Silver Blood | Teen Ink

Silver Blood

June 14, 2024
By Ilovewriting477, Boise, Idaho
More by this author
Ilovewriting477, Boise, Idaho
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Favorite Quote:
"I have a dream." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Author's note:

The book "Red Queen" is similar to my novel and it made me want to write it. 

The author's comments:

This chapter is a little scary/violent. 

The wind scuffles the heat away, sensing a small drop of silver blood. Ken's peace and survival didn't make anything right. The heat makes a comeback, flowing against the soft breeze. Ken murmurs and scratches his forehead.

"Why me?"

He nods, walking towards the Silver Blood King.

Ken was just a 16-year-old dude surviving on his own. His Mother and Father went missing two days after Ken was born, and never came back for him. He continued walking towards the Silver Blood King as each guard touched Ken eye-to-eye. The long walk frightened him. No one in Silverville had to walk this far, especially towards the king.

"Young Silver Blood,"

The king announced before he could even stop walking. The king's silver uniform terrified Ken. It terrified everyone. That's why no one liked being in front of the concerts, important events hosted by the king, changes that the Silver Blood King needed to say, and anything else that was similar to that.

Ken felt like death road was where it began. He bounced onto the path over to the Silver Blood King and didn't expect what was coming, or what the Silver Blood King was going to say.

"You're name, please?"

The king growled as Ken felt like fainting to the mud.

"Sir, my name is Ken."

He sighed with relief. Now knowing that was over, he could leave.

"Silver Blood Ken. Before you leave, please know that you must be marked going to war."

Ken gasped, falling to the ground and passed out instantly.

"Get him out of here."

The Silver Blood King nodded to the guards as they bent down over to Ken.


One guard slapped Kens back, as the young Silver Blood woke up.

"We're going to war?"

Ken asked, feeling confused on his own side.

"Correct. We're going to war."

The king tapped Ken on the shoulder, and disappeared, walking back to his throne room. Ken stood up, running back to his house only to find everything gone and destroyed.

"And this is where we shall begin?"

Ken nodded, grabbing a riffle from off the dirty hills.

"Your ours now,"

A pack of soldiers started shooting. Getting behind a rock, Ken threw out his pistol and started aim.

Without notice, the king evacuated and didn't stop marching back.

"Good luck, Ken."

He whispered, Ken hearing a bit of what he was saying.

"What are you doing? You should help!"

Ken shouted, blocking the bullets with the stones on the ground.

"You don't tell me what to do. Besides, I'm the king and your the warrior."

Ken ignored those words and continued shooting. The king left with his guards and sailed away. 

The Silver Bloods were gone. All of them lying on the ground. While brave soldiers are trying their best to push through it, some of them are cold dead bodies lying on the brown grass. Even the bravest and strongest ones of all were struggling, but none of them were down on the ground either.

Ken was only sixteen - He didn't know what else to do but remind himself that he was killing enemies and evil people. He wants to fight them. All the evil should end right here, right where Ken is standing. Although some warriors didn't know what they were doing exactly, they were still up and shooting, surviving, and staying on two feet.

Some soldiers were shooting with other soldiers, but most of them were without. I was the only soldier nearby at the moment. Others were far away but still shooting the evil and the bad. I was also the first kid around, still fighting and surviving.

"Stay back, kid!"

A strong warrior ran over to me and started shooting.

"I'm sorry."

Ken said with a worried look.

"It's not your fault. For the king might be after you."

The warrior replied with a serious look. Ken was sitting behind the rock while this soldier was fighting for his life. Ken wanted to know if the king started all this.

Is the king actually after me? Does he want to end me and my life? What does he want from me?

Ken thought, still asking himself multiple questions at once. The soldier was too busy fighting. The questions built up in Kens head as he got too stressed. 

"Stand back." 

A soldier said, not knowing which one it was. 

"They're going to drop a bomb any time now." 

Everyone paused, still firing their guns very carefully. 

"What, we need a plan fast." 

The soldier next to Ken said, looking back towards him. 

"Don't worry,"

Ken whispered. 

"It'll be fine. All we have to do is think of a plan." 

The soldiers ran for their lives, and I was stranded. 

"Kid, get over here this instant! It's going to drop now!"

The soldier said as Ken bounced up. 

"Are we dead?" 

Ken asked. The soldier looked at me in the eyes, not knowing what to say. He pulled my hand and ran towards the ocean. The others were following us, as well as some of the evil ones trying to shoot some. 

"What should we do?" 

A soldier yelled. 

"We have a kid and he's not going to survive." 

The soldier looked back at Ken, although he was gone. The soldier looked back to the others in fright. 

"Did they take him?"

They asked, not realizing that he was running for his life. 

"Guys, there's a boat over there! If we can get on it, we can sail away and survive!"

Ken said as the soldiers ran towards him. They ran up the boat and Ken pushed them away. He jumped onto the boat before it sailed away for the sea. 

"Great job, kid! How did you find that?"

A soldier looked at Ken, knowing that Ken was a smart gentlemen. 

"Sometimes the king spoiled things and we just didn't know it!"

Ken laughed, grinning away. 

Ken watched one of the soldiers control the boat. He sat down, feeling depressed. Even though he saved the soldiers, he didn't get to save his friends. And if his family was still around, he was going to leave them behind. 

"I wish I had parents." 

Ken nodded, a tear pocking out of his eye. One of the soldiers looked down at him, putting a hand on Ken's shoulder. Ken looked up in shock, but at the same time, disappointment. He decided to suck it up and move on.

"What's your name?" 

A soldier asked, handing Ken a badge. It belonged to the soldiers. It belonged to a brave soldier who always wanted to have a son, but he couldn't. 


Ken replied with fait. He pushed the badge away. 

"That's such a good name. If you want parents, I know who can help you."

Ken bounced up and decided that he needed a break. 

"I don't think someone could help me. I just want my parents." 

Ken walked over to the other side of the boat. He couldn't believe that the soldier was trying to make him feel better. Nothing could make Ken feel better except for his parents themselves. He sat against the wall and cried a little, trying to hide it. 

The soldier came back over and Ken looked at himself in fear. 

"Can you go away for at least five minutes?" 

Ken asked with disbelief. The soldier got on his knees and smiled. 

"No. Because I know your father." 

Ken's eyes lit up. 

"How do you know he's my father? How do you know for sure that I belong to him?"

Ken asked. 

"His name is Jones. He's in the war right now at the moment with your mother, although your mother is not fighting. She is just surviving inside the camp. Your father told me that he had a son named Ken. So he decided to give you this for your honor and bravery."

The soldier replied. Ken stood up and didn't move. With a big smile, he took the badge.

"I wouldn't know what else to do without you. Now it's my turn." 

The author's comments:

This story gets a little violent in some chapters. Please be aware that this novel could contain violence. (This chapter is scary/violent.)

Ken smiled and put on the badge. Now knowing that both his mother and his father was safe, he could feel a better life. The breeze came in and the waves started roaming the boat. 

"Everyone, sit down for safety. The boat is sinking." 

No one panicked. Ken had a plan. He was brave enough to do so. He taped a rope to the side of the boat and jumped in the water. He made a big splash as he almost sunk to the bottom of the ocean. 

He was strong and brave enough to stay aboard. 

"Ken, get back up here before you get killed!"

The soldiers stood up instantly and Ken was still hanging onto the rope. 

"I found the hole! Pass me some wood and screws inside of a bag. Hurry!"

ken screamed as the soldiers got it. Ken pulled out a hammer and patched it up. He completely was saving them, although the current was getting stronger and the waves became larger and much bigger. 

Ken worked quicker than a thousand ants trying to carry an entire car. He hammered and screwed in the piece of wood as the boat rose back up to the waves. The thunder stopped rumbling and the waves calmed down. 

Ken, with confidence, climbed back up into the boat and smiled. 

"You're a hero, kid!"

A soldier yelled with grim. The pack of soldiers ran up to Ken, passing him a whole bag of silver coins, although it wasn't real. It was Ken's favorite. 

"Wait a second, they're not real! They're chocolate which is my favorite!"

Ken smiled. The soldiers laughed, knowing that Ken felt happy even though they weren't real. Ken took one out from the bag and had one. 

"Yum. Although I don't need that much sugar."

Ken laughed. The soldiers laughed as well and knew that this was one of Ken's better days. 

"Land Ahoy!"

Ken recalled as he stared at an island is the distance. The soldiers looked his direction and cheered. 

"Land ahoy!"

The others said. 

Ken smiled and knew that so far, this was Ken's best adventure ever.

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