Ghosts of the Past | Teen Ink

Ghosts of the Past

May 3, 2024
By KamiK, Menlo Park, California
KamiK, Menlo Park, California
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In a picturesque home with a sinister past, Jenn reluctantly returns with her teenager, Poe. Haunted by memories of a dark ritual gone wrong, as well as a few other things, Jenn struggles to reconcile her past with her present. As the two settle in, flashbacks to her past continue to arise.

Meanwhile, Poe makes a friend, and their combined curiosity leads them to uncover unsettling secrets hidden within the house's walls. As tensions mount, Jenn and Poe find themselves confronting the house's haunting past, setting the stage for a gripping tale of mystery and resilience.

Kami K.

Ghosts of the Past

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