Fake Love | Teen Ink

Fake Love

November 30, 2018
By vanessa1997, San Jose, California
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vanessa1997, San Jose, California
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Author's note:

Im a junior at Del Mar high school whos writting Fan Fiction for the Great Gatsby for a final in my English class. 


My story is about what happened to Daisy, Nick and Tom after Daisy doesn't go to Gatsby's funeral. I chose this because I feel there's about of unfinished business to the story also I feel that Nick needs a little more character to him not just let Daisy leave and live her life.

Fake Love

As I sit there in the cold empty house that Gatsby used to call home, I thought to myself How can someone be so cruel to the people they so-call love?. There is no reason or excuse for why Daisy wasn’t at the funeral or doesn't care about her “true love’s” death. Later that night, I went over to Daisy's house in East Egg, where I no longer feel comfortable to be, there’s this feeling of negativity after Gatsby's death. Being there just felt empty without heart, everywhere I turned reminded me of Gatsby who he was and what he did for love.  Waiting for Daisy to finish talking with her so-called lovely husband.

“She's so transparent. I don't understand how we’re related,” I say under my breath.

“Nicky, long time no see. how have you been?” Daisy says with sadness in her eyes but a smile on her face

“Not so well. You know one of my bestest friends just died. It's been a hard couple of days.”

“I heard about dear old Gatsby's death. What a shame he died that way,” says Tom pointlessly.

Seeing Tom and Daisy laugh and smile like nothing ever happen, like if the past never existed. Like if Gatsby and Myrtle were never in the picture or had never existed in their life. The cold empty sound of their fake laughs, talking about how the weather is “Gloomy”. When I couldn't take it anymore, I finally brought myself to say what I've been dreading to say.

“Daisy can we talk in private, please?”

“Of course Nicky,” Daisy said with a big smile on her face.

Walking outside trying to think of the right words to say without sounding like a terrible person was going to be harder than I expected it to be. Looking straight at that green light across the docks brings back the memory of Gatsby and what he meant to most people. Now that same green light just reminds me of the sadness and despair, since Gatsby's death nothing is going to be the same. Looking at those pure white roses, to think the real darkness they have inside is pure black.

“Why Daisy? Why didn't you go to the funeral? Why didn't you call? Why didn't you do anything?”

“There's nothing I can do now, Nick. He's dead. Crying or going to the funeral wouldn't have brought him back.”

“I know Daisy, but doing nothing is just heartless. Don't you think he deserved better?”

“To be honest with you Nick, I don't really know if I did love him” Daisy said with coldness in her voice.

Hearing her say that brought more pain to my sorrow. “Was all summer just fake? Was nothing real to her?” I think to myself. Seeing her now for who she really is – a rich, inconsiderate, cruel human being – it’s a disgrace to even call her human. I couldn't stand to look at her, to be in the same room or space as her just disgusted me.

“Goodbye, Daisy,” I said walking away, trying to comprehend what she's thinking.

I don't know who she is anymore that kind and hopeful cousin is gone it's like she was never there before like its a whole other person in a body without a mind.

Later that night, back home I sit drinking my tea, wondering if Daisy had soon realized what hateful words came out of her mouth. Hoping she had recaped and would call to say she is sorry.  

Ring! Went the phone.

“I hope its Daisy calling” I say with a little hope.

“Hello,” I say hesitantly.

“Hello, Nicky. I've called to say that I'm leaving New York with Tom and my daughter and don't know when I'll be back”

Hearing that just made me furious. This is what she does, runs away from her problem not wanting to fix anything. All I wanted to hear was “I’m sorry,” but instead I got this.

“Alright, Daisy. If that's what you want. But just remember this, I no longer consider you my cousin. You’re dead to me,” I say with pain. “You might as well be dead,” I say regretting ever picking up the phone and having hope that she changed.

The day after my talk with Daisy, I receive news that something happened to the plane that Daisy was on, but not certain that she was on it, for I hadn’t spoken to her since our call. Sitting there in my favorite coffee shop looking at the grey sky all the birds flying to who knows where, I debated if I should even care if something did happen for she no longer mattered to me. Feeling absolutely nothing like if the news if she had died would mean nothing so I decided to not care. So instead, I went to the city where now I regret going. Walking down the street, I read a newspaper headline that read: “Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan and daughter die in plane crash”

Reading the article about what happen left me speechless. At the same time I felt nothing, not sad or resentful but nothing. I paid for the newspaper and continued walking like if nothing ever happened because my cousin died when she ended the call.

Walking along the sidewalk on this gloomy day, I saw my good friend Robin who knows everything about airplanes.

“Hey Robin, you did a good job everything went as planned, The plane fell and soon I'll be happy once again” I said with a big smile on my face.

The End

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