Down south | Teen Ink

Down south

March 5, 2019
By AlyciaPugh, Winter Garden, Florida
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AlyciaPugh, Winter Garden, Florida
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“Ayye I’m going to the store do anyone wants something,” I said while putting my jacket on and my money in my pocket

“I wanna come” Makayla hurried and got her shoes went outside I heard the other say that they didn't want anything so I left. Walking down Queensbury Ave seeing the same people I see every day watching Makayla skipping and singing Mary mat.

“Makayla scoot away from the road move a bit to the side” soon as the words left my mouth a car zoom fast nearly an inch away from Makayla which leads to her falling on the ground I rush over to see if she was okay I picked her up and dust her off and ask “are you okay?”

‘yeah I’m okay it just scared me can you just hold my hands the rest of the way”

“No problem” the rest of the way Makayla stay quiet. Into the store I got a snicker bar and a Pepsi and Makayla just got some gummy bears I went to the cashier and paid on the way out I saw the same car the almost hit Makayla I told her to stay right her I went over to the car and saw that it was reshay

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ALMOST HIT MY LITTLE SISTER” I screamed at him while jacking him out the car

“Bro chill I didn’t even know it was you”

“What do you mean you didn’t know it was me you shouldn’t be driving the fast in the first place you couldn’t have killed someone”

“I’m give you 10 second to let go off my shirt cause she still alive ain’t she alright then”

“You so stupid I swear to god I should beat-“

“Aye what y’all doing over there” I was interrupted by a police officer “now you let go of the young man shirt fore I have to shoot you I  don’t want to see monkeys fighting ”

I let go of reshay shirt and said “sorry officer I am get going to go now” I signal Kayla to come over so we can start walking but the officer stop me before I can go

“You look familiar stay right here” the officer went back to his car Makayla and reshay and I were just frozen to the ground we all heard stories about the officers beating up and harassing people around the neighborhood

“Let’s make a run for it in the car” reshay whispered

“What no” I told him not trying to cause attention to us

“Come on do you want to be beat you know how they going to do us”

“I’m pretty sure he ran your tag in and got your name and address already”

“So we can be on the run”

Trying to ignore reshay ignorance I seen the three more cops pull up and now we all scared to death knowing we didn’t do anything wrong. Makayla started to grab my hand tight I gave it a firm grip to let her know everything is going to be alright. The officer came over with a paper and started to look back from the paper then at me and he kept repeating it all of a sudden he call the other officers over they came and he whisper to them something I couldn’t hear it they started to do the same thing. Now my heart started to beat fast I didn’t know if I should make a run for it or stay but then again I have Makayla I can’t run while I’m holding her or maybe we can get in reshay car in and drive off nope can’t do that either they ran his plate in and I know if they pressure him he is going to give me up in a heartbeat. Then out of nowhere the cop pulled out his gun and pointed it at me.

“Get on the ground right now” he started to yell I tried to do what he said but it felt like my feet was glued to the ground then two officers came up to me and slammed me on the ground all I can hear is the officer and Kayla screaming which made started to freak cause I couldn’t see her I didn’t know what was happening.

“Man let me go I ain’t do nothing what you doing to my little sister” I was trying to get up but then officer hit me in the back off my head with a baton which made my face hit the ground hard all I saw was blood on the pavement coming my busted lip but I wasn’t focus on that I’m still trying to get Makayla just before I tried to get up I felt a boot mush the side of my face.

Ni**er if you move all I’ll have your body splatter all over the concrete now give me a reason to shot a jiggaboo“I heard the officer who still has his boot against my face say now I’m huffing and puffing trying to calm down with hot tears coming down my face at this point I’m not focus my mind is all over the place I tried to get up all I felt a boot kick me in my rib and another to my spine.

“Chance bro just stay down it’s not worth it” I heard reshay shouted

“Man y’all crackers going to pay I swear to god” I threated the cops which made me regret  it instantly

“Is that a threat boy” the officer said “I feel threated for my life now don’t you Paul?”

“I sure do Jackson” one of the officer said

I felt a another blow to my back then another one the officer still had his boot on me another kick to my rib then another one and another one now if I feel my body being hit everywhere the officer who had his foot on my face let go and joined in it was a kicked to the back off my head I felt my body shutting down my vison going in and out and all I can think about is Kayla….Kayla wait why don’t I hear her voice why can’t I hear her screaming then everything stop the kicking the punching I tried to get up but my body was to weak I couldn’t  let this be the end I got up slowly holding my side with blood dripping everywhere I look over to reshay’s car to a burry vison Makayla in backseat screaming and banging on the window but I don’t hear it all I hear is a ringing I put my fingers in my ears and wiggle it around to get my hearing back but it wasn’t working it made the ringing go louder like a dog whistle I covered my ears as tightly as I could but that wasn’t working either I couldn’t do nothing but scream I looked over to Kayla and started walking but I wasn’t walking like myself I was walking slumped over like one of the zombies in the movies  just before I got to the car something went across my head and knock me down I think I’m down for good I can’t move nothing my body just stretched out all I could do is move my fingers I stretched my hand and I  yelled “Kayla” then another stomp went to my head knocking me out cold.

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