Jiyan | Teen Ink


July 1, 2024
By Vinos, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Vinos, Colorado Springs, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Three years ago, beloved warrior princess Jiyan was banished for attempting to usurp the Queen. Now she is nothing but a dishonored princess living in the sewer slums of Drent, a neighboring kingdom. When news travels that an insurrection has taken place in Avalnada, her home, and that her mother has been usurped, she strikes a deal with the King of Drent. He will fund the travel to the north, in pursuit of a kingdom so powerful, that most quake at the mention of it. But the journey to the Kingdom of Dasani requires that Jiyan travels through war-torn territory, not to mention she's burdened by a prince and his general. As old friends reunite, and new friends are made, Jiyan has to choose between her honor and her old life, or her friends, and love in a new life.



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