Installment #1 | Teen Ink

Installment #1

May 11, 2024
By Da13thChosen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Da13thChosen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The story follows a demon who has been brought into his world by being genetically bred. He finds himself on the inside of a training camp, where he is first looked upon and soon is told to figure things out for himself. He soon finds himself in a squad and with others, being ordered by the training captain Officer Uyyo. Their first assignment is to retrieve minerals from the other side of the mountain the training camp is stationed in. After being ordered back, our main character Gclahm finds himself in a bit of trouble when he gets back, and soon the trainees get into their first training session: one on one fighting. He goes up against a woman who injures him, and receives a punishment in return from Officer Uyyo. Gclahm leaves to wash himself up and then go rests, where his first day ends.


Installment #1

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