Deadly Stars | Teen Ink

Deadly Stars

February 4, 2019
By shelbert18, Indianapolis, Indiana
shelbert18, Indianapolis, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Ariah and Raf lived a transparent life in 1865 Italy. One a painter. The other a fighter. Until a sudden shifted in their simple life, they are forced into roles they never asked for.

Separated from the only person she needed, Ariah must discover herself and trust an old family friend in order to find Raf.

Raf must find Ariah in order to keep himself whole. However, the role he is thrust into isn't one he's entirely thrilled about. 

Ariah and Raf live a demanding lifestyle in 1865 Italy. One an assassin. The other a thief

Shelby R.

Deadly Stars

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