance her beauty. She’s curvy, like an hourglass. The only word I can think of for her is gorgeous. I smile warmly at her, despite our awful situation.
“Me too,” I agree, liking her immediately.

Doctor Simmons gets my bed and begins wheeling me out of the room, walking quickly and efficiently, jolting me out of my memory of Natalia. Tears rush in my eyes, but I hurriedly shake them off. I won’t cry. Not right now.
Doctor Simmons takes me into an office of some sorts. My bed fits in there easily, her shutting the door behind her.
“We ran a bunch of additional tests on you once you got out of surgery, and we just got the results in. Alyson, I hate to say this, but you’re pregnant,” she tells me, sounding sincerely sorry.
The words barely register in my mind, my brain only focusing on one word: pregnant. Oh God, I’m pregnant. I’m only sixteen. I was kidnapped, tortured, mentally and physically scarred, raped, and now I’m pregnant.
“How far along am I, exactly?”
I’ll know who it is just based on this information. Please, don’t let it be him…He’s the one who scared me the most. I shudder, just thinking about him.
“Twelve weeks,” Doctor Simmons whispers.
Two weeks after I was kidnapped. So, the very first time I was raped. It was him. I should’ve known.
“Wait, so that means I’m almost into the second trimester?” I ask in shock, just now realizing what she had said. She nods, pain on her face. “Awesome. Just great. Can I go back now?”
“Alyson…you have options,” she tells me.
“No, I don’t. I already feel attached to the baby growing inside of me. I couldn’t abort my child,” I snap, my anger dying down when I see her face. “I’m sorry…it’s just…I thought I was in the clear after being rescued. But now…now it feels like I’m back in the hole, dying slowly.”
“You can make it through this,” she murmurs quietly. “Do you want to go back now?”
No, not in the slightest.
But even though I have no desire to go back to that room with my mom and the boys I am in love with, I have to go back now.
Completely against my will, I’m sucked into another memory, one that fills me with pain.
“What if they rape us?” Camilla asks worriedly, Natalia quickly nodding her agreement. Emma looks at me, pure fear in her eyes.
“And what if we get pregnant? I’m not having a baby with one of them!” Emma voices her fears. “My parents believe in waiting until marriage! If I got pregnant, they’d never forgive me!”
My heartbeat quickens as I realize this is something that we actually have to worry about. The guys have it easier. They only seem to want to beat them up, but us girls…they might want something completely different with us.
“Alyson, what do we do?” Natalia asks, her voice in a bit of a wail.
“What’s going on?” Niall booms across The Hole.
We look over at him, startled by the anger in his voice.
“It’s none of your concern, Niall,” Natalia spits at him. “Nothing that we talk about is none of your concern until you grow up and stop blaming Ally for everything!”
He snorts, turning back to Cole and Bradley, but they don’t seem to want to talk to him. Instead, they’re staring at us in worry. So is Sebastian and James.
“Alyson,” Emma hisses. “What do we do?”
“I-I don’t know,” I stammer, making sure my voice is loud enough for everyone to hear. “I don’t know what to do. I really wish I did. We just…we just have to be strong.”
“We have to be strong?” Niall mocks. A twinge of pain hits my heart and I grimace, backing down immediately. “No, you have to be strong, Alyson. You’re the weakest one here.”
“Stop it!” Natalia growls. “Stop hurting her like this! She’s in this as much as we are. You used to have a crush on her, Niall. Stop treating her like s***.”
“She deserves it,” he retorts quickly.
“Just leave it,” I tell Natalia. “In tough situations, people need someone to blame and let their frustrations out. I’m okay with being that person. Better me than anyone else here.” I try to smile at her, but I can’t help the tears that cloud my eyes. I stand up quickly, “sorry, I think I’m going to get some sleep.” My voice is choked, not my own.
“I’m sick of this,” Natalia snaps. “You don’t deserve his hatred.”
“Everyone hated me at one point. It’s okay, I’m fine,” I hurriedly say. “I have you, Camilla, and Emma. That’s more than enough.” I nod at them before going over to a corner in the darkness, sitting down and letting out a short breath. “I’m fine,” I whisper to myself.
But I’m not. What if I do get raped and become pregnant? What if Natty is raped? And Camilla and Emma? What would I do? What could I do? A grating sound echoes throughout the air, one that fills me with pure fear.
The Hole is being opened.

She wheels me back into the room, walking too fast, putting me back with my mother and the two guys I’m torn between in what feels like five seconds. Niall’s parents are gone. Doctor Simmons offers me one last sympathetic look before walking out of the room and shutting the door.
“So, what happened?” Mom asks worriedly.
Niall and Sebastian both stare at me, observing me. I can’t tell them yet, but at the same time, they will find out if I don’t tell them. I open my mouth, but no words come out. I close my mouth again, mentally preparing myself.
“I…they took some tests when I got out of surgery, just to be sure of everything,” I start, voice wavering. My hand twitches, wanting to go toward my stomach. I close it into a fist, refusing to show them any signs of the news until I tell them. “And they got results back today. One came back positive, the others I’m assuming are negative.”
“Which one came back positive?” Niall asks breathlessly, fear coating his voice.
Oh God, they might think I have cancer or something! I have to tell them and just get it over with.
“I’m twelve weeks pregnant,” I blurt, eyes widening when I realize just how badly I broke the news to them. I open my mouth to fix it but shut it quickly after. I can’t fix what I just said. It’s out in the open, and there is no going back from it. “That’s the test that came back positive.”
Mom claps her hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes. She turns around, holding herself. I close my eyes, wanting to scream and cry and shout until I can’t anymore. Sebastian puts his hands on his face as he lays on the couch, refusing to look at me.
Niall, however, puts the rail down on his bed and then puts the rail down on my bed. I look at him, tears blurring my vision. What is he doing? He slowly and carefully pulls himself onto my bed. My lip wobbles as I look at him. Oh, Niall…sweet, sweet Niall.
He adjusts himself, getting under the blankets with me. He cautiously and carefully puts his arm around me, and then his other arm, pulling me to his chest firmly. I wrap my arms around him tightly, squeezing my eyes shut.
“It will be okay, love, I promise. You have many people in your life that will help you through this, including me,” he tells me soothingly, kissing the top of my head. I want to ask him to promise it to me, but Sebastian might get angry. That’s our thing… “I swear it.”
Thank you, Niall. I can’t say the words aloud. I can barely breathe. As Niall’s arms tighten a bit more around me, and I let myself relax into his embrace, I realize I’m breathing just fine.
“You should sleep some,” he tells me.
I make a sound that might have been confirming it, but I’m not sure. I’m already falling into the best sleep I’ve had in months…
Who will they take now? Please don’t let it be me…I’m the only who’s been taken the past four times.
“Oh, Alyson,” he sings, walking down the stairs. The lights come on full force, a drastic difference from the dim lighting only mere seconds ago. “Time to go!”
I shut my eyes for a moment, my heart hammering against my ribcage. I will be brave.
“Okay,” I say, voice strong, unbreakable.
He finally reaches me, holding out his hand. I take it, allowing him to pull me up. He switches his grip from my hand to my forearm, gripping me tightly. I hold my head high. I will not allow anyone to see me break.
I am strong. I can do this. What’s the worst he can do?
Famous last words, right?

When I wake up next, I’m back with everyone else, still in Niall’s arms. James is laying in his bed, Camilla sitting cross-legged on the edge of it. They’re having a sweet conversation, the two smiling warmly at each other. Sebastian is on a phone, talking to someone. His face is emotionless.
What’s wrong with him? Oh. He’s probably still crushed by his parent’s rejection. I want to say something, anything, but I can’t. Not when I’m lying in another’s arms. Bradley and Cole are in their own beds playing a card game.
Niall’s arms move a bit, tapping against something. I hear the familiar clicks of a phone keyboard. We must have gotten our phones back. I perk up a bit, shifting in his arms to face him eagerly. He smiles at me, no, that’s not right.
He looks at me for a moment, the corners of his lips slowly turning up until there is a full, beaming smile on his face. I’m bathed in sunlight, warmth coursing through me. His blue eyes are a pool of water, his smile the sun. I’m not drowning, I’m swimming, I’m living.
I have the sudden desire to kiss him, shocking myself by that thought. I swallow, breaking his gaze to focus on literally anything else. His chest rumbles a bit, a small bit of laughter escaping his lips. My cheeks warm up as I realize he must’ve followed my train of thought.
“Did we get our phones back?” I ask, excitement clear in my voice. Niall nods, a smirk on his face as he hands me my phone. “Oh, I forgot how pretty it is…” I immediately log into my phone, seeing the hundreds of notifications. “Oh.”
I curl up further into Niall, never wanting to leave his arms. There are a few knocks on the door before a few people come in. People that I recognize.
“Oh my God, hi!” I say in complete shock as they come closer.
“You look awful,” George Davies comments, making me laugh a bit.
“Tell me about it,” I respond lightly, Niall tensing slightly. I put my hand on his, letting him know that George was kidding.
“Ally,” Penny Patterson, my best friend, chokes up slightly as she says me name.
“Don’t you dare get sappy on me,” I warn, already feeling slightly choked up myself. “If you cry, I’ll cry, and I’ve done enough crying already.”
“It’s true, she has,” Cole calls teasingly.
“Shut up,” I call back, laughing a bit. I face my friends again, seeing their faces change a bit. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing,” Ellie Jacobs says quickly. Courtney Smith, right behind her, smiles at me warmly.
“It’s good to see you,” she tells me. “We’re all really glad you’re okay.”
Caleb Hemp and Allie Andrews nod their assent.
“Thanks. It’s really good to see you all. Oh, right! Guys, this is Niall Lockwood, Sebastian Collins, Camilla Jones, James Cross, Cole Briar, and Bradley Waterson. You lot, this is George Davies, Penny Patterson, Ellie Jacobs, Courtney Smith, Caleb Hemp, and Allie Andrews. They’re my friends from school.”
Penny shifts uneasily, looking as if she really wants to say something, but George beats her to the chase, “are you pregnant?”
My happy smile drops, a frown developing on my face as I look away.
“Really?” Bradley snaps, Niall’s body tense and angry. “That’s the first thing you ask? No ‘glad you’re alive’, no ‘are you okay’? That’s awful. Are you guys even her friends?”
“Seriously,” Niall continues for Bradley, his voice soft but full of menace. “You really think she wants to think about that right now? She was just kidnapped and tortured for almost four months and you want to ask her if she’s pregnant? Maybe you all should go. We were all doing fine before you came in.”
“Alyson?” Allie asks in wide-eyed shock.
“It’s hard enough to be facing you all after what I went through,” I say quietly, not looking at them. “But it hurts extremely badly to feel like all you care about is knowing the best gossip about me to sell to reporters.”
“That’s not—” Ellie starts, but I silence her.
“Then why is your phone recording this whole thing?” I ask, pointing to her phone, which displays a recorder. “After being put into a dark hole where you can barely see, barely breathe, barely survive, you learn to pick up on the smallest of details. Please, leave. This is hard enough as it is.”
“You really found your strength, Ally,” James says fondly.
“I feel like a proud mother,” Camilla jokes.
As the door shuts behind my ex-friends, I make my own first joke, “isn’t that me?” Surprisingly, everyone starts laughing, even Sebastian, and we can’t seem to stop. “I love you guys.”
“Hormones,” Bradley teases me, to which I snort unattractively. “But I love you too.”
He escorts me into The Hole, smiling wickedly. I feel lifeless, empty, broken. I feel nothing, but I also feel everything. I can feel every single thing he did to me. Everyone stands, observing me closely. I don’t look at them, instead keep my eyes on the ground.
“Goodbye, Alyson,” he sing-songs. “I look forward to our next meeting.” He brushes my cheek with his hand before leaving, the grating of The Hole all that can be heard.
“Alyson?” Natalia asks hesitantly, coming forward a step.
“I’m fine,” I say, voice hard. “Nothing happened. He just talked to me.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Niall yells, having reached his breaking point. “While the rest of us are getting beat until we aren’t even conscious, he just talked to you?”
I’ve had enough. I’ve tried to be strong, I’ve tried to be his punching bag, but I can’t do it anymore.
“You want to know what really happened, Niall?” I seethe, looking him straight in the eye. He visibly backs off, but I don’t back down. I won’t. He’s been too rude for too long. “I can’t breathe, I can’t feel, I feel empty! I don’t want to live anymore!”
“What did he do to you?” Natalia asks, gently now, as if she already knows.
I look at her, my eyes filling with tears. I shakily bring my hand up to my head, trying to calm myself down.
“Oh, Alyson,” Emma gasps, figuring it out quickly. Camilla catches on, her hand flying to her mouth.
“No,” she whispers, voice raw.
“Can I come hold you?” Natalia asks, her hands up in the air.
I take an immediate step back, my entire body filling with fear. I rapidly shake my head, freaking out.
“No, no, no, no,” I chant, bumping into the wall. I shriek a bit, jumping away.
“What the hell happened to her, Natalia?” Niall asks, sounding more shocked than angry.
“I was…I was…I was raped,” I admit, voice empty again. The guys visibly recoil, pity all over their faces. “Natalia, what do I do?”
“You let me hold you while you cry and let it all out, and then we figure it out from there, okay?” She says very gently, as if I’m a child that she is responsible for.
She slowly walks forward, making sure her arms remain in the air, so I see her hands at all times. Finally, she reaches me, her arms circling me firmly. I stiffen, but she keeps her hands where they are. I suddenly fall into her, sobs erupting from my throat uncontrollably.
“It was awful,” I cry. “He would hold me down, but then he’d let me go. As soon as I tried to get away, he would choke me.”
“I’ve got you,” Natalia whispers, holding me a little tighter. She sounds strong. I believe her. She’s got me.

Two weeks go by, all seven of us hating the hospital more and more. Finally, we’re told that our families are signing the release forms. My parents were signing for Sebastian, which did little to improve his disastrous mood.
He’s been horrible. All he does is make belittling comments and such. Just this morning he told me he could really see how fat I was getting. I’m fourteen weeks pregnant! I’m simply showing! I’ve grown way closer to Niall as a result of that, which he doesn’t like at all.
Even now, he’s glaring at the two of us as we try to decide which picture I’ll post on my Instagram page as a way to show everyone that I’m back.
“I like this one,” he says, pointing to a picture of us. His arms are wrapped around my waist, accentuating my pregnant belly even more. He’s kissing my cheek, his eyes closed and relaxed. I’m beaming, my hands over his.
“I look so pregnant it in though,” I pout.
Camilla overhears and laughs, “Alyson, you are pregnant.”
I pout even more. Niall leans in and kisses my cheek, lingering there for a moment.
“Better?” He teases, hand on my thigh.
“Way better,” I agree, picking that picture. “What caption should I use? Never mind, I have one.”
I type quickly: I’ll be answering all questions here at once! I was kidnapped for three months and two weeks along with eight other people, two of those people were murdered but their lives still live on in us, I’m fourteen weeks pregnant, and the man in the picture is Niall Lockwood, my best friend. Yes, he was kidnapped, too. Thanks :)
“Too brash,” Niall instantly says, taking my phone from me and typing his own caption.
Hey, everyone. These past few months have been the hardest in my life, but I assure you, I’m okay. I went through a lot of physical and mental pain, and things are harder than they ever have been, but I’m trying very hard to return to some sense of normalcy, hence me posting this on social media. Please don’t treat me any differently than you used too. PS – yes, I’m fourteen weeks pregnant and extremely self-conscious about it so don’t call me out on it. PPS – this is my boyfriend, Niall Lockwood, who will mess you up if you mess with me :) PPPS – this was written by said boyfriend, Niall Lockwood.
Before I can even say anything, he hits post. A phone dings on the other side of the room. Sebastian’s phone. I look up at him, gauging his reaction. He glares at his phone, putting it away in a huff before storming over to us. Oh, why does he have my post notifications on? Wait, how did he get my Instagram username?
“You two are together, then?” He asks angrily.
“Sebastian,” I say gently, but Niall has other plans.
“No, not yet, not officially, but that is the direction in which things are heading. Now, mate, you better choose your next words very carefully, especially if they are aimed towards Alyson,” he says dangerously.
They’ve switched bodies. Sebastian used to be the one to defend me like that. Niall used to speak to me like that. I don’t know what to do anymore. I swallow heavily, standing up with slight difficulty. I sit down in my wheelchair.
“Sebastian, can I talk to you in private please?” I ask him, being gentle and sweet.
“Sure,” he agrees, grabbing the handles of my wheelchair with a frown. My legs couldn’t withstand the crutches, since I’m super weak from malnourishment and repetitive torture. It’s awful. My body doesn’t feel like my own anymore. He escorts me out of the room, where I tell him it’s okay for us to stop.
“You can’t get angry about this,” I tell him. “I understand that your parents abandoned you, and I am sorry for that, but it’s not my fault, and you can’t take it out on me. I’m sorry that in a short span of time I’ve gotten extremely close to Niall, but he’s helped me through everything since we got here, and I can’t let him go.”
“But you can let me go?” He asks, pain clear in his voice. There’s a desperation in his eyes, begging me to take my words back.
“That’s not what I said,” I say, voice wobbling. “I didn’t say that. You helped me through everything when we were held in that hole, Sebastian, I can’t let you go either.”
“You have to choose, Ally,” he says, looking away, extreme pain on his face.
“Choose between you?” I ask incredulously. “I can’t choose! I won’t choose! Niall and I aren’t together, Sebastian.”
Niall chose that exact moment to appear, giving me a wounded look as he shuts the door behind him.
“Then what are we?” Niall asks, face blank.
“Niall, I—”
“No, Alyson, please explain,” he says, sounding emotionless. The boy who just called himself my boyfriend and kissed my cheek is long gone, replaced by the boy I had known in The Hole. “I’d be pleased to hear what you have to say.”
“Yeah, Alyson, please tell us what you mean to say,” Sebastian states, crossing his arms over his chest, mimicking Niall.
“You know what? I’m tired of being nice,” I snap, tears rising to my eyes as I realize I may be losing both of them right now, at this moment. I’m not strong enough to lose them. I can’t lose them, but I know it might be my only option. “Sebastian, you’ve been horrid to me for two weeks! Yes, your parents left, but you still had me and everyone else here. I understand that you’re hurt, but all of us are. You have no excuse to be horrid! And Niall, you know how big Sebastian’s role in my life is, and you have to get used to it. I am so tired of being stuck in between the both of you. If you want to behave like immature fools, please go right on ahead! But I refuse to play into it. I am going to be a mother soon, and I can’t deal with this. I have to try to make a good future for my child, a child that I don’t want to have at sixteen, a child that I got because I was raped. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go freshen up.”
Tears streak down my face as I wheel away in a rush. My hand is on my stomach, holding my baby through the thick layer of skin. It’s at that moment exactly that I realize I don’t get to get off easy just because I survived my kidnapping.
A piece of me thought that since I went through actual hell I’d be happy for the rest of my life. I used to think that if I got out of the hole and away from hell, I’d be fine. I didn’t realize there would be an inevitable aftermath.
I didn’t realize I would get pregnant, that I would lose the two boys who mean the world to me. I didn’t know I’d lose my friends. I didn’t know that I would lose everything I used to have. After everything I’ve been through, I don’t know if I can make it through this.
Somehow, someway, in some form, this may be even worse than constant torture. No, why did I even think that? I’m out of the hole, away from my kidnappers, away from that damn forest. I am in the clearing. But there is no food or water.
I need to stop thinking like this. I’m putting myself down and making the situation way worse than it is. I sigh, going into the waiting room to see if my parents are in there. They’re not. But someone else is.
“Uh, hi?” I ask, it coming out as a question.
“Hello, you must be Alyson Winters, correct?” The man asks, holding his hand out for me to shake, which I do, somewhat hesitantly.
“Yes, I am. May I ask who you are?”
He facepalms quickly, looking as if he’s angry with himself, “right, sorry! I got a bit too excited there. My name is Lawson Leeman. I’m an independent journalist. I blog on a website called, ‘Truths Uncovered.’ Have you heard of it? No, probably not, ha. I know I may be overstepping by a lot here, but is there any chance you would allow me to interview you? I feel you have a lot that needs to be said. I was also informed that you want to be a journalist and are already an author.”
I trust my gut on this one. I’ve never heard of this Lawson Leeman and his blog, but my gut is telling me that I can trust him. I do have a lot that needs to be said. There are many truths that have been hidden, and it is my job to reveal them to the world.
“When can we begin?” I ask.
“Right now,” he says excitedly, helping me over to two chairs. “Now, please, if I ever overstep or make you feel uncomfortable at any time, tell me. You don’t mind if I record this, do you?” I shake my head, indicating I don’t mind in the slightest. “First question. Where were you all kept?”
“We were kept in a hole. It was hidden underneath a sewer lid and that’s why no one ever found us. Our kidnappers made it specifically for keeping us in there. They had dug underground and renovated it into their own personal torture chamber. I can still hear the grating of the lid being opened and closed.”
“That sounds horrific. Some people that were kidnapped forget about their old lives and focus in on their new one. Did that ever happen to you?”
I hesitate, not entirely sure of how to answer the question, but I do, “Sort of. I never forgot of my old life and my old experiences, but I began to block out pieces of it. I blocked out my parents, my family, my friends, because thinking of them made it harder to breathe.”
“Harder to breathe? How so?”
“I realize now that some of it could be related to a pregnancy symptom, but I would get so overwhelmed sometimes that I wasn’t able to breathe. Elaborating on the whole pregnancy symptom thing, shortness of breath is commonly reported during pregnancy, but I don’t know, maybe I didn’t experience it or maybe I did. I don’t really know. I had panic attacks all the time. It was awful.”
Lawson opens his mouth to ask another question, but the door opens suddenly, stopping him from doing so. Two police officers walk inside, weapons in hand but not raised.
“Alyson, I want you to back away slowly,” the female officer states firmly.
“Why? He’s okay, he hasn’t done anything!” I fight back against them. “I’d know if he was one of my kidnappers. I’ve memorized every single detail about them. Believe me when I say he has no part of any of it.”
I’m harsh even though the officers don’t deserve it. They’re just doing their job. A bad feeling sits in my stomach. Who have I become?
“No, Alyson, it’s quite alright,” Lawson says slightly nervously. “You are under constant supervision since your kidnappers haven’t been caught. Anyone could be dangerous towards you and the others. I’d be perfectly happy to let them search me.”
“Alyson, dammit, there you are!” Camilla snaps unhappily as she comes into the room, seemingly unfazed by the situation. “Come on. We’re leaving.” She’s wearing normal clothing, which looks weird. She’s in a blue short-sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans. “You have to change first.”
“Wait a moment,” I plead before turning to Lawson. “Your blog. Is it a way for me to contact you to finish our interview?”
“Yes, it is,” he tells me, sounding pleased that I want to continue it. “Have a nice day.”
“You too,” I reply, finding that slightly odd for him to say. Camilla grabs my wheelchair and wheels me towards the door, bidding the officers a goodbye. She takes me into our old room, where no one is in. “Where are the others?”
“Waiting for you,” she mutters. “Come on, let’s get changed.”
“Why are you so angry?” I exclaim, hurt. She drops the bag of clothes on the couch angrily, turning to me in a huff.
“We just got our lives back, Alyson. We’re in the clear now. But all you want to do is start drama and make everyone turn on each other! Niall and Sebastian were right good friends before you came along!” She yells.
I can’t help but miss Natalia more than ever in this moment. She wouldn’t have blown up at me like this. She’d understand. But, sadly, Camilla is not Natalia as much as I wish she were and as awful as that sounds, I can’t help it.
I rear back, hurt flying in my chest. I swallow back tears as I reach a shaky hand past her and grab the bag. I take out a red maternity shirt and blue maternity jeans. I undo my hospital gown and slowly change, taking my time to get out of it as it’s a bit hard to get out of a gown while in a wheelchair.
She doesn’t look at me. She just stands there while I struggle.
“I didn’t want any of this, Camilla,” I say quietly. “I never wanted any of this to ever happen. We may have gotten out of the hole, but we did not get our lives back. We are not in the clear. Things get worse before they get better. I am sorry that I cause too much drama for you, but I don’t do it intentionally. Niall posted the picture with that caption this morning, not me. Sebastian made a big deal over it, not me. I am partly to blame because I’m in love with both of them, but I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry.”
Niall and Natalia have been gone for hours. I’m starting to get really worried about them. No one’s ever taken for longer than two hours. It has to have been around four or five by now. Emma and Camilla have asked me multiple times when I think Natalia is coming back to which I didn’t have an answer too.
Sebastian is currently sitting beside me, his head in my lap. Our pinkies are interlocked, a small but comforting reminder of all the promises we’ve made to each other.
“I’m sorry I can’t save you from all of this,” he sighs, sitting up now. He releases my pinky, instead pulling me into his lap. He rests his head on mine, our faces dangerously close. “If I could get you out of here, I would in a heartbeat.”
“There’s no use wishing for the impossible,” I remind him, my hand moving to his chest. His grip tightens on my waist, as if not agreeing with what I said.
“It keeps me sane,” he admits quietly. Our noses brush, but I don’t mind. He’s the only guy that I can stand to be close too after being raped. It took a few days which I think is still pretty damn impressive. “What keeps you sane?”
“You and Natalia,” I tell him honestly. “Whenever I feel bad, I just think about the two of you. I think of how much you care for me and how angry Natty would be if I just gave up.”
“She’d be so pissed,” he chuckles a bit, making me perk up instantly.
“You just laughed,” I say in amazement, a smile crossing my face. “Oh my god, I’m smiling. Maybe we can get through this. With you and Natty by my side, anything is possible, right?”
“We are going to get through this. Me, you, and Natalia,” he agrees, rubbing my back comfortingly.
The grating is suddenly heard and we both stiffen.
“Natalia,” I breathe, scrambling off of Niall’s lap to a standing position. He quickly follows, wincing. I don’t ask him if he’s okay. I’m more focused on the light pouring into The Hole.
“Hey, let go of me!” Niall sobs. My eyes widen. Is Niall crying? “Let go of me, you monster! Natalia, Natalia, please! Please, Natty, you’re okay!” His cries are cut off as he’s shoved down the stairs, landing in a heap on the ground.
The grating suddenly picks up again, The Hole closing.
“Where’s Natalia?” I ask.
“Thanks, love,” Niall spits out. “I’m glad to see you care about me.”
“Now’s not the time for a fight. Where is Natty?” I ask, my heart beating in my chest.
“She’s dead,” he forces out, choking up again. “They killed her right in front of me. My sister…my sister is dead.”
Natalia…is dead? No, no, this can’t be happening. Natalia cannot be dead. I forget how to breathe for a moment. Emma begins to cry, holding onto Camilla for support, who looks just as shocked as I do.
Cole shakes his head, sitting down and putting his face in his hands. James puts his head against the stone wall, shaking slightly. Bradley stares at Niall in openmouthed shock.
I go over to Niall and fall into him, crying with him. His arms surround me. Even though he hates me, and I’ve grown to loathe him, we’ve both lost Natalia and that’s more important than anything. He cries into my neck, my tears hitting his shirt.
She can’t be gone...but she is. Natalia is dead. She was so warm, so strong, so full of light. And now she’ll never go home again. She’ll never see her boyfriend, or her mom, or her dad again. She’ll never get to cheer or dance again. She’ll never be able to grow up. She’s dead.

I pull the shirt over my head carefully, remembering my concussion and my fractured ribs. Camilla turns around, tears in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Ally,” she blurts, hugging me. “I’ve been ignoring you and not even calling for how you might be feeling in all of this. Here, let me help with the jeans.” I look at her gratefully, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget how mad she sounded or how distraught she looked when she yelled at me.
A few minutes later and she’s helping me out of the wheelchair. I don’t want it anymore. She gives me the crutches and I being using them, finding it difficult, but I know I can manage. I have to be able to manage.
Camilla is abnormally quiet as we walk towards the elevator. I want to ask why, but I’m a little afraid she’ll lash out and be angry with me again. We take the elevator down to the lobby in silence. Neither of us are happy.
I want to reach out to her, let her know I’m still here for her, but the words don’t leave my mouth. Instead, I keep them inside of me, making my heart shrivel a little. It’s harder than words can explain, being so close to my closest friend, yet feeling so far away.
I know that things are different now, with Sebastian and Niall and I being in this weird drama slash romance circle. I want to make try to change that, to go back to how things used to be. But by doing that, I’m allowing negativity and pain and cruelty into my heart. Can things really ever go back to normal?
The last time we were as we were was when we were kidnapped, stuck in a hole that promised nothing but devastation and fear and pain. Now that we’re out of The Hole, I guess we’re all slowly turning back into the people we were before we were forced together. I don’t even remember what normal feels like.
Who was Camilla before our kidnapping? Was she bold and sassy? Smart and sweet? A daredevil? A rule-breaker? Who was Sebastian? Broody and angry? Happy and kind? Athletic and popular? And who was Niall? Handsome and perfect? Amazing and shy? Bold and athletic? Who were they before it all?
Who was I before it all? That mere question almost makes me stop walking out of the elevator. Luckily, I catch myself and continue moving forwards. Who was I? I remember being happy and sweet. I remember getting overly angry over dumb things. I remember arguing a lot.
But it feels like those memories aren’t even mine. Like they’re someone else’s, being forced into my own brain because that person didn’t want them. I know I’m Alyson Skye Winters, but maybe I’m just that: a name. My name is everywhere lately. My story, my rescue, my daunting captivity, my love triangle, my pregnancy, everything that is supposed to be mine is now everyone else’s.
Am I going to be more than my name? Am I going to be more than the girl that was kidnapped and pregnant? Can I be more than that? How do I distance myself from Alyson Winters, survivor, and become Alyson Winters, person? People treat me like an object rather than a person nowadays.
“Ally, what’s wrong?” Mom asks gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. All eyes are on me. Mom’s thumb swipes my cheek, and I suddenly realize I’m crying. I bring my own hand up, wiping the tears away immediately.
“Nothing,” I say, voice harder than intended. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine. It’s just hormones.”
Bradley and Cole exchange an uneasy look. They both know for a fact that I hate it when people say I’m acting out because of my hormones. I’d never use that as an excuse. Dammit, why didn’t I think of something else to say?
Luckily for me, no one challenges me on what I said. Good, they know not to mess with me right now. I don’t think I would be able to control my temper if someone had said something to me about it. As we all walk towards the doors that grant us freedom from the hospital we’ve been confined in, all I can think about is what things will be like when I actually get home.
Everyone else gets to start over at a new school, new house, new place. Me? I’m just coming back to the place I was kidnapped from. I don’t know how to feel about it all. All I know is that there is a child inside of me that I am responsible and many wounds that need to heal.
“Ally, you can open up to me,” Mom says quietly as we reach the double doors that grant us freedom. All of us stop, staring outside of the hospital in stunned silence. There have to be at least three hundred people, reporters, and officers out there. “Don’t worry, the car is right there, and the police are blocking off the public.”
“I don’t want too,” I mutter, pushing past her. At that moment, I become the first person to break back into reality, limping my way out of the doors and out of the hospital. I didn’t do it to be the first or out of spite, but because I didn’t want to be near my mom or near any of them at that moment in time.
I got what I wanted. Screams erupt around me, my name is called and screamed, and the police are holding back crowds of people that won’t leave me alone. Panic wells in my stomach, a flutter erupting in my mind. I must stay calm. I cannot break down.
But what if they are watching? I shudder involuntarily, reaching the car and struggling to open the door myself. As I struggle to open the door, the screams still around me, I have the sudden urge to throw my middle finger up in the air.
Who was there when we were all kidnapped? We were in Charlottesville the whole damn time! What’s stopping me? Absolutely nothing. On a whim, my middle finger soars up in the air, flipping everyone that’s screaming, recording, or even just standing there off. And it feels great.
“Leave us alone!” I yell back at them.
“I’ve got it,” Niall says from next to me, opening the door and helping me into the front seat.
“Thanks,” I whisper, looking away from him and focusing my gaze onto the ground resolutely. A small sigh escapes his lips and he gets into the car as well, sitting in the very back. Everyone slowly piles in, looking wary and nervous.
“That was actually pretty badass,” Cole says, sounding pretty happy.
“Thanks,” I say, a little warmth in my voice. “It felt pretty damn nice. You should try it. It’s a good way to let out your frustrations.”
“I think I will try it,” he muses.
I get out my phone. I see a text from my ex-boyfriend, Seth Beck.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry for everything you endured. I really hope you get better soon. I’m so proud of you.
I squint at the text in confusion.
Thanks. But why are you proud of me?
The three dots show up, indicating he’s typing a reply. After about a minute, a text pops up.
Do you not see what you’ve done? You conquered hell, you beat it. You are now free and are standing up for yourself. You protect all of your friends like they’re your family. You are pregnant and taking it all in stride. You’re doing so great. You’re amazing, A, never forget it.
“Who’s that?” Sebastian asks, snooping. I jerk my phone away, turning to glare at him.
“No one,” I hiss, typing a reply and sending it, tears in my eyes from Seth’s response.
Thank you.
“Come on, I know we fought earlier but it’s all good now,” he insists.
“No, Sebastian, it’s not all good now. You can’t blow up at me for no reason and then act like everything is fine. You don’t get to do that.”
An awkward silence reigns in the car, until Niall breaks it.
“Look, Alyson, we’re sorry. We didn’t mean to cause you stress. We just…want to know where we stand with you and what you want,” he tries to explain but I shake my head.
“I get that you want to know what we are, but the way in which it happened is not okay, and for right now, I’m not going to just let it slide without so much as an actual apology,” I state flatly, frankly upset they feel as if they can just demand who I want and gang up on me like that. “Discussion over until we’re in private.”
I face forwards resolutely, extremely unhappy at this moment. I hate to say it, but it’s hard coming to terms with all of this. I was supposed to be happy after everything that happened. Don’t I deserve to be? I was kidnapped and taken hostage, tortured for over three months.
Why am I unhappy? Why do I get dealt yet another short stick? Do I really deserve this? I thought I deserved happiness after everything I’ve been through, after everything I’ve gone through, everything I’ve experienced. So, why am I forced to deal with everything I have to be dealing with?
I’m pregnant at sixteen, I’m in a fight with two boys that apparently are in love with me, I just got rescued from being kidnapped, I’m going back to my hometown with the people I was kidnapped with. Is this really the right decision for me to be making?
I can’t just be thinking about me now, I have to remember I have an unborn child in my stomach. This isn’t just about me. I have a baby now.
Laughter springs up from the back of the car, causing unwanted tears to rise in my eyes. I want that. The unbridled laughter they’re having right now. A piece of me wants to turn, ask what they’re laughing about. It’s surprising. Their laughter.
It’s still such a new sound to me. The only laughter I heard from when I was kidnapped was from him. He would laugh at the destruction, at the obvious pain he was causing me. It would make me feel even more helpless, even more hopeless.
I would give up a little more each time he laughed at my defenselessness. I didn’t think it was funny. What about raping a sixteen-year-old girl is funny? None of it is, it never will be. I can’t come to terms with anything these days.
My mind is a jumble, scrambled up into teensy-tiny knots I just can’t seem to pick out no matter how hard I try. All of this is just insane. I mean, the whole concept of me getting kidnapped is crazy, right? You never think it will happen to you until it happens to you.
Until suddenly, you’re not the carefree girl you’re supposed to be. You’re suddenly trapped in a hole with a whole bunch of strangers and then you’re being taken out of that hole and you’re put in the outdoors, with miles and miles of woods around you as you’re brutally tortured and you’re screaming, and screaming, and screaming, but no one can hear you.
No one will ever hear you. And that’s what I was. It’s what I still am. I’m still screaming my head off, begging for help, but no one sees me, no one hears me. No one can save me if they can’t hear or see me. I can’t make sense of it.
I’m so obviously begging for help but not obviously enough apparently. Apparently, I’m fine. Just hormonal. It’s just my pregnant body making me scream, making me cry, making me lash out. Maybe some of it is.
But most of it isn’t. I am recovering from a traumatic experience that I don’t know how to deal with, how to fix. Can I even fix myself? Is that even a possibility at this point? How can I fix myself when everyone expects me to be ‘okay,’ after what I just went through?
I don’t know what to do. I’m trapped in those endless miles of woods, screaming, begging, fighting, calling for help. I don’t think I can ever leave them. How can you? There’s no exit. Even if I start running, can I find the exit? Is it a possibility? Is there even a way out?
Maybe there’s not. Maybe there’s no way out. I’m doomed to stay in these woods, these endless miles of woods, never to come out, never to be free, never to be happy. How am I supposed to be a good mother? A good daughter? A good friend? A good anything when I’m stuck like this? Forever. I’ll never get out.
“Ally?” My dad’s voice is quiet, trying not to alert any of the others to our conversation, but everyone is suddenly quiet. “I know that all of this is really hard for you. I know that you just went through absolute hell. But you need to understand that not everyone is against you. You can open up to me and your mother. We’re here for you, just like we always have been.”
Frustration wells in my stomach. Can everyone just stop suffocating me for two minutes? I just want to be left alone! I haven’t been truly by myself in four months! I force myself to calm down, though, because it’s painfully obvious how hard Dad is trying.
“I know you guys are,” I whisper, looking at my bulging belly. “It’s just hard. For right now, I can’t talk about any of it.”
“You can,” he argues.
“What do you want me to say, Dad? Do you want me to go into detail about being raped and tortured? Because I will. There were eight men who kidnapped all of us. One of those men fell for me, apparently, because I was the only one he touched, the only one he wanted hurt. He loved hurting me. He loved hearing my screams. He would laugh at me when I cried. He would continuously belittle me. Sometimes he wouldn’t even physically touch me, he’d just talk to me. He would lure me into a false sense of security by telling me he had plans to release me, and I fell for it every time. As soon as he knew I was believing it, he would then smile at me, and tell me what he would do to me once I was released. He would let me go into the woods and then follow me, hunting me. He actually did it one time. I tried so hard…I made it about ten steps before he shot an arrow into my side. And oh, how he loved to rape me—”
“That’s enough,” Bradley snaps. I stop ranting, breathing heavily.
The unfamiliar sound of The Hole opening hits me ears. A grating sound that is way too loud echoes around the large sewer space. Footsteps hit the metal steps, clanging in my ears. Bright white light suddenly comes on, making me shut my eyes in pain.  I edge closer to Sebastian and Niall, them both stepping in front of me and Natalia protectively.
“Welcome!” A man says, grinning broadly at us. He seems to be around the age of forty, maybe a bit younger. He’s muscular, overly so. He seems to be one of those guys who drink too much protein shakes and constantly work out.
He’s bald, his head dark. His face is light, however, the look in his eyes show nothing but darkness and evil. His eyes seem black. I don’t look any closer to see the color they might actually be. He’s shockingly handsome, but the guys around him are anything but.
There are about seven or eight people surrounding him, all in their late fifties to sixties. Most of them are large men, balding and ugly. Only one of them are skinny, but his looks are frankly terrifying. They look like poster kidnappers and murderers slash molesters.
I don’t know what scares me more. The fact that the main man is eerily gorgeous or the fact that the other guys are terrifyingly hideous.
“My name is Adolf,” the man continues, smiling at us charmingly now, grin long gone. “After Adolf Hitler, obviously. I had my name illegally changed about four years ago that way no police could track me down.” He looks directly at me now, “Alyson! Pleasure to finally meet you. You’re even more beautiful in real life. We’re going to have lots of fun!”
“H-how do you know my name?” I stammer aloud, my voice small compared to his booming voice.
He narrows his eyes at me, suddenly strolling forwards menacingly.
“Did I give you permission to speak?” He spits out, forcing Sebastian and Niall out of the way. He looms over me by a good two feet, intimidating me and scaring me to no end. I quickly shake my head. “No, you don’t get off that easy, sweetheart. There are rules around here. If they are broken, there are punishments. Here’s yours.”
He doesn’t do anything for a moment. What is he--? An excruciating pain hits my face somewhere, and I am suddenly falling to the ground, clutching my face in pain.
“Nice meeting you all,” he sneers, walking out with his cronies following him.

That’s the exact moment he became he and they became they.
“Isn’t this what you all want? Me to open up? To tell you all what happened to me? You can’t ask me to do something and then interrupt and get pissed off when I actually do it!” I snap, reverting back to reality.
This argument is going too far, I can stop it, but I won’t, especially when fueled by the moment I met him and them. People are pushing me too far today, and I refuse to back down this time or sit in silence.
“Sorry for asking,” Dad says stiffly, hands tight on the steering wheel.
“Sorry for answering,” I sneer. “You don’t get to act like the victim here. I went through hell. I was kidnapped. I was raped. I’m pregnant at sixteen years old!” I’m breathing heavily, losing it a little bit.
“Who are you?” Dad asks softly, his eyes never once leaving the road. “I don’t see any trace of the girl I raised. The girl I raised was grateful, kind, loving. She never once raised her voice or got angry when people tried to help her.”
For some reason, those words hit me hard. A breath leaves my lips, desperate. He looks over at me, regret clear in his eyes.
I shake my head, looking at my fingers now, heart beating fast. I don’t say a word, though there are many in my head. A desperation clings to my mind. I want to be normal. I don’t want to be pregnant. I don’t want any of this. Yet, this is my life. I don’t have a choice in this anymore.
I pull out my phone and go onto Instagram, looking at the picture Niall posted onto my account. It has over three hundred likes and about one hundred comments. I click on the comments and scroll through them.
You’re so strong.
You’re great, mama.

“Niall! Alyson! You guys need to come see this!” Camilla’s urgent voice drifts up from downstairs, shocking us both. I hurriedly get off of the boy I just kissed, grabbing his hand before rushing the two of us downstairs to the others.
They’re all crowded by the television in the living room, a news channel clearly on display. Bradley turns up the volume, looking pale.
“…the stolen seven left the hospital today, Alyson Winters leading the charge, looking determined despite her troubles. She even flipped everyone off! Niall Lockwood was quick to follow, opening the door for her as she struggled to get in. We weren’t the only ones to have eyes on the new couple. The couple and the other five freed captives’ kidnappers’ have struck again. They have kidnapped sixteen-year-old Macey Michaelson from her home in Staunton, Virginia. Police have released one bit of information to us, that Macey’s kidnapping happened the exact same way that Alyson Winters’ did,” a news reporter explains, looking grim.
A breath escapes my mouth. I stumble backwards, falling right into Niall’s arms. I grab his arm tightly, needing some reassurance which he quickly provides. I entwine our fingers together, knowing he needs me just as much as I need him in this moment.
We’re all frozen, unable to tear our gazes from the tv in front of us. What do we do? They’re done with us…they’ve already moved on. We can’t let this happen to more people. Not after what happened to us. I will not allow another poor girl to be raped and become pregnant as I did.
Of course, this has to happen the day we get allowed our chance to return to some semblance of a normal life.
“What do we do?” James asks, looking perplexed as he breaks the silence.
“Us? We do nothing,” Cole snorts. “It’s not our problem.”
“It is our problem,” Camilla argues, standing besides James defiantly. “We can’t let other people go through what we did!”
“I agree,” I comment, finally regaining my voice. “Macey Michaelson was kidnapped the same way I was. If it’s going exactly the way I think it is, I only have two weeks to save her before she is raped for the first time.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Bradley intervenes, his eyes on me. “You were raped for the first time after the second month. You were…gang-raped remember?”
“No, that’s not true,” I whisper. “It happened in the second week, remember?” Niall and Sebastian already know, seeing as they were, along with my mother, the first people I told about my pregnancy. “Did you all think I was lying for attention?” Silence reigns in the room again as no one answers my question, not even Camilla.
“How long are you going to hold that over us?” Cole snaps at me, eyes blazing a cold fire.
“What do you mean? I’m not holding anything over you!” I seethe, seeing red myself. “If I was holding it against you, you’d know it, trust me. Do you want me too? Because believe me, I will. Just say the goddamn words, Cole.”
“That’s enough for one day, Alyson,” Sebastian says coldly. I turn my eyes to him. “All you’ve done today is create drama and anger.”
I shake my head, tearing away from Niall. Tears blur my vision.
“I am trying my best to be okay. I am tired of being constantly blamed for everything around here. This is my house, that my parents have allowed you guys to live in. We are supposed to stick together, but it feels like everyone is against me. Now, I think I’d rather go ‘open up’ to my parents or whatever the hell that means than be here any longer,” I snap angrily.
I shake my head again, putting my hand on my stomach as I open the door and make a way to leave. Movement spurs in my peripheral, making me freeze and look up. It’s him. The one who ruined my life. Standing right on the edge of my property, a brick in one hand, a cloth in the other.
I lose my grip on reality for a moment, just staring at him. Hands suddenly grab my arms, yanking me inside of the carriage-house. The door is slammed shut, and I can hear the locks being clicked shut, everyone bursting into commotion.
“Alyson, Alyson, come on, it’s okay, you’re okay. He can’t hurt you. We won’t let him anywhere near you, I promise,” Niall is saying, holding me tightly against him.
“We’ve got your back,” Cole says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “We’re a team.”
I pull away from Niall, feeling disoriented.
“Thank you, guys, for pulling me inside. I couldn’t look away,” I admit, my voice sounding far away. “How…?”
“I don’t know,” Bradley growls. “But we’re going to find out.”
“Milla’s on the phone with the police,” James says hurriedly, peering out of the window, fear obvious in his movements.
“He’s proving a point,” I whisper. “That I could be his again in an instant. He’ll never let me go. I’ll never be free.”
“Don’t say that,” Niall argues. “You will be free from him. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Some poor girl is about to go through exactly what I did! What we all went through! And knowing them, they’re not going to stop at nine this time…” I trail off, wondering just how many innocent lives they’ll kidnap. 
We did this… We escaped. And because we escaped, we started this whole big mess that won’t end. How did it come to this?
“What are we supposed to do, Alyson?” Bradley asks in exasperation. “Give ourselves up? We just got our freedom back.”
“We’re not free,” I say harshly. “Not with them still running, especially now that they’ve started kidnapping again! It won’t stop.”
“It’s not our place,” Cole agrees. “You can do what you want, but I’m going to live life to the fullest now that I’m free. Besides, he’s only after you. The rest of us are fine.”
The words hit me like a bullet, and I know it shows on my face. I stand abruptly, Niall’s eyes widening.
“He didn’t mean—” Niall tries, but I hold up a hand, effectively stopping him.
“It’s been a long day,” I murmur, moving my hand to my stomach, wanting only to protect my child. I close my eyes briefly, taking a breath in and letting it out. “When the police come, I don’t want to speak with them. This isn’t going to stop. I just have to learn to deal with it.” With that, I slowly move upstairs, to my room.
I close the door behind me, locking it before turning around. I gasp, finding Sebastian on my bed. When did he leave the living room?
“What-what are you doing here?” I ask.
“I don’t know,” he admits, standing up, putting his hands in his pockets. He looks ten years older than he did mere minutes ago. His eyes are haunted, and his face is gaunt. Has he been eating? “I’m sorry about today, Ally. This isn’t how things were supposed to be at all.”
“I know,” I agree, sitting on my bed. He follows, the bed dipping under his weight. His pinky slowly stretches out towards my hand. I look at it for a moment before interlocking my pinky with his. “I’m scared.”
“I know,” he echoes me. “We can get through this.”
Can we? Ever since we were saved, things seem so bleak. I’m being far too negative…but I don’t know how to be positive. I don’t know how to carry on as if things are fine, as if we’re all fine. Because none of us are fine.
We’re all damaged, hurting, lashing out at each other because we’re too afraid to admit that we know something horrible is happening. We know we can stop it. It’s just they don’t want to stop it. Whereas I…I want to stop it.
I know how awful it was for me there, and I never want anyone to feel that pain. I never want anyone to feel the absolute confinement and betrayal that I suffered. No one should ever feel like an object. No one should ever be beaten, laughed at, spit on, betrayed.
“What are you thinking about?” Sebastian asks gently, taking my hand fully now, entwining our fingers.
I look down at them, feeling hurt.
“There’s something you should know,” I say bravely, looking at him in the eyes. His face changes a bit. His jaw tenses, but his eyes show me he already knows.
“You kissed Lockwood. I know. I…was walking by to see if you were okay. The door was cracked. I saw you kiss him,” he tells me honestly, his voice even.
“I…I don’t know what to do,” I say honestly. “I’ve never dealt with this kind of situation and I…”
I’m cut off as he suddenly leans in and kisses me passionately. His lips mold with mine, my bottom lip trapped between his. I gasp, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue inside of my mouth. Unable to hold back, I begin to kiss him back.
His hands move to my waist, pulling me closer. I grip his hair with one hand, my other hand on the side of his face. My thumb traces a pattern on his cheek. Our tongues explore one another as fast as possible, not stopping for a moment’s hesitation.
A sudden knock at my door makes me pull away from Sebastian immediately. My eyes are wide, hectic, as I look from the door to Sebastian.
“Alyson? I know…I know you’re hurting right now, but I’m here for you,” Niall’s voice reaches my ears.
Guilt and shame flood me.
“I know you are,” I call. “I’m talking to Sebastian right now, but I’ll find you in the morning?”
There’s no response for a moment, and I think he’s gone away.
“Okay,” he finally says, voice sounding…disappointed.
I bite the inside of my cheek, really feeling the pressure of it all now.
“That kiss,” Sebastian starts but I shake my head.
“We can talk about it tomorrow,” I whisper. “I need to be alone right now. Goodnight.”
“As you wish.” He kisses my cheek, lingering for a moment. He unlocks my door and walks out, looking back to smile at me. He shuts the door behind him and then he’s gone.
I’m alone. For the first time in months, I’m alone. I let out a long breath. I have so much to think about and mull over. Sebastian and Niall. Niall and Sebastian. Sebastian or Niall. Niall or Sebastian. I know it’s selfish to want both of them, but I do.
Both of them have impacted my life in so many ways. They’ve both changed me into better versions of myself. How can I possibly choose between them? I know that I have too. Before the kisses, things were already moving fast, but now…I don’t have a choice. I have to choose between them.
And Bradley and Cole. They’re tired of me. They’re so tired of me and my drama. Camilla…she’s never been more distant from me. It’s my fault. All of it is my fault.
I change into pajamas and brush my teeth before getting into bed. I grab my phone and scroll through Facebook lazily, ignoring the mass of notifications. A text appears on the top of my phone.
This could all stop so quickly…you know what you have to do.
My heart stops in my chest. I feel my face drain of color. I was right. I can stop this. No one has to suffer.
When? I reply, heart moving up to my throat, tears in my eyes.
In three days’ time, at exactly nine pm. Meet me at the brick pillars. I’ll be waiting.
I don’t bother to reply. In three days, I’m going to be with them again. I’m going to go through everything again. They’re going to abort my child. A fierceness suddenly rushes through me. My child will not be harmed at all.
I can truly stop this. Not with self-sacrifice, but with manpower. I’ve been looking at it the wrong way this entire time. I’ve been looking at everything the wrong way. I don’t have to sacrifice myself in order to save everyone else.
They are quite brilliant, as much as I loathe to say it, but they aren’t that brilliant. They can’t hack into phone companies or access any of my phone records. There were no computers, no technology besides for the occasional cellphone while I was there.
They aren’t technologically savvy. Lucky for me, there are people here who are. I’ve been shutting everyone out, thinking they can’t help me. I thought I was the only one who understood my pain, my weaknesses, my nightmares, but I was wrong.
I’ve been wrong about everything since being kidnapped, since being rescued. There’s so much to do, so many people to talk too, so many things to do! My heart melts. But first…I need to make my choice. In that moment, it’s so easy. It’s never been easier to make a choice.
I throw back the covers and practically leap out of bed. I rush to the door, opening it and running the two steps it takes to knock on Niall’s door quickly.
Only mere seconds later, the door opens, revealing the man that I love.
“I know that I’ve led you on, hurt you…and Sebastian kissed me today,” I blurt. His face remains impassive. This is not how this was supposed to go. S***, how do I fix this? “He kissed me with passion.”
“Alyson, I don’t want to hear about that,” he says, shaking his head and looking away. His arm remains on the door, as if he wants to shut it.
“Wait!” I stop him. “Just listen. He kissed me with passion, as if I was air and he was drowning. Yes, I kissed him back. And then you knocked on the door, full of concern. I can’t be his air. When I kissed you earlier, it was gentle…sweet…you were making sure to be gentle so as to not hurt me. You were gentle to make sure I knew this was going at my pace. You’ve been so loving, so caring. We’ve both made mistakes. But…Niall, I’m in love with you. I am so in love with you,” I finish my rant, breathing heavily.
I finally find the guts to look up at Niall. His jaw’s slightly unhinged, his eyes are glassy, and his cheeks are red.
“I’ve been in love with you since day one, love,” he murmurs, pulling me into a loving embrace. I hug him back, feeling safe in his arms. “You need to tell Sebastian.”
“I know,” I whisper, pulling back to plant a soft kiss on his awaiting lips. I smile at him. “I’ll be right back.”
He watches me go, pointing out Sebastian’s room. I thank him with a smile before knocking on Sebastian’s door. Now, my heart begins to race, and my palms are sweaty. He opens the door, shirtless with sweatpants on.
“Alyson?” He’s confused.
“You’re a great guy, and you helped me through so much, but I have to follow my heart. My heart’s led me to Niall. I’m sorry, Sebastian,” I whisper, feeling awful.
His face doesn’t change, “I know that already. I knew it from the moment you kissed him. I just had to kiss you once before I let you go. I love you, Alyson, and I respect your decision. Goodnight.”
He shuts the door immediately, leaving me feeling confused and sad. Despite it all, I hope I still have his friendship. I breath in and out, staring at the shut door in front of me. After a moment, I turn around and go back to Niall’s room, finding him in his bed.
I shut the door behind me and crawl into his arms, where we don’t say a word. Instead, we simply hold each other and sleep peacefully. No nightmares or memories cloud my dreams. Instead, there’s nothing but light.
The next morning, Niall awakes before I do. He presses a soft kiss to my forehead before going into the bathroom to get ready. I slowly open my eyes, reveling in the soft morning light that fades in quietly through the white, gauzy curtains.
I move my hand to my stomach, feeling the baby bump. A smile graces my face as I think of a living, gorgeous baby inside of me. I think of the date in my mind, mentally calculating how many weeks pregnant I am.
My smile widens. It’s the tenth. I’m now fifteen weeks pregnant today. In two weeks, I go back for my mid-pregnancy check-up and find out the gender of my child. My smile drops once I realize that the day after tomorrow, I confront him.
I won’t be alone. I am not alone. I have Niall, Sebastian, Camilla, James, Bradley, and Cole. I have my parents. I have the hundreds of people who believe in me on social media. I have my family. I have my friends, even though we’re not on speaking terms.
Most importantly, I have Emma and Natalia. I have to do this for them. They would never forgive me if I went in that situation alone. They’d want me to do everything in my power to catch them. I’m doing this for them, for the girl that was kidnapped yesterday, for my fellow captives, for myself.
The door to the bathroom reopens, revealing Niall. He smiles at me.
“Good mornin’, love,” he greets, climbing onto the bed to hug me.
“Hold that thought,” I whisper, climbing out of bed and going to my room to brush my teeth and get dressed. I put on a red, long-sleeved maternity shirt that clings to my bump. Only yesterday I felt shame of my bump. Now, I feel empowered. I also put on blue maternity jeans.
I leave my hair down, only running a brush through it. It’s messy, but I don’t care. I quietly re-enter Niall’s room, finding him in the same position as before. I close the door behind me, slowly crawling onto the bed.
I climb on top of him, leaning down to kiss him happily, before remembering what needs to be done.
“Niall, something is happening soon,” I tell him seriously. He puts his hands on my waist to secure me before pulling himself into a sitting position, placing me on his lap. I straddle him, so I can face him directly.
“Tell me,” he replies, concern in his gentle eyes.
“I need you to hear the whole story before you say anything, okay?” He nods, arms tightening around me. “Ever since we were kidnapped, I’ve felt so alone. I thought I had no one but myself. Even when we were rescued, I still felt that same solitude. Yesterday…when he showed up, it was a message to me. I knew he wouldn’t stop until he got me. He texted me, letting me know that I could stop it. I…I was going to give myself up.” I pause, looking down in shame. “I asked him when and he gave me a date, a time, and a place. That’s when I realized I didn’t have to do this alone. Niall, we can finally end this. They aren’t tech savvy, we all know this.”
“That’s how they’ve evaded authorities. Because they aren’t tech savvy,” he reminds me.
I nod, “exactly. They can’t hack into my phone, they won’t know anything is happening until it does. He is the ring-leader. If we get him…”
“We get all of them,” Niall breathes, eyes wide. “Blimey, love, you’re one hell of a genius.” He kisses me lovingly, our lips molding into one glorious kiss that takes my breath away. “Come on, we have so much to do.”
I get up, grabbing his hand.
“For the record, I’m extremely glad you realized you’re not alone,” he adds. I smile up at him. “Let’s do this. Let’s end this.”
We hurry downstairs, finding everyone already up and watching the news, grim looks on their faces.
“What happened?” I ask, worried.
“There’s been another kidnapping,” Camilla informs us grimly.
My heart drops. Niall’s hand grips mine tightly, pulling me closer.
“Her name is Allison Monroe,” James says gently.
I look away, going closer to Niall. His body brushes mine, emanating heat and warmth. His hand leaves mine, his arm travelling around my waist to pull me close to him.
“I know how to end this,” I blurt.
“We’re not sacrificing ourselves,” Bradley deadpans, Cole agreeing.
“That’s not my plan.” Shock reflects on everyone’s faces. “I’m not alone. I have all of you.” Bradley’s jaw actually drops. “I know I haven’t made things easy on any of you, especially Niall and Sebastian, but I realize now I was depressed. I know it doesn’t excuse my actions, and I will make things up to all of you, starting with this. He texted me, letting me know that I could stop this. I was given a date, a time, and a place to meet him and sacrifice myself. I was going to do it, but then I realized something.” I nod at Niall, who goes on for me.
“They aren’t tech savvy, right? They can stalk us all they want. They won’t find this out, especially if we make it seem as if we’re not doing a thing. I’m sure the officers will make that happen, especially if it means capturing these bastards. We can end this now, and save Macey and Allison,” Niall finishes, sparing me a glance.
“We’ve…we’ve been through a lot. We all know this. And they put us through hell. We deserve to win, but first, we have to make it seem like we’re going to lose,” I go on. “I know that we’ve hated each other, loved each other, and worked together, but in these next forty-eight hours, we have to love each other like we’ve never loved anyone, and we have to work together like our lives depend on it. If this doesn’t work, we’re in big trouble. Are you in?”
“I’m in,” Sebastian chimes in, smiling at Niall and me. “I’m your brains, remember, mate?” He teases the Brit, who laughs.
“Right you are,” he retorts.
“And you,” Sebastian mock growls at me. “I’m proud of you. About damn time you realize you’ve got a whole army. Let’s end this.”
“Wait a minute,” Camilla says, looking between the three of us. “Sebastian and Niall are friends again; Niall and Alyson are…together? And Sebastian and Alyson are friends again? What the hell is going on?”
“Ally made her choice,” Sebastian lets everyone know gently, “and it wasn’t me. But her and Niall are a good fit, and I treasure both of them and their friendships. Besides, I made a promise to Ally to always protect her and these next hours are when she’ll need me most. And Niall…he’s my best friend. I’ll be damned if I let him go.”
“That sums it up quite well,” Niall comments.
“I’m in,” Camilla agrees. “But if we’re announcing things…James and I are together.” She blushes, her tanned skin reddening.
“About damn time!” I shout, making everyone go into shock again. “Come on, you guys can’t not have noticed how close those two were? Always making sure they were near each other? Always helping the other? Always staring at each other? Come on, I know you guys aren’t that dumb!” At their blank faces, I shake my head, “congrats, guys.”
“Thanks, Ally,” Camilla says softly.
“I’m in,” James agrees, holding his girlfriend’s hand.
“I don’t like it,” Cole says, shaking his head.
“Why?” I ask, surprised. I thought he’d dig it, since it meant we wouldn’t be sacrificing ourselves.
“The deal is for you to meet him, right? If things go wrong…Alyson, you’re pregnant. Not only are you pregnant, but I think of you as a sister. This is dangerous,” he admits, staring at me with complete seriousness.
“I see where you’re coming from, I really do, but we’re going to get everyone in the book to help us with this. I won’t be alone, and if things do start heading south, I’ll be fine. The moment he acts out, he’ll be dead or shot.”
“Fine,” he agrees grudgingly.
We all look to Bradley, who has yet to make a decision.
“I want them to pay as much as anyone else, but I don’t like this. We went through a lot. Alyson, I completely understand why you want to do this. You and your baby’s life are in danger. But my life isn’t in danger. I’m sorry,” he says lamely.
I swallow, looking at the ground for a moment.
“I can’t stop you. If you want to go, then go. I just think you’ll regret it.” I look at him in the eye. He nods, heading towards the stair.
“Hey!” James calls angrily, getting his attention. “What happened to sticking together? We are here for each other, we help each other. It is not just Alyson and her child’s life at stake, it’s Macey’s, it’s Allison’s, it’s Emma’s, and it’s Natalia’s!”
“It’s not just about me, Bradley,” I cut in, just as angry as James now. “If sacrificing myself was all it took to prevent any of this from ever happening, I’d do it. But that’s not the case. Emma and Natalia did not die just for you to turn around and say that this is about one person. From the beginning, it was about them. Their sick, warped minds. They started this. We are going to end it.”
“You don’t know?” Bradley asks me harshly, a laugh flitting from his mouth.
Niall hisses, Sebastian shaking his head rapidly.
“Don’t,” Camilla snaps. I’ve never head her so angry before.
“Let’s not do this,” Cole advises. James glares.
“What—” I stop a minute, looking at everyone around me. They’re all staring at Bradley, but he’s staring at me. “What don’t I know?”
“You actually don’t know,” Bradley scoffs, looking at the five people around me. “Cowards!”
“What don’t I know?” I repeat, fearful now. Bradley looks me square in the eye.
“You’re wrong. You started this. He saw you one day, immediately falling in love with you. He started planning your kidnapping. He found some guys with the same mindset as him and together, they started planning our kidnappings and our torture. They told us this in the beginning, which is why we all hated you. We all blamed you for our hurt, our pain, our tortured lives! We liked when you were hurting, when you were in pain. It made us feel good, because finally, you were getting what you deserved. But for some goddamn reason, Natalia loved you. Emma followed Natalia like a blind puppy.
“They saw something in you, which made Camilla start liking you. Niall and Sebastian had loved you from the start, not that you ever cared. Or did you not even see it? You were too blinded by your own pain. Anyways, somehow, we all got it into our heads that it wasn’t your fault. We hated ourselves because we caused you extra pain. But that doesn’t stop the fact that you did this to us, to our lives. I will never stop blaming you,” Bradley seethes, stopping now. He breathes heavily, staring at me.
Slowly, regret crashes onto his face like a wave.
“Alyson, wait,” he starts, but it’s too late.
It was all my fault. I did all of this. I would stay up for hours, wondering why everyone hated me, why no one would try to help me or even talk to me. Now I know. I take a gasping breath, fighting to breathe. I did all of this!
All of this could have been prevented. A hand lands on my shoulder but I shake it off, turning around and running out of the house.
“Ally?” My mom’s worried voice reaches my ears, and I turn to her, eyes wide, panicked. “Ally, what’s wrong?”
“It—it was all…it was all my fault!” I tell her, fighting to be okay, fighting to breathe, fighting to stay conscious.
“Alyson, you need to calm down,” Camilla says gently.
“I can’t—calm down!” I hiss, putting my face in my hands. “I did all of it! All—my—fault!”
“Ally, it wasn’t your fault,” Mom says soothingly, coming closer.
“You don’t know that!” I shriek. “If you knew what I knew, you’d hate me too!”
“We don’t hate you,” James tries to say.
“I need to be alone!” I scream, breaking into a run.
I run as fast as I can, right across the trafficked highway, not even caring about anything. Woods spring up around me, but I don’t even care. I did everything. Everything was my fault. I’m going to stop this, by myself, the way it started. It started with me, and it will end with me.
I never thought that I was capable of such self-hatred, but I am. I was just starting to think I wasn’t alone. I was finally coming to terms with everything. I’m an idiot.

“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” his voice reaches my ears.

“It was all my fault,” I whimper, turning around to face him. The man who haunts my dreams is standing right before me. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Even now, I can’t resist feeling betrayed by him.
“Sweetheart, if you would’ve known, you would’ve done something crazy, like what you’re doing now,” he relays. “You just put yourself in extreme danger. We weren’t supposed to meet until the day after tomorrow.”
“It has to stop,” I whisper. “It started with me, it can end with me, right?”
“Will you let Macey and Allison go?”
He laughs, “always thinking about everyone else but you. What about our baby?” I shudder.
“We can raise him or her together. We can be a family.” I practically choke out the words. I can stop this. I don’t need any help.
He c***s his head to the side, narrowing his eyes, “do you promise?”
“Will you let Macey and Allison go?” I repeat my question, but then rephrase it: “and everyone else you may have kidnapped?”
“If you promise that, I will kill the idiots, free the slaves, and we will have our happy ending.” He’s serious. I think of his word choice. He called them idiots…and he called those poor girls slaves…
“I promise,” I tell him. “Can we go? I’m really tired. I don’t have to be back in The Hole, do I?”
“No, no, you don’t. I know you won’t run away.”
He comes closer, so close that we’re touching. I swallow as he brings his hand up to the side of my face, the other hand gently resting on my bulging stomach. He nods once, before stooping down to pick me up bridal style.
I fight the hurt in my heart. I fight the regret in my head. I’m doing the right thing. I’m saving lives…at the risk of my own. My hand drifts to my stomach. I’ll protect you, little one, don’t you worry. Nothing will ever happen to you.
We reach a sheltered truck, him opening the door and putting me in. I buckle my seatbelt, staring ahead hypnotically. He gets in the other side, starting the truck. We begin to move, the engine strong but quiet.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to speak to the…”
“Slaves,” he tells me, knowing what I want.
It’s odd. I thought that I’d be freaking out if this ever happened to me again. My hands are steady, my heartbeat strong, my mind made up. I know I have to do this.
“I’d like to speak to the slaves,” the word is forced out of my mouth, tasting awful, “before you release them.”
“Sure,” he agrees easily.
I’m more than a little surprised, but I don’t question it. I thank him quietly, resting my head against the glass of the window. We don’t talk for the remainder of the ride, both of us keeping our eyes trained on different places.
When I notice him about to turn, I suddenly interest myself in watching exactly where he goes. He turns right, onto a partially hidden road. You have to know where it is in order to see it. He goes straight, trees looming in the distance. I recognize those trees.
I ran for my life in those trees. I swallow, my heartbeat beginning to race. My hand automatically goes to my stomach, a silent promise to my child. I force myself to remain calm. I am going to survive. No one is going to stop me.
I will take him down, no matter what it takes. I will come out of this strong, unshaken. We continue down the dirt road, going further and further into the darkness of the woods. I see the metal building coming into view. I have to stop myself from letting out a fearful cry.
I am not a child. I am sixteen. I am a survivor. I am a mother.
“We’re here,” he says, getting out. I get out as well, my legs feeling shaky. I begin to walk towards the building, him right behind me. “I need to take care of the guys first. I want you to watch.” I look at him sharply.
“Why?” My voice wavers.
“I want you to see them suffer, of course,” he tells me with a wicked grin. “They hurt you, didn’t they? You want them to suffer.”
As much as I hate to admit it, he has a point. It’s not fair that only I get to see them suffer, though.
“Can you record it? And send it to my parents?” I ask, feeling vengeful and evil. He chuckles, nodding.
“You’ll be standing on the other side of a one-way mirror. I run this show, they’ll listen to me.” I nod, allowing him to lead me into a room with an open door. “I can leave this open, right?”
“I’m not going to run or go anywhere. Trust me, this is something I want to see,” I assure him, already staring into the mirror angrily. “Actually, can you shut it? I don’t want them to see me.” He nods, closing the door behind him.
“You can lock it if you’d like,” he offers, to which I do.
His footsteps retreat, and then he’s gone. I take a deep breath, feeling uneasy and wrong. I just allowed him to take me again. And what’s worse, I don’t entirely hate him. Oh no…I might have Stockholm Syndrome.
I don’t like him romantically at all, I could never. He is a monster. But I don’t mind being in his company, especially now that he isn’t going to hurt me. He wouldn’t do that now that I’m carrying his child. I just have to survive these next few minutes, and then I can free the captives.
That’s when it hits me. He’s killing all of his guys first, before releasing the captives. I knew he wasn’t the smartest. One, he’s trusting me. Two, he’s allowing anything I ask. And three, he never was the smartest, even when I was the kidnapped one.
We can all overpower him if we work together! They shouldn’t be hurt, not if they’ve been here for a few hours at most.
The door to the other room opens, and a few of them walk in. Only three of the eight. There was one of them for each of the stolen nine. Slowly, the other five trickles in, followed by him. He begins speaking.
“I have something new I want to try with the slaves,” he announces.
“What is it?” One of them ask eagerly.
I swallow heavily. That guy is the strongest of them all. He would hold me down and beat me until I wasn’t even conscious anymore, and even then, he’d still beat me.
“I need to try it on you guys first, just to make sure the mechanics work. I won’t hurt you guys,” he says, suave and brash.
They exchange looks but nod regardless. He begins to move around them, shackling them to the wall by their hands and their feet. Once he’s done, he grins wickedly. He pulls out a gun, pointing it at the first guy’s leg. He looks over at the mirror, right at me, and winks before pulling the trigger. The man’s yells don’t even make me cringe. He deserves it.
I can’t look away as he shoots every single one of them in various places. Their screams of rage don’t even faze me. In fact, I smile. I want to laugh, but not even I am that evil. After he’s shot all eight of them, he brings out a knife and stabs them all in the gut, retracting the knife immediately each time.
My smile drops as they begin to do their best to writhe away from him. Do they really deserve this? I close my eyes and drown out their screams, waiting until it’s over. I can’t watch anymore. No one deserves that…
Two rapid-fire knocks sound on the door to the room I’m in. I force myself to open my eyes, feeling horrified. I look into the other room, almost screaming when I see the absolute horror and chaos in it. Every single one of the eight men were mutilated, completely torn apart as if they were animals.
In this moment, I am forced to humanize them. Yes, they kidnapped me, they tore me apart, they made me feel like nothing. But I survived, and I am something. They should have just rotted in prison. But now they are dead, suffering the worst punishment: torture and death.
They completely ruined my life and my friends’ lives. But they should have faced justice, courtrooms, public hate. They should not have died this way. This moment is when they become they.
“Alyson?” His voice reaches my ears. “Are you going to open the door?”
I quickly stand, making my way to the door and unlocking it, opening it wide.
“Sorry, I got lost in thought,” I apologize swiftly, feeling unattached from my body.
This doesn’t feel real. None of this feels real. Did I really sacrifice myself for everyone else? I was a fool. He just ripped apart eight men, limb from limb.
I can’t overpower him. Now I may never see my home, my family, or my friends again. Niall. Oh, my sweet, sweet, Niall. I abandoned him. He was ready to be there for me, he was always there for me. Never once did he leave my side.
And Sebastian…he made a promise to protect me. He will blame himself for this. Bradley! They will all blame Bradley for my running away. And my poor mother and father…and my family! They didn’t even get to see me, yet, and now they might never see me again.
I’ve made a horrible, awful mistake, and there is no going back from it. I’ve never felt so stupid in my life. All I thought about was myself and not all of the people who love and care about me.
“Ready to go release the slaves?” He says it so flippantly, as if he doesn’t care.
And maybe he doesn’t. Was I all he wanted this entire time?
“Yes,” I whisper, allowing him to lead me down the long, steel hallway.
After mere seconds, I’m standing in front of the Hole. My entire life was ruined in this awful, circular hole. But now I will be saving lives. Macey and Allison no longer have to fear for their lives.
He flips a red switch and the Hole begins to open, the grating noise filling my head and bringing me to awful times that I will never be able to forget. I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing.
“You can go in there and talk to them. When you’re done, just call. I’ll be cleaning up my mess,” he tells me.
“Thank you.” He nods, turning on the lights for the Hole.
Whimpers and a slight scream rise up.
“Shut up!” He screams, and the noise stops immediately.
I don’t look at him again as I begin the descent down the stairs, the Hole closing behind me, entrapping me with the captives. As I get closer I’m forced to realize that there are more than two teenagers down here.
My eyes are wide and horrified as I begin counting the people. Nine. They already had kidnapped nine innocent people in the span of forty-eight hours. Or maybe more than that? What if they had started kidnapping as soon as we escaped and got rescued? That’s why they didn’t come after us.
“Are you going to hurt us?” A boy asks warily, from where he’s in the front of the group. It’s almost as if he’s protecting them all. He reminds me of Niall and Sebastian. They were always the first to bear the beatings if it meant our kidnappers would leave sooner.
“No!” I quickly say, my hand clutching my stomach at the mere mention. “No, I would never hurt any of you. My name is Alyson Winters. I was the original.”
Recognition flares in their eyes.
“Why are you back here? Are you insane?” A girl spits, seeming more awed than angry, however.
“Most definitely,” I sigh. “He and I have a deal. He has killed every single one of the guys who kidnapped and hurt you. You will all be freed.”
“What is he getting out of it then?” The guy in front asks. I smile, tears suddenly sprouting in my eyes.
“Me,” I say simply. “In exchange for me, you will all be freed.”
“No,” he disagrees. “No, we’re in this together. You got the worst of it all, right?”
“I’m the reason everyone was kidnapped. He saw me and apparently saw love, so he got all those sick men and together, they kidnapped me and the rest of my friends. From the beginning, he’s only wanted me. I can’t just live my own free life and allow innocent lives to be taken and tortured. This is how it has to be,” I retort, serious.
“You’re pregnant,” a new voice speaks up. I look up, eyes completely wide. “When did that happen? How’s my brother?” She must have been hiding in the dark behind everyone else.
I gasp, taking a step back, my hand flying over my mouth.
“Natalia,” I breathe. Tears roll down my cheeks, and I am powerless to stop them. She stands up, looking weak but determined. She walks over to me, and I collapse into her arms, sobbing and holding her tightly. “Niall said you were dead!”
“He thought I was dead,” she says grimly, sounding just as choked up as I am. We keep hugging as she explains, “they did it the exact same way they did it with Emma and Camilla. They lied. The injected me with a simple sleeping drug and then pretended as if they were actually killing me. They took me to a different room where they simply left me alone, keeping me alive with chips and water. Soon, Emma joined me. They told us what they said about Camilla, but she escaped and was found by police. How is my brother? Did he finally tell you his feelings for you?”
“Did you say Emma was alive?” I ask, awestruck.
“I’m right here, Ally,” her voice is golden, light. A sob exits my throat and I jump into her arms, grabbing Natalia and bringing her into a group hug.
“Niall is okay. And yes, he told me. We’re…together. I chose him,” I let Natalia know. “He misses you so much. Your parents do too. They’re devastated without you. Everyone is devastated without you two. Bradley…he’s been so torn up. He really loved you both. Everyone is…struggling to be okay. What matters is that you’re both alive and will be reunited with them shortly.”
“You’re pregnant,” Natalia reminds me gently.
“He is the father. The first time he raped me is when it happened. I’m fifteen weeks pregnant,” I admit, looking away for a moment.
“We can overpower him,” the guy protecting all of them says, standing up. “Without his cronies, he’s nothing. Alyson, you need to tell him that you have us all understanding not to step out of line or he’ll kill us. We’ll walk out together, silent. Then, you have to say one word. Let it be, ‘goodbye,’ and then we’ll all attack. Come on, it’s twelve against one. Well, eleven against one. You’re not fighting, sweetheart, you have a baby to take care of. We’re doing it whether you want too or not.”
“Fine,” I agree after a long moment’s hesitation. “I give the signal. Are you all ready for this? I don’t know if he’s armed or not.”
“We have to do this,” a new guy says, standing up. “He’s caused too much pain.”
“Okay,” I whisper. “I’m ready!” I shout, my yell echoing across the walls of the Hole. A few minutes pass until the grating starts up for the last time. This is it. We take back our lives. He comes into the Hole at a jog, looking at all of them wildly, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him. “Hey, it’s okay. They know not to do anything. Trust me, I let them know.” My voice is evil, cold. I send an apologetic glance to them over his shoulder.
“Alright then, let’s go,” he mutters, sending me a smile. I nod back to him, following him up the stairs, allowing him to help me up. “Do you know the gender?”
“No, not yet. I’m supposed to find out in two weeks but…” I trail off, making it seem as if I’m dead set on staying here with him. He nods, stopping suddenly, making me stop as well. I watch as they all come out together, silent, shooting me a quick glance as if to tell me they’re ready before continuing on.
I wait until they’ve all come up and are only a few feet away. I have to do something insane in order for this to work.
“Guys, wait,” I call. I feel him tense. “Don’t worry, I just want to say goodbye.” I grab his face suddenly, pulling him into the worst, most disgusting kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life. My arms are grabbed, pulling me away from him. He’s dazed, looking at me in confusion.
An elbow hits his temple suddenly, and he falls to the ground, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“In there!” I shout as they grab his arms, dragging him into the room where he murdered his cronies. “Shackle him to the wall.” They do as I say, smiling and laughing while they’re at it. “It’s over.”
“It’s over,” Natalia repeats, sounding dazed herself. I can’t help but share her feelings. It’s really over now.
It’s actually over. No more pain, no more stalking, no more anything. I’m free! It all happened so quickly, it’s a miracle. All of this is a miracle!
“I can get back to Niall,” I whisper, my heartbeat picking up. “Natty, we can go back to Niall!” Suddenly everyone is whooping and hollering, hugging each other, crying, as we all realize this will never happen to any of us again. It’s truly over. “Thank you all.”
Everyone turns to look at me.
“Why are you thanking us? We should be thanking you!” The one who took him out says incredulously. “You saved our lives. Without you coming here, we would never have been freed. You did all of this. You may have started all of this, but you ended it too.”
“Without you guys, I would have stayed here with him. I’d never be able to see my family, my friends, or my boyfriend again. We did this together,” I correct lightly, hugging him. “Let’s get out of here.”
Together, we walk. I lead them to the entrance, finding the place swarming in cops, a helicopter in the air. Police aim their guns at us, yelling for us to put our hands up.
“They’re dead!” I shout. An officer drops his gun, jogging over.
“I came here with the leader. I asked him to get rid of the eight people who helped him. He killed them. I got them,” I gesture to the kidnapped around me, “and we revolted against the leader. He’s alive but shackled to a wall. It’s over.”
“Alyson, there are so many people worried about you. You should not have run away,” he lectures me. Suddenly, over his shoulder, I see him.
“Niall!” I shout, already pushing past the officer, not a care in the world.
“Ally!” He yells. I feel as if I’m running against the universe, time slowing. His arms open, and I run right into them, my lips finding his in an earth-shattering, time-bending kiss that defies all known laws of the universe. “Never do that again, love! I was so scared. I thought you were going to die. I can’t lose you, I’m in love with you. And you’re pregnant with our baby,” he scolds gently, kissing me again.
“Wait, our baby?” I ask, a smile lighting up my face. His cheeks redden, but he holds me tighter.
“I mean, we’re together, right? I want to be the father of this child,” he admits. I kiss him roughly, not even caring about the people around us.
“Wait! Wait! Natalia, she’s alive,” I suddenly gasp. “Natty!” I turn around, seeing her hugging the boy who first spoke to me. She turns around, seeing her twin.
“Natalia,” Niall breathes. I move to the side, watching as brother and sister are finally reunited.
“Ally,” Mom’s voice hits me like a ray of sunshine.
“Mommy!” I cry, racing towards her as if there are jets in my shoes, shooting me forwards. “I’m so sorry, I’ll never do it again, I am so sorry! I was awful. I want to open up to you guys. I’m ready. I love you so much.” I sob into her neck, the weight of everything sinking in now.
She holds me as I cry, her tears hitting my shoulder and soaking through my shirt. The minutes pass, time moving quickly now. Strong arms take me from Mom, pulling me into my boyfriend.
“Let’s get you home,” he says gently. “Natty’s being taken to the hospital with our parents, and she wants me to stay with you. Emma’s with her as well, don’t worry.”
I nod, allowing him to take me home.
We all went through a tragedy. We were kidnapped, tortured, lost. We all lost ourselves. We hated each other, we loved each other. Through it all, we were still there for one another. Things will never be the same.
I’m pregnant. But I will be a good mother to my child. I have my parents, a loving boyfriend, and so many friends who can’t wait to spoil my baby.
I have nightmares. But I wake up in Niall’s arms every morning, and suddenly, everything is right again.
I have memories. I will never be able to forget them or let them go, as they’re apart of me. But I can move forward and live my life to the fullest.
Despite everything that’s happened, I feel strong. I feel empowered. I feel loved. I still have moments where it feels like everything is lost, where I feel broken, where I feel alone, but then I open my eyes and see everyone around me, or my baby kicks and I’m reminded I will never be alone ever again.
I was kidnapped, but I survived. I was broken, but I glued myself back together. I was tortured, but now the scars are fading. I will be okay, for I am strong, and I am not alone.
The end.

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