blood of paris | Teen Ink

blood of paris

March 6, 2018
By bloodware, miami, Florida
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bloodware, Miami, Florida
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A dark night of autumn in the horizon he knew to rise his head and saw the city of light and love, the sky of “the bella france the “ he murmured in sadness when he  saw to the  cities’ heart but it wasn’t the same. Bread was seen less and less food was in rassions people had moved away rumos of horrors had been coming and going. He knew also it to be a war zone 9th months ago the worst had come in the maginot bypassed Flandres Wallonie the Netherlands and Dunkerque all fallen after which came paris he knew, the capital of the french be next, he and all knewed, event after everyone knowing the dark night the night of the fall that day he’d seen massacre and rape and the city burned and the thanks rolled over men, gutters came off and blood rolled over the grounds of paris.

Mornings after he heard the same conversation “how many they were”, “ how many times” he knew well and fine there topic of conversation, this brought his fire and rage and wrath inside of him inflaming him, Jean pierre le Sance kew firmly well. After that the morning after the sack came to his mind that was 3 months ago, two women were talking to each other, the first women, more of a girl she was younger than 20, not that he were much older than 20, “how many time did they” the younger one ask. The older one said “3 they were 3 speaking in a language i didn’t know”. The older was barely twenty-four or twenty-five, the Younger said “10” in all honesty any boy would be honor to be with her a couple of hours. “They’ve beat me like a bag of salt, they punch me hard against a wall pulled my hair like a...uhhh” the girl broke down, and again she tried continuing, I screamed, but it was useless, I tried to running, but he punched me in the stomach,and cut and broke my skirt they, they, they uhh she crumbled and fall into cries two others pinched me and bit me like a food too bad like a piece of meat and others join and punch me and hit me and they laughed while i cried, i screamed no, they were dogs”. Dogs no wolves and lions and beast of prey Jeanpiere thought.

What happen you poor lady you beautiful soul Jeanpierre asked, pretending he hadn’t heard the girl, she’d shily asked why do you care, Jean piere said pretend i’m your brother he  gave the beautiful woman and gave her some of her coffee and said talking to people could help. She told him how she’d been used and jean acted as if he understood her, he told her she’d be okay, after they got their bread the 3 talked in the corner the younger was 18 called Ammaence a jewish girl who was studying writing she seem to share his love for french and  and the older was 26 and she was called Janice a medical student and nurse wishing to be a doctor a “woman going over her rightful  position in life, in her state of womanhood these facts moved him to feel less shame ”, Jean thought… one was a daughter to the wort of europe the peoples’ who killed christ it was by tradition their diaspora, have been rightfull as they were europe's inferiors”. Jean thought.

But now is different  the rumors the massacre the barbarians who brought the greatest light of the west down had attacked them and europe , the trains were coming and going picking men and women to bring them to them the land judah, but that was a lie,a white lie  the british not the germans controlled palestine and lebanon and but where they’ve sent them probably a place of work and opportunity as many are going, Janice though had another theory “fields of death he described, where we jews and opposers to the occupiers slavs, russians, czechs  and poles and hungars and french men as well they kill and torture and force worked them into they can’t lift a muscle without pay and without fitting clothes and food in minimums with barbed wire fences and are hunted by german shepard  is a horror house ” Janice claimed Ammance who’d he referred as amy said, its tartarus on earth, is the dominiums of hades where men and woman burn and are gassed and shot where science and the best of tomorrow meet the worse of the past racism on past and xenophobia and paranoia with hate of a lost cause to keep a system that claimed men high born and of the fatherland are better than those who move the world who supply the food, with... Ami as much as he hated it was right or sounded right that day.

“He also thought of he’s long dead father who’d killed himself who’d drank a boottle of water with a pill of sianine, he’d been crippled in the field of battle of the great war the war that brought to europe modern warfare but as well it was a show of terrors, he told of the war and the glory and the emotions of fighting for his country but he said words of emotion and nationalism in the voice of he’s captain a man as harsh as russia’s winter as a blizzards. A man with the voice of a demon who’d said things as “ shoot them for freedom today we fight for freedom today we fight to stop them for glory for our nation,They’re an enemy, they are a menace, they hate us and we were supposed to hate them, kill them with out regressions and , their monstrous.” he said that even if they fought us and shoot us the sons of magna germania and berlin and hannover and bayern and prussia and the ruhr and dortmund and munich weren’t bad they were not monsters or lions” but he did more he talked of the wet and damp and dirty trenches he talked the inhumanity of machine gun and mustard gas of the rats and microbiomes of the smell of rotten corpses and the fear of being hit and shot.

When he came to home after  4 years of murder he said how he remember the eyes of the man he killed lapis lazuli blue and  and jade green they were he came home broken physically and mentally he was a cripple he always told us the tale” jean though, then his mind came to his brothers Allan and paul who’d not heard fathers tales thought war was a game of glory that the war will bring them into heroism, he thought. They didn’t heard well they died, thanks rolled over their bones and upon them fell bombs and they were under machine guns and both saw themselves bleeding on the ground and their lives wasted, them dead,the culprit machine gun, thank, artillery corpses  were eaten  by the vultures and somehow,as it was expected no one knows their name and they are gone in war men of the field aren’t remember or are song in story’s of old the men were sent to the slaughter house and to the field of death and battle but the slaughter playing games with their bodies and lives the young wolf who serves doesn’t get as much as the prime does  the generals and leaders…  what a disaster an action a system of transforming men into wolves men controlled in civilization but released of chains these brought them to be not but monsters who kill and rape a system that proves the old saying,man is a wolf to man. Thinking of the war and he’s siblings stupidity, bought him sadness,anger he saw down and saw the dogs and the german soldiers with their riffle they turned into a house and brought a woman,a beautiful woman they punched her and the dog mauled her, it was despicable he couldn’t hold it he felt he couldn’t hold it he went to his closet and saw a gun it was illegal he  looked and here and there up and down and right and left, behind clothes and between the clothing, where I’ve hide this it must be, oh god,god where did I hide it, it is supposed to be here i must find it Ah god  I must do it Oh poor girl i must do it for her he thought of his brothers being machined gun or being rolled over a thank, i’m doing it for myself, for my father my family was in the whole in the center for my father's death, for the germans actions, I will shot him, I will, I will i promised and so here you are he ran to the window desperate, he knew he had already broken he had a gun illegal he had hidden it as to defend himself he check it multiple occasions and took aim and shot one,UHH it hurts the retrieval of the gun  on a second he thought in pain he shot again 2 he missed darn it last try he thought, here goes everything he aim well enough he saw the mans green gemstone eyes of terror he had his hand on the trigger jean pierre saw the man eyes again he thought, shoot shoot he shot him then he saw the man eyes one more time,the bullet hit the soldier and he was dead before so he was he’s jade green gems of eyes built in he saw them he thought,oh oh boy. I’m roasted, how could’ve how damn it, Jeanpierre thought I’m an enemy of a monster clan, oh  the dogs damn it i must aid the girl he went down to look upon her. When he went down the stairs and going through the stairs to look upon the girl he realised it was Amy, ”Amy, are you okay,” Janpierre asked. Amy responded by asking her “why did you now we’re both enemies of these wolves”  “we must move come to my house I will give you a sweater you must be cold come on I will need to look up some money, Jean said.

Few hours later…

“Remember how i told you i’ll bring you to a place I knew, well we are hear.” Jean said he sitted in the bar by a young man, red head and head down,Jean saw him,  he looked bad he’s eyes were drown lee and he looked and moved his bear around he seem to don't be feeling it and he also had a chain in his hand open with the photo of an old woman, with her. Being grey and white,her face seem to be worn, her eyes were blue, but not sapphire blue , but pale blue like a morning sky. They seem worm and worn out the light of hope seem almost gone  but she seemed to have one this men, and by her he saw 3 younger women, two had her the mans hair red like ruby’s red like fire, hot and flaming, he could t we her eyes. But they seem blue and passionate as flaming ice,blue as shining sapphire, the woman daughter was she and Jean piers saw so the more interesting one was the blond with hair , as molten gold and silver, with brown eyes, light as honey, with a growing belly not of fat it seem as if she was with child, for a few moments he saw the poor men then came another one these one was blond with gemstone eyes green.there were others two two man talking in the distance another man was with a woman it seem he was trying his luck another 2 woman were with a man who looked similar to them a brother maybe or a cousin. There were to men in back of the bar, pale, blond green eyes speaking on a language he couldn't understand, inn all possibility from the few men left in Paris to garrison the city to quash the thought of freedom.

    Jean Pierre went and sat at the bar to talk to the men who seemed to be feeling bad Amy followed and took a seat “May I help you young man,you look having  fun ” Janpierre asked ,he  answer saying “ oh I'm not great,” the man hesitated  “my mother and sister and wife all were sent to the trains, east to some factory,underground it wasn't in any city,the place was in Poland or Austria, i’m not sure but what i’m sure of is we were rounded up I escaped because I was here I was studying in Paris.” After Jean Pierre noticed he didn't have a star on his shirt or of P symbol for poles why would they pick up a whole family… or maybe he took it off he may not like to be marked that's it, Jean Pierre thought, he continued to speak “I was here and my scholarship ended a month after the night of long knives which means I couldn't come back to Germany, but my absence brought both poverty to my family and brought distraught as well.”  He stopped served himself with his beer and asked for another one,” I drink to don't have to remember” he said this son a tone of sadness., Jean told him of his father and the soldiers who'd beaten Amy down, and Amy of her rape the night of the city’s fall afterward came another men by the name of William who seemed as broken as us two he also came to lick his wounds, like a beaten dog who’d had all the fight whipped from him,  he passed johan a letter it seemed German… Jean thought it will be better to don't ask but, where them the ones who came to him and Amy, “ may I ask a question, what brought you two here” he asked Jean in his fashion and tone down answered “we want to leave this city were looking for a way out of Paris an scape out of the country, I’d figure you've putten 2 and two together,” the man who’d pass them the paper spoke to johan in another younger German, they figured.

“I can give both of you that” johan translated,”but my friend can give you revenge for your rape and for your brothers” johan continued Jeanpiere in response answered “your both German how can we trust you” William answer to his shock not Johan.
He said  in German,"Der Anführer hat es noch schlimmer gemacht und ich wurde gezwungen, all den Mann zu sehen, den ich in meiner Gemeinde sah, Freunde nahmen den Zug nach Osten, ich wurde gezwungen zu töten und zu vergewaltigen.Johan translated with a acclaimice voice and said, he's eyes bright not dim, like he wasn't suffering, it to meaning, “the leader has done worse and more I was forced to see all the man I saw in my community, friends take the train east, I was forced to kill and rape” thee was a hesitation william couldn't hold it he screamed and said in his tounge “
Da war ein Junge, sagte er, schwarze Haare, braune Augen, Sommersprossen ... und seine Mutter dort waren Holländer, als wir kamen, war ich gezwungen, ihm die Kapitäne zu töten, er war von französischer Mutter, ich erinnere mich an die Reihenfolge, als ob ich es gerade gehört hätte Ich habe meine Pflicht getan Ich habe getan, was erforderlich war, jetzt, wenn ich schlafe, wenn ich schlafen kann, erinnere ich mich an diese Jungs "Ich wir seine Augen, er war fünf von sechs und er fragte uns, ob der Kapitän glaubte ... er sprach Niederländisch" Bist du schlechte Menschen? ", worauf seine Antwort im Lager war. "Nein, ich bin arisch, du hättest dich zum Schädling gemacht, du solltest wachsen, wenn du in deinem Haus ein Nest von Ratten findest, du hast sie getötet, damit es nicht mehr Pest in dein Haus bringt." Ich frage Agian, ob du willst, dass er siegreich ist, oder?”

Johan again translated to,  William whispered on a voice low enough no one could hear plus there was enough noise for no one to hear.  “Well what do I have to do”, Amy asked with the greatest strength.  Jean had ever seen, Jeanpiere to don't be outdone said “I'm also in.” William saw both of them and. Told them to go to this place a train station and gave them, TNT and he codes to a radio station radio London was called this will give you extra coordination he said tonight hear it, is for the train bring it out of course… I'm the commanding official in control of masses patrol in that part of the city and a Sergeant, he said

     Well see you tomorrow  Jean said and asked Amy to walk with him she she seemed uncomfortable with the conversation they will go to a place to talk, there  she said “so here are we… he's a captain and he wants to help us weird, I thought for the Germans the officers loyalty was important, no one will trust in him he had Jewish contacts, he stole explosives with no one noticing for the hit, they will find him, and sent him to the trains. How did he rose if he's in loyal,and isn't Johan strange he’s a Jew who doesn't wear his star of David in his clothing isn't that dangerous what if a cup stops him what would he say,and he's family was sent to the trains and he seems fine with William whose a Germán soldiers,no suspicion no cold stears, nothing,Ammance asked pointedly. What was she talking, any man can fake loyalty he’s hate will aid him not undermine William or Johan, Jan Pierre thought,”it will be okay they seem trustworthy I can assure you.” He claimed to assure Amy paranoiac she was”. Well do bring you home or do we continue walking soon the  will come to weight,  and we're close enough to walk in a reasonable time… she answered, “yes” during their way they talked of “toomorrow and how great would be, them doing their best for their nation”, she said, enthusiastically.

That night he heard the radio and he heard the wood puzzle and then it came dieppe said the sun will come to France… he said on the cote d’sur he knew, what it meant the bombing soldiers will be comming to Paris to be relocated south, thats the deal with the bombs, I see. After the noise of words came again, Jean Pierre thought to go to sleep, and so he did.

Morning eve.. the next day

A knock came to his door, oh boy, is it, Jeanpiere’s mind went to the incident of the last night, damn, oh boy two man came in with nothing but a badge that lift them free reign they were gestapo men one was a man he'd see. Yesterday he's name William, or wilhelm in German which read to him
“unter dem Namen des Reiches sind Sie unter dem Vorwurf der Verschwörung und des Verrats bei Mord Verbrechen und Verrat verhaftet. Der Mann sagte in seinem schweren deutschen Akzent”
,the other who spoke french, was johan who'd been there as well, he said “janpierre la sance, by the name of the Reich you are under arrest under charges of conspiracy and treason in the crime of murder, and  treason.” The man said in his heavy German accent. The man hit him with the endpoint of his ruffle the other screamed insults they pulled him out into the street… minutes later he was given unfitting clothes and shod and was delivered to the place he planned to attack there he was thrown into a line and then it was to the train, hours there he thought, Amy was right she told me “so here are we… he's a captain and he wants to help us weird, I thought for the Germans the offficers loyalty was important, no one will trust in him he had Jewish contacts, he stole explosives with no one noticing for the hit, they will find him, and sent him to the trains. How did he rose if he's in loyal,and isn't Johan strange he’s a Jew who doesn't wear his star of David in his clothing isn't that dangerous what if a cup stops him what would he say,and he's family was sent to the trains and he seems fine with William whose a Germán soldiers,no suspicion no cold stears, nothing”.he waited and and went east he came back 4 years later starved and tortured And dead and for Ammecance was worse she came back broken and not but a year later she was gone madness and disease where her undoing, for Johan and whilhelm they died… in battle for a lost and dead cause.

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