The Accident | Teen Ink

The Accident

April 5, 2022
By Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
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Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
5 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.”

“Good morning class!” Mrs. Lenovo said “On Friday we will be having a field trip to Oakwood forest to practice for our survival competition this summer” She announced. “Great” I mumbled “More bugs, I thought this school already had enough as it is let alone go to a forest to get bitten by more” I groaned under my breath. “Now in class, I will be handing out permission slips to those who will be qualifying to go and as well announcing their scores on the qualification test” She exclaimed. “First up, Mia Patterson with a score of 13/15!” she announced formally. As My best friend Mia walked up I started feeling a chilling sensation of the thought that she may be going and I wouldn't. “Blah Blah Blah Blah” she called and announced to almost the rest of the class. “Ladies and gentlemen, The last qualified person is Ash Bakerson with a qualifying score of 15/15” She announced, surprisingly looking at her scoring paper. What the- I thought to myself. “Don't worry bestie I helped you out” Mia whispered quietly. “What do you mean I asked softly?”. “Well… I kind of altered the grade so you wouldn't be lonely” she exclaimed while showing A slight devious smirk. “YOU DID WHAT-” I stood up from my seat and screamed questioning why she would do that. Once I had realized that I was screaming I froze in fear knowing that I had Messed up. “Young lady, Even though you have gotten the best score you still do not have permission to stand and have an outburst whenever you please, Is that understood Miss.Bakers?” She asked unpleasantly. “Yes I understand,” I said quietly while I began to nervously sit down. The class laughed loudly so loudly that the teacher said angrily “You do not have permission to have a laughing outburst when I discipline a student, Is that clear?”. “Yes Mrs.Lenovo, It won't happen again,” The class said sincerely and apologetically. ‘Now who knows the answer to the main question statement on pg. 405 of book 1” She asked with meaning. About 20 minutes later the bell rang 3 times, A symbol that only classes were completed yet still 5 more to go till our freeway home. “Hey girl” Mia said while standing behind me waiting so we could go drop her off at the gym. “Hey mia” I said in happy response. “So wanna go to the mall for field trip supplies?” She asked pleasantly. “Hmmm… well I kind of was going to go to Aundre’s place but I guess I could go shopping with you” I said blankly. “Thanks bestie I knew you would '' she said, waiting eagerly to go shopping. “Ye, any time,” I said calmly, although I would rather go to Aundre’s house. After that, I quietly managed to sadly make it to my Orchestra class on time. “Hey, glad you could make it,'' Ash '' Mrs. Loon said gladly. “Me too” I replied eagerly to see what music we were going to learn next. As I sat down in my seat she announced that we were getting new rehearsal buddies and new uniforms. “Aww,” We said disappointed in the news. “Ok, now let's get to our partners and new uniforms shall we?”. Yes, Miss. Loon’s,” We said disappointedly. “Ok Ash Bakers will now be Mike Woods, Come get your uniforms,” She said kindly. Next, she called “Tarra and benedick, John and Adam came to get your uniforms' '. As we sat down with our new partners we then settled down. “Now let's get started on our new song called Little did you know by Alex and Sierra,” she said excitedly. “Now we just need singers to perform singing it,” she said happily “These two will be chosen by a quiz”. “We will begin now,” She said after passing out the rest. After about 5 minutes we all passed them back to the front of the teacher. “Now the students who are singing are Ash and Tristen”. A loud gasp accrued as my stomach started to hurt. Then the bell rang and it was time for Lunch.

As I walked down to the gym to receive mia from class I stopped, Out of nowhere these dudes appeared. They were pale and each had a tattoo on their hand. One wearing a red uniform while the others a blue and gray sailors uniform. “Who are they, vampires?” I wondered frozen in fear that they may be here to kidnap me or my best friend mia. In an instant I screamed “Who are you, you don't belong here” at that moment they turned and their eyes got wide and then disappeared into thin air as if teleportation. I felt a tap on my shoulder and my heart raced fast. “Girl why are you screaming, are you ok?” Mia asked, alarmed I had screamed. “There were vampires right there by the library door, mia there coming more us” I announced, freaking out that they might come back for my blood. Mia laughing was intense as she said “Girl you and your syfy novels give you nightmares girl”. “Yeah sure…” I said feeling disappointed that my best friend didn't believe me. “Well let's just head to lunch,” Mia said eagerly to see what was for lunch. As we walked down the hall we saw the lunch sign “Pizza with a side of salad” Mia read out loud. “Ewwww salad,” Mia said disappointed that we couldnt have pizza and nachos. “Hey it's alright salads are not that bad,” I said hesitantly even tho I knew salad was gross. After that, we sat down by Miles and Cassidy hoping for a conversation besides how I just screamed in the hallway. But just like always mia, My bestie just had to tell them. “Hey guys,” Mia said excitingly sitting down after a 5-minute wait in the lunch line. “Hey yall” Miles and Cassidy responded in a pleasing manner. “So how yall doing,” They asked us smiling. Just as we were about to reply…

Ring Ring Ring “FIRE” We herd one of the ladies say at the counter. “Run,” Miles said loudly for us to hear over the screaming obnoxious teens. As of then we headed out to the courtyard. “Finally my eardrums might not burn out like I thought” Cassidy exclaimed in a joke full manor. “Yeah,” Mia said laughing hysterically. Then I took off to my house. “Ash, Are you okay”. “Yeah Im fine,” I said as I turned and face him. “Oh okay, See you later”. “Yeah, I guess,” I said starting to feel dizzy as I began my long walk to my house.

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