Crystal Tin : The Secret of the family | Teen Ink

Crystal Tin : The Secret of the family

March 29, 2024
By LillthRosa, Acton, Massachusetts
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LillthRosa, Acton, Massachusetts
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Nestled deep within the hidden corners of a distant and enigmatic land lies the mystical and enchanting realm of Penglai. This fabled land is not just a place but a living, breathing entity, steeped in legend and shrouded in an aura of mystery, with its very existence known only to a select few brave enough to seek it out.

As you journey through this fantastical realm, you will be captivated by the diverse array of wondrous creatures that call it home. From the majestic Qilin with its iridescent scales to the powerful and awe-inspiring dragon, and the graceful and majestic phoenix, each creature is a masterpiece of Chinese mythology and symbolism. But beware, for danger also lurks within the shadows of Penglai. The Hundun, with its ghostly appearance and prickly exterior, represents chaos and confusion, while the Qiongqi, with its razor-sharp claws and fangs, is a symbol of ferocity and aggression. The Taowu, with its demonic appearance and ability to control the spirits of the dead, is a constant reminder of the darkness that can be found in even the most magical places.

But Penglai is not just a land of mythical creatures; it is also a land of elemental power. The people of Penglai are divided into five distinct groups, each aligned with a particular element. The earth element is associated with stability, grounding, and reliability, while the fire element represents passion, creativity, and inspiration. The water element is associated with emotion, intuition, and fluidity, while the gold element is associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. The wood element is associated with growth, renewal, and adaptability, revered for its ability to transform and regenerate.

As you venture deeper into the heart of Penglai, you will discover that this realm is not just a place of myth and legend, but a living, breathing world full of wonder and enchantment. So pack your bags, gather your courage, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime as you journey into the mystical realm of Penglai.

In the bustling city of New York, a family is settling into their new home after a long journey from Taiwan. Among the boxes and bags, there is a precious crystal necklace that has been passed down from an ancestor from Penglai. This necklace is no ordinary piece of jewelry. It is made of a rare crystal that appears only once every ten thousand years and is said to possess immense power that can unlock the gateway to the magical realm.

As the family unpacks their belongings, Crystal Tin, a young Asian teenager, notices a glint of light that catches her eye. Upon closer inspection, she discovers an exquisite crystal necklace that sparkles in the light. Suddenly, a vivid image of a world beyond her wildest dreams flashes before her eyes, accompanied by an urgent message from her ancestor who had been the previous holder of the crystal necklace.

Through the glimpses she saw, Crystal realized that the necklace held the key to unlocking the magical realm. Possessing this key enabled the holder to enter the realm at will, and the creatures of the magical realm could enter the human world as well. The necklace also bestowed its wearer with five elemental powers, allowing them to disguise themselves as a magical creature in Penglai, a place where humans were not welcome. It was a powerful tool that could help her protect herself and her family from the creatures that resided there.

However, to use the powers of the necklace, the holder needed the approval of the five element guards represented within it. Each of these guards represented a different elemental force, and their approval was essential to unlocking the full potential of the necklace.

With the knowledge of her ancestors, Crystal quickly started preparing for her journey to Penglai. She knew that the creatures of Penglai would come looking for her and the necklace, whether she went there or not. So, she packed everything she would need for the journey, including enough food to last for a few days. She then swung the crystal necklace, which opened the door to Penglai and beckoned her to embark on an adventure that would change her life forever.

As Crystal took her first steps on the land of Penglai, she was filled with a sense of awe. The majestic creatures that roamed the land seemed to have already learned of her arrival and the significance of the crystal she possessed. A thousand-year-old prophecy had foretold that she would be the one to bring peace to Penglai after five millennia of war. And now, standing in a beautiful forest next to a crystal-clear lake, she realized that everything she had seen in the crystal was real.

Suddenly, Coral, a water dragon spirit, popped out of the crystal necklace and startled Crystal. Coral introduced herself as the guardian of the elemental power of water and offered to take Crystal to the location of the first trial. The trial was located near the forest, and to get there, Crystal had to find an underwater tunnel in the lake. Coral warned her that she had to be quick as there were others who were after the power of the necklace.

As she changed into swimming clothes and located the lake, Crystal felt a chill run down her spine as she dove into the icy-cold water. Fish swam around her as she searched for the underwater tunnel, struggling to hold her breath. Finally, she spotted a place with air and swam towards it just in time to open the door and enter the tunnel before water flooded in. She lit the torches and began walking towards the location of the first trial, eager to see what awaited her.

Crystal approached a massive stone door, which was adorned with a Tangram puzzle on top. However, this was no ordinary Tangram puzzle. It had three different symbols: a yin and yang symbol, an aqua symbol, and a Penglai symbol, a tree on an island. Crystal spent an entire hour trying to solve the puzzle before finally succeeding. As she opened the door, she was greeted by a stage made of icy floor. The words around the stage instructed her to meditate and tap into the water element to find the aqua fighting skill within her heart.

Crystal sat cross-legged on the icy floor and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the water element. However, she couldn't feel the water and kept trying to focus. Suddenly, an image of the freedom of water popped into her head. She began to remember herself swimming in the water with her family and friends. Crystal felt the water element around her and knew she could use it now. As she meditated more, she felt the power of the water element growing stronger. Now, she had to think of her own water fighting technique. She remembered the technique passed down from her ancestors, but she needed to make it her own. Crystal emerged the feeling of freedom and swimming into the fight technique, inheriting it from her ancestors.

As time passed, Crystal had finally integrated everything she had inherited into her technique. Suddenly, the sound of a door opening filled her ears. A creature of an image of coral in a bigger form emerged from the necklace and explained to Crystal that this was her image from the past, and she needed to beat her to proceed to the next trial. Using the power she had just learned, Crystal began to fight the image of coral. Even though the image of coral was just a representation of the past, it was still challenging to fight. However, the image of coral didn't have one thing - the ability to think. The image od coral just worked based on instinct, using the surroundings with some little tricks. Crystal finally defeated the image of coral and gained the ability to breathe underwater from the necklace, as well as a power boost to her ability to feel the water element.

Crystal stood in awe as Coral emerged from the necklace and spoke to her. "Now that you have gained the ability of water, you can proceed to the next four trials," Coral said in a calm voice. "But be warned, you must be quick. The living things of Penglai have felt the unlocking of the water element and will soon be aware of your presence."

Coral then introduced Crystal to the remaining four elemental guardians, starting with the Quilin, representing Earth, who emerged from the necklace. Next came the dragon, representing Wood, Qinglong, followed by the Phoenix, representing Fire, Agni, and finally the dragon, representing Metal, Aenea. Each creature exuded immense power and commanded a sense of awe and respect from Crystal.

The guardians reminded Crystal of the fundamental principle of the five elements - that everything in the world counteracts and neutralizes each other. They explained that water counters fire, while water could make more wood. However, too much water could kill the wood, and Crystal didn't have enough power to use the metal element, which counteracts with water.

After much consideration, Crystal chose the element of fire for her next trial. The other guardians then returned to the necklace, leaving only the fire Phoenix, Agni, to guide her through the trial. Crystal knew that the trials ahead would be difficult, but her determination to prove herself as a worthy elemental warrior remained unshaken.

As the sun began to set, Agni led Crystal to the next trial in the mountains, and they set up camp along the way. They sat outside their tent next to the fire, surrounded by the peacefulness of the surroundings. Suddenly, Crystal heard a rustling sound, and as she turned her head, she saw a dark shadow getting closer and closer. It was a giant monster with six feet, four wings, and no face or eyes. It was Hundun, representing primordial chaos. Crystal's worst fear had come true - the people of Penglai wanted the necklace and they had sensed her.

Crystal acted quickly, extinguishing the campfire and gathering as many supplies as she could before taking off in a sprint. She knew that Hundun, as a representation of Yin in the Yin and Yang, was too powerful for her to fight, and attacking it with water, which also represented Yin, would be futile. Running tirelessly, she eventually found herself at a dead-end with nowhere to go. The hopelessness of her situation weighed heavily on her, and she found herself wondering what she could do next.

It was then that Agni suddenly emerged from the necklace and instructed Crystal to jump off the cliff, assuring her that it would take her to the Fire Trial. Crystal was taken aback by the suddenness of this request, but she had no time to ponder it. She had to trust Agni. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaped off the cliff and heard a loud boom follow her down as Agni appeared. A message was sent to her mind: "Believe in yourself," Agni said bravely, before disappearing into the darkness of the tunnel.
Crystal was elated when Coral emerged from the necklace and offered to help. She immediately asked about Agni's whereabouts, knowing that anything happening inside the necklace could be seen by its owner. Coral explained that Agni had used all her power to send Crystal to the tunnel for the Fire Trial and distract Hundun away from her. Crystal was speechless, realizing how much Agni had sacrificed for her.

Coral went on to explain that if Crystal didn't complete the Fire Trial, Agni would never wake up, even if someone else owned the necklace. The thought of Agni falling into eternal sleep filled Crystal with determination. She knew she had to complete the trial to save her friend.

She rushed to the door leading to the next trial, which presented no lock or puzzle. However, when she touched the door, she was suddenly enveloped in an illusion of her deepest fear. She saw a monster she had never encountered before killing her parents, and she found herself trapped in eternal darkness where she couldn't see or hear anything. The illusion was so vivid that she felt like she was really there, experiencing the horrors of her past.

As time passed, Crystal felt like giving up, but she remembered her family and Agni. She knew that if she gave up, she wouldn't have the power to protect them or wake Agni up. Finally, she woke up at the door where she had started and opened it.

The next trial awaited her, a stage made of stone surrounded by fire and lava. The heat was intense, but Crystal sat down in the center of the stage and tried to sense the fire element. It took her a long time to do so, much longer than sensing the water element in the previous trial. The fire element felt fierce and powerful, like fire itself. After gaining control of the fire element within her, she worked to balance it with her water element. Eventually, she achieved this balance and was ready to face the clone of Agni.

Crystal could feel the difference in the clones of Agni and Coral. Agni's clone seemed to possess something unique and powerful within its body. Realizing this, Crystal decided to attack aggressively, not giving Agni a chance to tap into this power. She ran around the platform, hoping to push Agni's clone off the edge into the lava below. Though the phoenix was immune to fire, Crystal's aim was to weaken Agni's clone. As it fell into the lava, Crystal used her water element power to transform the molten rock into obsidian, killing Agni's clone. The clone disintegrated into dust, leaving behind a shining sword, which Crystal picked up.

As Agni's clone perished, Agni woke up, with her powers restored. Crystal felt a surge of energy in her fire element power, reminding her that she had completed the Fire Trial. She now had to choose between the Wood Trial, which could enhance her fire power when fighting it, or the Metal Trial, which was limited by fire. 

Crystal picked up the sword that left on the floor,  and immediately she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. The sword was imbued with pure fire element energy, just like that of a phoenix. Agni explained that the sword was crafted using a part of a phoenix, which gave it some of the bird's abilities. The sword could switch between different elements, but its attack power was at its strongest when in fire sword form. As Crystal used her water element power, the sword transformed into a staff, and a message popped into her head, informing her of the staff’s ability to heal using the water element around her. With her new weapon, Celestia, in hand, Crystal decided to tackle the Metal Trial, knowing that it would be easier to defeat with the fire sword form of Celestia.

However, finding the Metal Trial was not going to be an easy task. Crystal had to search for a secret tunnel or a way to get to it. As she looked around, she sensed something that was distinctly metallic. Using her ability, she found a door that led to the next trial. Aenea instructed her to use her fire and water element powers together to open the door, but this seemed impossible as fire and water restrained each other. Crystal realized that she had water vapor at her disposal, and since there were more fire elements in the volcano, she found ways to use her power creatively, finally opening the door and stepping into the Metal Trial.

Inside, Crystal found herself in a metal forest, surrounded by machines that looked like monsters. A platform led her through the trial, similar to what she had experienced before when defeating the clone of Aenea. She had gained a metal book that helped her understand how to build machines and solve metal puzzles in Pendlai. The next two trials were also in the same location, as revealed by Qinglong and Quiling, who had appeared from the necklace after Crystal defeated Aenea.

Suddenly, all the torches were extinguished, and the five elemental guardians emerged from the necklace, warning Crystal that Hundun was coming and urging her to unlock her power. In a flash of light, she was sent to the Earth and Wood Trials, with a message left in her head indicating that she needed to finish the remaining trials to awaken the guardians and unlock the power to defeat Hundun.

Crystal opened her eyes and found herself standing in a tunnel, surrounded by earth and wood elements. As she walked towards the door deep inside the tunnel, she saw two quotes about life. The first one read, "If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor," and the second one said, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Crystal was asked to feel the two elements while reading these two quotes and see which one fit the most. As she thought through the quotes thoroughly, she finally saw a pattern in her head. The first quote was about earth, and the second was about wood. As the thought flew through her head, the door opened, and the smell of grass, trees, and flowers filled her nostrils.

In this trial, there was no fighting. Remembering the message of Qinglong and Quilin, "you would have to think through life," Crystal thought through all the things that she had been through and the life experiences she had before she finally learned the message. With a blink of an eye, all the elemental powers showed up around her, including fire, water, metal, earth, and wood. Crystal's surroundings changed from the Earth and Wood Trial to a temple with all the guardians drawn in the back.

"It's the secret powers the guardians had been talking about," thought Crystal as the power inside her emerged and surrounded her. The necklace shone a bright light around, and a new power appeared. This power mixed with the five elements and was the true power of the owner of the necklace - "The power of prehistoric time," or "Hónghuāng zhī lì." With this power, Crystal could defeat Hundun. As the element power of Crystal changed, so did the weapon Celestia, revealing its true form as a bow that could be used with "Hónghuāng zhī lì."

Several days had passed since Crystal had discovered her newfound powers and weapon. As she was getting accustomed to the Hónghuāng zhī lì, Hundun, the malicious entity, appeared at the temple. Crystal flew out of the temple and began to fight Hundun relentlessly. Even with the powerful Hónghuāng zhī lì, the battle was far from easy. After hours of fighting, with a shot from Celestia, Crystal finally managed to defeat Hundun, and in doing so, awakened the elemental guardian. With the Hónghuāng zhī lì at her disposal, Crystal could now protect herself and her family from the menacing people of Penglai.

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