Call of the Archimage | Teen Ink

Call of the Archimage

May 19, 2024
By Bella_England, Charlotte, North Carolina
Bella_England, Charlotte, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


"Zoé, listen. Avolaria needs you. You're the only one who can stop the war."

Zoé is a ordinary student in an ordinary school, living an ordinary life. Her life turned upside down when a dark creature attacks her, threatening to kill her best friend and a cute stranger that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Amidst all the chaos and confusion, Zoé gradually learns that it is up to her to stop a war and unite the four provinces in a magical kingdom she just learned of - Avolaria.

Victor d'Rosnay is a quiet, brooding bodyguard - assigned to stealthily protect an oblivious Zoé. No one gets under his skin - until he meets Zoé. 

She's fierce, smart-mouthed, and persistent in not listening to a word he says. For years he has battled grief and heartache, and he is not taking any chances with the person who could allow him to finally achieve vengeance. 

Avolaria is on the brink of destruction. Can Zoé and Victor get over their differences and unite to stop the war? And will they encounter real love?

Thus begins a story in which a single decision could end or save everything. 

Quite literally.


Call of the Archimage

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