The Paris Heist | Teen Ink

The Paris Heist

April 26, 2024
By Elim, Shelton, Connecticut
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Elim, Shelton, Connecticut
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Author's note:

Hi my name is Eli! I have created this short story because of my love for action and adventure! This, paired with creativity has many possibilities henceforth I have created this story! 

January 5th, 2027. 


Rakhmas Apartment,

 “What is happening to me, All of these things always happen to me. First my husband, then my mom, and now, the money disappeared”. Rakhma was an average Israelite woman who’s life was in a state of panic. Her husband has stage 2 cancer, but the surgery cost about 200,000 Shekels, and her mother died about a week ago and needed to pay her medical bills. “ I can’t believe this”, Rakhma said! 

“Don’t worry, there is always a plan for everything”. Said her husband. Her husband, David, was a former spy that spied in the russo-ukrainian war. Little did Rakhma know, her husband had a plan that would end up as the “Greatest Heist in Paris History”. 


“Very good weather, isn’t it?” said her husband.

 “It's great”. Said Rakhma. 

“I have a plan for you honey. Do you remember that your aunt, Shahil, works for the KPA? Said her husband. 

“Yeah, why are you asking me this, are you planning something?”, said Rakhma.

 “Kind of ; We both know we have medical bills to pay for me and your mother. How about, we go off the grid and have some fun”? Said her husband. 

 “I  don’t know! I haven't had that kind of fun for a long time since me and my sister stole the Cullinan Diamond (most expensive diamond in the world)”. Said Rakhma. 

“Let me tell you the plan,” said her husband. “So at 5:30 am, you will depart from ‘Ben Gurion’ international airport! You will get a fake passport from “the silk road”. When you arrive at the airport, I have already arranged your arrival by a taxi, and you will be redirected to the ‘Grand Bazaar’. When you arrive, a man in a black suit will take you into a car, and you will travel to the K.P.A to your aunt. And from there, your aunt will conduct the mission!”. Said her husband excitedly.
“I mean, it's not a bad idea. There is always room for some fun”. Said Rakhma. As the couple plan their impossible mission, they get ready for “the Greatest Heist in history”. 

January 17, 2027,

The Apartment

“It's time. We have been planning this for almost 2 weeks and I think it's time for you to start!”. Said her husband. 

“No, I’m not ready! I need to finish my shift at Panera to get the rich people money” Said Rakhma. 

“No, stop the nonsense, I promise you that you have all the funds on your cold wallet account (bitcoin wallet). No one will trace you since it's bitcoin. Ok!! Stop the nonsense! I believe in you! Let's both call this,  “Mission Impossible”. Said her husband. 


January 17 2:05 am- Ben Gurion Airport. 

“You got everything, wallet, encrypted phone, tinfoil, gun?” said her husband. 

“Yes dear, I have everything. I will cover my gun in tinfoil, put the wallet in my shoe, the phone in the compartment in the suitcase, and be stealthy”, Said Rakhma, annoyed by repeating the same thing.

 “Ok Good luck honey, I will pray for you”. Said her husband reluctantly! As Rakhma entered the airport, there were many police that were looking for a robber that had just stolen a random person’s wallet. She walked past them. As worried as she looked at the officers, she tried to maintain her calmness and approached security. The officers were very strict today because there was a robbery which means they are on code blue alert.

 As she walked past security, she was praying to Allah so that nothing happens and no one finds the gun she covered to help her if anyone attempts to block her mission. After security, she had a deep sense of relief because that was the hardest part of the mission except the heist part. As she sat on the plane, she tried to form a plan on a sheet of paper on how to access the louver at night since it is impossible to steal the Mona Lisa at night. As she arrived at Istanbul, like her husband told her, she went on a shuttle to ‘The Grand Bazar’ and found a man in a black suit. The Man found Rakhma and told her to get in the car before anything suspicious happens. As they approached the KPA, they picked up her aunt to get access to the spy gear/weapons. Rakhma was so excited to catch up with her aunt because they haven’t seen each other in 7 years since the Cullinan Diamond Robbery. They were talking about each other's problems and how this robbery would help them financially. Rakhma was discussing how to access the louver. “I don’t know, but a few years ago, there was this house that had underground access to the Louver. Maybe they took it down, but I think we can try to ask the person if we can go there. But he has to be knocked out first though”. Said the aunt in a humorous manner.

 When both the aunt and Rakhma arrived at the KPA, she needed clearance, and had to turn off all security cameras so that no one knew she was stealing the company's spy gear.

Thankfully, A few years ago, a Radioactive material called ‘Fabrium’ can disconnect all video monitoring devices if used correctly. As the aunt used the device, they had a two minute window to find and take the gear for their mission. 

‘“3,2,1, GO!” Said the Aunt.

 Rakheem panicked so bad that she almost crashed into a wall without knowing! As they approached the gun and gear locker, they discovered items such as uranium, Briefcase climbing rope, etc. As they got out, the alarms rang. Both ran as fast as they could. When the chauffeur heard the alarms, he quickly got to the ladies, and pulled them in the car. They later went to the airport because the flight is in about 1 hour. 

Location: Chaur De Gaulle

When both the aunt and Rakhma went  to the airport, they had a middle man that would transport their belongings. As they gave their items to Jack, they fled to the airport because they would miss their flight.

 “Quick,” said the aunt. “I won’t have another mission jeopardized like the last one”.

 She said Reluctantly.

 “Ok, Don’t worry, just shut up and run”. Said Rakhma laughing. 

Finally, they got on the flight. The aunt was worrying that her spy gear would be compromised and she would be fired from her job. While the aunt was worrying,  Rakhma was just looking out the window. 

“Look how beautiful it is, the clouds are just floating and the sun is just warming the clouds. Most beautiful thing I've ever seen”. Said Rakhma.

 As the plane was in for descent, both women were really nervous because this next step could either change their life for the better, or ultimately, completely ruin their life and everything can go south. As they arrived in Chaur De Gaulle airport, they were going through the gates of security, and after they left, they saw a man that was helping with the gear. The aunt paid him 2k in dollars, and left as swiftly as she could. Both women were really excited. 

“Ok, time to go to the hotel when we get there, we put on our spy gear, and go to the underground shaft. I looked it up on the KPA computer. The guy who lived in the shaft got evicted and we can go in without assassinating anyone”. Said the aunt. 

“Ok, let's officially start the mission”. Said Rakhma.

 As the women started putting on the night gear, they looked out of their hotel window, and saw how beautiful the Eifell tower is. Beneath it, they saw the Louvre and to their surprise, there was no security guard on the outside meaning that this mission will be pretty easy. 

As the girls were going out of the hotel in their disguises, there was a weird man who came up to the woman, and said, “I know what you are doing, get in”.

 The women were really scared and attempted to run,

 but the guy said,”I'm not part of the KPA, I want to help you!”. Said the man.

 The girls soon thought about it and went to the man pointing a gun to his head saying,”Are you sure? You either tell the truth, or we can do anything!”. Said the aunt.

 “Yes, Yes, I'm here to help you and not to compromise you. It's either you accept me, or I'm giving all of your criminal records to the KPA”. Said the man when he pulled out a classified KPA folder from the police.

 “How did you get that?” said the aunt. 

“If I want to, I can pull some strings to make anything happen. Get in before the police come for a nightly street check”. Said the man.

 The woman reluctantly agreed and quickly got into the vehicle. “So do you atleast know the plan for the heist?” Said the aunt. 

“Yeah of course, I was spying on you guys for about a month ago and know everything”. Said the man. “Call me Jimmy”. Said the man.

 “Weirdo,” the girls said simultaneously. 

 As the man grabbed his car, they were driving to the underground shaft that had the entrance. The whole house was blown up and there was only a door to the underground entrance. As Jimmy went into the entrance, both girls prayed one last time to Allah, and hoped that everything would be ok, and that they wouldn't be compromised. As both the girls entered the shaft, there were many rats. Rakhma was really scared of them, but for 800 million dollars, she is ready for anything.

Location: The Underground tunnel

As they went past it, it was a long tunnel because the louver is about .5 miles away from the house. The trio once again repeated the plan of getting in, Deactivating the security cameras, Deactivating laser identification, and last but not least, the Mona Lisa. Jimmy was starting to get nervous as he had never done this before. However, he also has a cause for that money since his mother is in jail, and the bail is about 2 million dollars! “Ok guys, are you ready, this is the last chance to stop. After you go into the museum, you are criminals and everything you do will be criminal behavior. Ok?”said Jimmy.

 “Yeah, we all know”. Said the aunt.

 When they entered, the 12 minute window opened. Jimmy started to get the devices out of the bag. He got the security system deactivator, Rakhma got the laser beam device to see if there are any traps, and the aunt carried a silent rubber gun in case there were any guards. Two minutes later, Jimmy deactivated the security cameras.

 Now the woman can start traveling with a laser beam to look for traps. “This is so fun,” said Rakhma. “I told you”. Said the aunt. 

As they approached the first wing, they swung the laser for the door. Suddenly, a gate came out of nowhere, and both of the women ran for the underground entrance. “Wait, don’t worry, I turned off the alarm system so there is no silent alarm”. Said Jimmy.

 Both of the women started going for each wing and pointing the laser. None of the other gates closed which was weird because the other one closed. “It's because the Tiffany diamond is held there”. Said Jimmy.

 “They keep it there because it's the most expensive diamond in the world”. Said jimmy. “Whatever, let's go find the Mona Lisa guys”. Said the aunt. 

The whole trio went to the French Revolution wing and found the Mona Lisa standing there in a glass case untouched. “Dang, why is it so small, like, look at that painting over there, It's gigantic”. Said Jimmy.

 He was talking about the Philosophical painting that was right next to the Mona Lisa. As they approached, Rakhma stepped on something that pulled her down. “Guys, my foot stepped on something”. Said Rahma.

 “Stop, don’t move, it's the museum security system that I couldn’t disable. Wait for us to get the painting, and then as fast as we can, we get the heck out of here”. Said jimmy.

 Jimmy and the aunt slowly started the glass abrasions. They put on a machine that cuts glass in different directions, and slowly, they saw the Mona Lisa without the glass. “She looks just the same, why would someone pay 800 million for this?” Said Jimmy.

 “For us to pay for our medical bills”. Said the aunt.  

When Jimmy picked up the painting, suddenly, a full on laser show showed up and now, Rakhma was in the middle of it. “Guys, why does everything bad happen to me”? Asked Rakhma.

 “Ok, just don’t move, let me use my decoder”. Said Jimmy.

 Jimmy pulled out his machine that disables the security system. He later did some decoding of the security system, and moments later, the laser beam disappeared. “Thank God”. Said Rakhma. 

Then, the aunt and Jimmy picked up the painting and were really nervous. “Ok ready” said jimmy. 

“Yes, Let's do this and get out of here”. Said Rakhma. “3,2,1. GO”. Said Jimmy. 

The trio sprinted across the museum as fast as they could and tried to get to the secret entrance. “Ok, Get in, Get in”. Said the Aunt.

 The trio finally made it to the secret entrance and started a run for their lives. They were all running away from the “Greatest Heist Ever” and they were all white as ghosts because of how fast they were running. As they approached the house, in the distance, they heard large police sirens near the Louvre. “Hey, that is my alarm. Isn’t it? " Said Rakhma. 

“Yup, Now quick, get into the hotel room”. Said Jimmy.

 Jimmy got out of his car, and slowly drove to not raise the suspicion . They then approached the hotel. “ No one is at the reception”, Said the aunt.

 “Perfect,” said Jimmy.

 Soon, the trio went into their hotel room and started packing for  Turkey since their flight is in about an hour. 

 They called the pick up guy, but didn’t tell him what was inside because then, he would disappear. “Hey are you John, Whatever. I don’t care. Here are some guns and a computer”. Said the aunt even though the ‘computer’ was literally the  Mona Lisa. 

Soon, John left for his car, and drove off into Turkey. Then, the woman and Jimmy started leaving the hotel room and into the car. They drove so fast that a police officer pulled them over. “Bonjour, vous avez fait un excès de vitesse”. “No hablo espanol” Said the aunt.

 “Are you stupid, we are in France?”, Said Jimmy.

 The aunt looked embarrassed. “Je suis vraiment désolé. Cela ne se reproduira plus jamais. Souhaitez-vous un pourboire généreux ?”said Jimmy, pulling out 100 euros. 

“Wow, he is a player”, Said Rakhma. 

“When you are in the greatest heist, you have to be careful and sometimes bribe some people. It's a part of life”

. Said Jimmy. As they were driving, they saw the airport. Excited, they all turned on their favorite french song ‘Material Girl’. As they went into the airport, Jimmy said, “thank you guys so much. Don’t worry, I don’t need any money. I stole the Tiffany diamond”. Said jimmy and soon, he rode out of the airport. 

“What the Heck just happened?” Said Rakhma. 

“Whatever, let's get out of here as fast as we can” said the aunt.

 The woman got out of the car and went into the airport confused about what just happened. Everything followed the normal procedure of just going out to the airport, going through security, going to the gate, and then flying away with 800 million dollars in their pocket. The women were happy and excited. “We did it Rakham”. Said the aunt. 

The aunt smiled slightly at her and then went back to sleep. Soon, they arrived in Turkey at the airport. As the woman disembarked, they saw the man that was the transporter. Thanks to the aunt, he didn’t know what he carried which was a life saver since he could’ve run away with the painting. Soon, another car pulled up and when the woman picked up the painting, they quickly sat in the black SUv and went to the Aunt's house to finish the mission. When they came to the aunt's house, they opened champagne, had cake, and started a party.  

The women were happy and were screaming in excitement. Later, the aunt and Rakhma started making a listing on the Sothebys secret auctions. They listed the piece for $700 million dollars and were waiting for a buyer. “We did it,” Said Rakhma. Meanwhile, the aunt was calling someone in a panic and being suspicious. 

“What are you doing, who are you talking to?”, said Rakhma. 

“Nothing, let's go party. I was calling an old friend.”. Said the Aunt. The Aunt was suspicious, but Rakhma thought nothing of it. As the night went on, the woman started seeing many bids on the auction. “$700 Million, $778 million, $800 Million”. Said the computer. 

“Wow, that was fast”. Said the Aunt.

 The auction ended the next morning so the woman went to sleep except for the aunt. She was very suspicious talking to someone on the phone, but again, Rakhma didn’t think anything of it. The next morning, there was a suspicious knock on the door. “KPA Police, we have a warrant for Rakhma”. Said the policeman.

 “What, how did they know, Aunty, what happened?”, Said Rakhma in a confused manner.

 “I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Rakhma. They made me do this and if I didn’t, they would kill me”. Said the aunt frantically. “What? Who said that to you, Why?”. Said Rakhma. 


January 5th, 2027. 

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