When the Wolf Howls | Teen Ink

When the Wolf Howls

November 28, 2016
By crazy_magic_alicorn, Estes Park, Colorado
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crazy_magic_alicorn, Estes Park, Colorado
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Author's note:

Kyra MacGregor is known to make many books out of fun and creative worlds due to her imagination. She wrote the bestseller "The Story of the Half-Dead Girl", "Switch-A-Boy", and "Beauty's New Life". All books have been a success and continue to strive. She spends most of her time playing with her dog, Scott, and hanging with friends. This story was inspired by a friend of her's who is writing a story called, "Children of the Woods". Check that story out as well.

The author's comments:

Reader's this is the entire story not just one chapter. 

I sat awake on my bed waiting for the sign. I waited and waited until my eyes started to drift off to sleep. My thoughts became louder and the world around me became darker. I suddenly hear the howl outside my window. There she is. I poke my head outside the two story window and see a silvery wolf sitting at the bottom of a ladder. I crawl out of bed and put my shoes on. I climbed down the ladder and met the wolf. She licked my face as I bent down to see her.
"Hi Deoji. How was your day?" I asked her.
She wagged her tail and refused to speak.
"Is someone not talking to me?" I teased her.
"I just don't want your mom to hear me." She whispered.
"Come on then. She'll wake up if we don't leave." I whisper yelled.
We ran away from the house and bounded toward the forest.
"Buck, don't you have school tomorrow?"Deoji whispered
"Yah. Who cares though?" I replied.
"Your mom."
"She's not even my real mom."
"Aimee will miss you though. She's very attached to you."
"Deoji your my best friend and she's my little sister."
"I'm not gonna be the reason your missing school."
"I'm not gonna miss it, just gonna be late."
"Buck. Ever since you found me as a pup and kid we have been best friends. Plus she might be there."
"She's always there. It's a little thing called the law, Deoji."
"I'm not human and the fact you can understand me is due to those pills I gave you as a child. They are already wearing off."
"My point made."
"GO HOME!!!"
"Fine." Buck replied as he walked back to his house.
"That boy is going to be the death of me."
"Bye Deoji."
"Bye Buck."
The silver wolf walked into the moon lit forest, as I made my way home. I sighed that I was shoved him by my own best friend. 'When will she listen to what I want. Aimee is my blood sister and we were adopted together, but she and I were 5 and 3 at that time. Our mother and father were killed by an avalanche on a skiing and the leader of the pack, led Aimee and I to their den. Why won't she just listen that I know what I'm doing.' My phone dinged. Ugh. It was Aimee.
'Where are you? Are you out with Deoji? Can I come?' I read.
Rolled my eyes and ran to my house watching Aimee jump out my window. I quickly caught her and sighed.
"Aimee, what are you doing? Go back inside."
"No I want to come. You alway go and have fun with Deoji. I want to come."
"Aimee, you're only 12 years old and I can't have you get hurt. Go up the ladder now."
"I want to come."
"Ugh. Fine. You can come next time." I agreed.
Aimee climbed up the ladder and hopped through the window, as I began to climb up the ladder. I rolled my eyes as she poked her head out the window. I hopped through the window and crawled into my bed. I heard footsteps outside my door, so Aimee crawled into the closet bed I have. Our dad came bursting in and saw that Aimee was safe and I was still awake.
"I'm not stupid boy. Where did you go? Why did you take Aimee?" My foster father said.
"I didn't. I didn't do or go or take anything."
"I'm not a stupid man. I know you left. That's the only reason Aimee is sleeping in here."
"Aimee, feels safe with me and I am the closest thing to blood she has."
"I am your father and I am your protector. I know you left. Ever since you and I built that ladder by your window. You are grounded and I'm locking the window."
"You can't."
"Why not?"
"Cause look out the window."
Deoji stood at the bottom growling and barking. Deoji had bit our father when we were young due to harshness.
"Boy, I apologize. You can forget about the grounding. Go to sleep, the bus will be here in the morning.Goodnight."
I drifted off to sleep dreaming of what tomorrow will be like. Aimee woke me up while it was still dark. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the door swing wide open and our foster father holding a gun. I smelt smoke in the air and saw a fire behind him. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my back pack and the emergency kit. I looked down and saw the ladder was cut down and knew I had to jump or die. I jumped and landed on my feet. Aimee looked at me with a worried, upset, scared glare. I told her to jump. She jumped and I caught her almost breaking my arm. I put her down and began to run. As I ran, I saw a silvery wolf running beside me. I slowed down and grabbed Aimee to slow her down.
"Deoji. Hey. Help us."
Deoji barked and ran ahead of us, leading to somewhere. Aimee and I followed after her. Aimee fell down and was caught in a trap. Deoji and I heard her scream and ran to her.
"Buck! Buck! Help!"
"Aimee. I gotcha. Easy does it." I said as I lowered her down.
"I'm sorry your birthday is ruined."
"It's ok. It happens. My birthday is always ruined."
"It shouldn't though."
"We have to keep going. Deoji lead the way."
Deoji barked and lead the way to a cave. She ran inside and addressed the Alpha. She bowed and howled. I bowed and grabbed Aimee's arm to bow. I rolled my eyes at her and sat down next to Deoji. The wolves gave me some water and another pill. I swallowed the pill as the wolves gave Aimee her's. She swallowed her's and sat down next to me holding my arm. The Alpha looked down at us.
"Why do you come to us again? We gave you a home of which they love you." He spoke in a submissive tone.
"Leader, their home was burned by their deranged foster father and killed their mother in a fire." Deoji replied.
"Umbrasta. I asked the children." He snapped.
"My name is Deoji." She snapped back.
"That is your dumb human name. Be aware, that these children are dumb and ignorant, who are only going to use you for as long as they can. They are relying on you now, but tomorrow they won't."
"You liar. You gave me up and I found them. They sent me back to you."
"You came back dragging them."
"I came back with a loyal boy and a girl of which she would do anything to go home. They went home and now they need our help again."
"Children. Don't fear me. I am a welcoming soul, yet I feel threatened by your appearance."  
"I don't want you to feel threatened by us, yet we do need your help." I said to the Alpha.
"I understand you want to stay with us for as long as it takes, but you must still follow the human laws as well as our own."
"I understand. We will follow the society of wolves and the rules of our kind."
"Umbrasta, take them to your cave." The Alpha demanded, as he stormed off.
Aimee held my arm and stared at Deoji who had her head lowered and walked off with her tail between her legs. I walked up to her and patted her head. She whimpered.
"Deoji. Why are you sad?" Aimee asked.
"The Alpha left me to the woods and he will never treat me the same." She responded.
"I'm sorry girl." I said.
"Don't do that." Deoji snapped.
"Do what? Call you girl?" I questioned.
"You treat me like your pet even when I found you guys."
"Deoji. We're sorry."
"If you are, then go home." She said as she trotted away.
Aimee sat down on a stump and sighed. I sat on a rock near by.
"Buck. Should we go home?" She asked.
"Yah." I responded.
"Should we move away from Deoji?"
"Are we gonna be split up?"
"Should we run away?"
"Will our foster father hurt us?"
"I don't know."
"Buck, I'm scared."
"So am I. "
I walked up to Deoji and kissed her head. Aimee got up and gave Deoji a hug stopping her in her tracks.
"Where are you going?" Deoji asked as we walked away.
"Home." I said as I turned back.
"You can't." Deoji said running up to us.
"Deoji. Tell the Alpha to not worry about us anymore." Aimee began skipping.
"I can't leave you."
"No we can't leave YOU!" I said turning back around to face her.
"Buck! Aimee!" Deoji howled.
"Bye, Umbrasta." I yelled.
Aimee and I started to a sprint and made it to our father who was sitting on the ashes of our mother. He weeped and was praying on his knees. I made my way up next to him and stood in the ashes of our home. Aimee stood next to me grabbing my hand holding it tightly.
"Father?" Aimee whispered.
He turned around and stared into my eyes. His eyes dried and he stood his ground clutching his fists, as though he was ready to punch me in the gut or something. Aimee took a step back still holding tight of my hand.
"What are you doing here?" he snapped.
"We've come home." I responded.
"You killed your mother. I don't want to see you." he sighed.
"Actually, you killed our foster mother. We ran away from you." Aimee butted in.
"You can't prove that. You can't turn me in." he snapped.
"Actually," I responded waking off,"I have a camera in every room of the house. I can see you starting the fire, killing our foster mother, and coming after us."
"All the cameras were destroyed then."
"All of the cameras. Not the feed."
"Where is the feed?"
"Somewhere you will never find."
I grabbed Aimee's hand and walked away. We walked and walked until we hit the Police Station. I walked inside and looked around for someone to help us. We found someone and explained what had happened.
"Buck. Aimee. You guys have gone through a lot and I think I need a little proof before I can take you two away from him. Do you have proof?" The officer asked.
"Do you have a computer?" I asked.
"Yes, let me bring it to you." He responded.
He walked out of the room, going for the computer, while Aimee gave a small whimper and let a tear roll down her pale face. I hugged her head wanting her to know it was all going to be okay. He walked in with a laptop in his arms. I took the computer from him and began typing. I logged in and got started. I entered the passwords and dodged the tricks meant for my foster father. I entered the system and began to search for the other night.
I found all of the footage and watched the officer as he inched toward Aimee. Aimee shied away, behind my sleeve, pulling me in front of her. Her face became even more pale; she looked as though she as about to faint from all the quiet whimpering and the fear she was feeling. The officer lowered his center of gravity and placed his knee onto the ground. Aimee peeked her head from around my body. I stepped away a little still being held onto.
"Aimee. It's okay. Don't worry. You will be okay." The officer spoke gently.
"I know. I just don't want to be separated from my brother. I'm 12 years old and even I don't feel entirely safe without him. Sometimes he's all I really have." She responded.
"Do you have any friends?"
"Where is he or she?"
"Buck, where is Mr. Giggles?"
I dug through my bag and pulled out Aimee's favorite stuffed animal. It was a stuffed wolf who was soft and had a collar that read our mom's name engraved on it. I stared at the stuffed animal for a minute and sighed. My dad gave me his name tag from the army, my mom gave me a blanket. Inside my bag was my school things, my blanket, Aimee's school things, Mr. Giggles, mom's scrapbook, and my computer which I always carry with me due to I am a writer just wandering for inspiration.
Aimee grabbed Mr. Giggles and hugged him tightly. The officer looked at me and smiled. He touched Aimee's arm making her flinch a little.
"This is Mr Giggles. He seems like a wonderful friend."
" He's the best. My brother has pulled up the proof and I wouldn't like to see it. Can I go with Mr. Giggles to a break room of some kind?"
"Aimee. You can't with out an officer." I responded.
"I will walk her to the break room and one of our officers can watch her." The officer replied.
"Alright, run along. Don't let her out of your sight. She has a record of disappearing into the woods." I responded placing down the law with the officer.
"Come on Aimee. Maybe Officer Hops is in the break room." The officer said skipping off with her.
I sat in front of the computer and sighed. How did I get here? How would my life be shaped if Mom and Dad never went skiing? Would I still be the person I am today? These thoughts swarmed through my head as my eyes slowly closed making the world around me go silent.

I was sitting in a living room. I've never been in this living room before. I looked around and saw a fireplace and Aimee sleeping on the couch next to me. I smiled at my younger sister. Where are we? Are we alive? I stood up and walked around. Next to me I saw my dad. Not my adoptive dad. My blood dad. He was sleeping in the chair next to me.
" Dad?"
"Buck? What are you doing up?"
"I, ummm, need a drink. What day is it?"
"Buck, don't play dumb with me. It's the night before your birthday."
"Why am I in the living room?"
"We were watching, your favorite movie. It's tradition. Why are you asking me this?"
"I guess I went into another reality in my sleep. Where's mom?"
"Dad. Shhhh. You'll wake Aimee."
"Sorry. Ever since your mother died, you and Aimee keep asking me."
"Aimee's had this dream before too."
"Not a dream she lives here Buck."
"Right. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night Dad."
"Goodnight, son. I love you."

Before I could respond, I was awoken by a bang. Like the shot of a gun. I looked at the computer in front of me and saw the video was still paused. I poked my head up and saw three guys in black masks lurking throughout the halls. I slid down until I hit the floor. I knew I had to find Aimee. I grabbed my backpack and the kit and hid underneath the table. Aimee went to the break room with the officer and didn't come back. Well, she must still be in there.' I thought. All the sudden an officer came up to the table and dragged me out. I grabbed my bags and followed the nice officer.
She had long brown hair and her uniform fit her just right. She pulled her gun from her side and held it out. She led me to the break room. Someone knows who I'm looking for. We entered the room that was dark and filled with the smells of doughnuts. I guess the television shows are right. The officer turned on the light still holding her gun out, like she was going to shoot it. I began to hear whimpers in the corner. I knew those whimpers were Aimee's and knew she was either scared, injured, or she didn't know where Mr. Giggles was. I ran to the corner and found Aimee, holding her legs to her chest, with a scratch mark across her face, with no sign of Mr. Giggles. It as all three. Usually that happened when our foster mother was out of the house and our foster father was beating her, and taking Mr. Giggles, her bracelet, mom's scrap book, and Aimee's book. I haven't seen Aimee like this since before our foster mother became a stay at home mom. I tried to pull her away, but she wouldn't budge. The pretty officer came over and tapped Aimee three times an whispered something into her ear. Aimee stood up and jumped onto the officer.
"Jess. I'm scared. I need Mr. Giggles." Aimee whimpered quietly.
"No you don't. You are a strong girl and you don't need Mr. Giggles all the time. He is your best friend, but you need to stand up for yourself." Jess whisper yelled.
"Buck. Did you get the footage? Did you see it?" Aimee whisper yelled.
"No I didn't see it, but I always have the footage. Oh no." I responded.
"What is it?" Jess whispered.
"I left the computer system running. They can delete everything."
"Let's go get it then."
Jess grabbed my hand and pulled out her gun again. I held her hand, feeling like a dog on a leash. I liked it though. She was so pretty. Her hair glowed in the moonlight, her skin was warm and soft, her voice was enchanting. I felt my heart glow in the darkest of time.
We reached the room and smiled at one another, as we saw the room was left alone. I grabbed the computer and smashed it, sending a burst of sound throughout the police station. I grabbed Jess's hand and ran from the room.
Once we reached the break room, Aimee's whimpers had turned into cries. Tears streamed down her face, smearing the blood. I sighed and grabbed a towel, letting go of Jess's hand. I cleaned Aimee up and comforted her. I gave Aimee a blanket and let her go to sleep. I gave her a kiss on the head like our foster mother always did. Jess sat down on the floor and began to sing softly.
Sleep now
My-y Angel
Let your worries go away
Let your dreams take over
Let your fears fall
La la la
Dream Dream
Dream until you fall
Aimee was sound asleep by this point, yet she continued to sing. Her voice was smooth and soft.
Sleep now
Don't worry now
You are in good hands
You are safe
You are okay
Sleep now, Angel
La la la
Dream Dream
Dream until you fall
She placed a blanket on me and let me fall asleep. Aimee and I haven't slept like this for a long time. I smiled at the thought of this, when all the sudden I felt a kiss placed on my cheek. I fell into a deep sleep thinking of Jess's sweet voice.
I awoke suddenly. My head turned toward Aimee who was still whimpering. Mr. Giggles was still emotionless and cuddled Aimee. I guess Jess found it while we slept. Jess was sitting at the door, guarding it. Another gun shot went off. I spotted a window and packed up the things. Aimee refused to let go of Mr. Giggles, so I let her carry it. I grabbed Jess and pulled her away from the door. I hopped out the window still holding Jess's hand. Aimee jumped after me and landed safely. I didn't let go of Jess's hand and was dangling from the window.
"Let go!" She screamed.
"No! Come with us!" I replied
"Why?! What good and I?"
"You can help us. Come. Help us." I said struggling.
She jumped from the window still holding my hand. I let go and let each of us land on the ground with a thud. I laid on my back for a moment until I was picked up by my sister. She ran beside me and pulled Jess behind her. I smiled giving her a grin of which she would be proud of. I was proud. Mom and Dad should be proud. I looked up at the sky and saw a helicopter fly above.
A ladder fell down and hit Aimee on the head, knocking her unconscious. I picked her up and pulled the ladder away from her Jess started up the ladder, like it was life or death. Which it really was, but I assumed she rushed up to get a stretcher. She threw down the stretcher on a rope and climbed back down the ladder. By the time she got down, I had already gotten Aimee on the stretcher and stepped on the first step. She sighed and rushed back up the ladder. I went back down and grabbed Mr. Giggles holding him close. I threw him in my backpack and hurried up the ladder still trying to hold onto the emergency kit. I finally placed it on Aimee, still making sure that she was secure. Jess began to pull the stretcher up as I hurried up the ladder.
I hopped in the helicopter and immediately began helping Jess pull Aimee. Another man came over and began to help pull Aimee up as well. Once Aimee, was up I let a sigh escape my heavy breathing. I lied my head against Aimee's heart and listened to her heartbeat against my ear. Quiet. It became quiet. I looked at Aimee's face. It was soft and delicate. I touched her face. Still warm. I place my ear against her heart again and listened to the heartbeat once again. I sat up and looked at Jess, who was now kissing passionately with the other man who helped. The helicopter began to move again and I braced for it all holding onto Aimee who was still on the stretcher.
Hours. Hours had passed and Aimee is still out cold. Jess introduced the man as her husband, Nick Wild. I smiled at him and he looked over Aimee. He looked a little worried, but still told me she was going to be fine. We were still in the air. I never knew why. Finally, a couple of minutes had past and we landed on top of a roof. I sat up looking at Jess. She walked over and placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on Aimee's chest.
"Buck. We are taking Aimee into the hospital since it's been several hours since she was knocked out." Jess said slowly, as the copter noises quieted down.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked worryingly.
"We don't know. Nick is a paramedic and still said she needed to go to the hospital."
"So, no." I sighed.
"We will just have to see. You can come and stay with Nick and I until you can get back on your feet."
"Are you foster parents?" I asked with a little hope in my voice.
"No. Nick and I discussed it and we want to help you get the best family there is. I realize you have had some trouble everywhere else."
"Okay. Can we stay here for a little though?"
"Well, we will have to, unless you have a ride."
"Nope, I'm only 15. I do have a friend that can get me a ride."
"Call them. Here is my phone."
"No need. I'll be right back."
I walked off and ran to the other side of the roof. I stood on the roof, staring at the beautiful woods and howled a loud sweet sound. No way Deoji didn't here that. I waited for a few minutes, until I heard another howl in reply. It was Deoji. I rushed back over to the helicopter and smiled. Jess looked at me like I was crazy.
"I need to go to the lobby. Where is it?" I asked with no breath left.
"Downstairs. Let me come with you." Jess answered questionably.
"Come on then."
I ran to the door and found some nurses carrying a stretcher to the roof. I sighed. I knew it was for Aimee, but knew I needed to get away from the hospital. I slid past them and bolted for the lobby. I ran through every section that wasn't blocked off. I saw pregnant women, firemen, newborn babies, cancer patients, and kids. There was a room that was filled with kids running around or sitting in a room filled with toys and activities. I sighed. I continued to run. I made it to the lobby as soon as Deoji got there. A few horses had followed her. One was black with white socks and a white nose. Another was brown with a black mane and a white mask. The last one was silvery white with one black sock. I hopped onto the white one as Jess followed me.
Jess stared at me like I was crazy again. I sighed and whistled to where Deoji barked an order at the black horse. The black one immediately lied down and motioned it's head toward Jess to hop on. Jess slowly walked over to the horse like I was kidding. She jumped on and the horse immediately got up.
We began off to the ashes of our old home. I wanted Jess to see it in person. We came to a stop and just stared at the ashes.
"He did this." Jess questioned.
"To his wife and children." I commented.
"Our father was very ill, ill with alcohol. He'd come home when our mother wasn't there and beat us."
"That is not a good father. What did you guys do?"
"I don't know because Aimee was nothing, but good."
"What about you?"
"I ran off with Deoji at night. He never caught me, but still thought he did."
"Why though?"
"I didn't use to run off when we first moved in, but Deoji came in the house one day and saw him beat me and Deoji. I was five years old and didn't know what was happening, but Deoji did. She bit him and told me later. He drove himself to the hospital, since our mother wasn't home. Later, he drove back and made me sleep in the shed. Our mother thought I had run off and then later found me sitting in the shed with Deoji."
"When you say Deoji told you do you mean like spoke to you?"
"The wolves have these pills that they have modified over the years from a research project from the 90's. Aimee and I have been using them ever since. One pill lasts 9 years."
"Aimee is the last of your family."
"We have a grandfather in Pennsylvania, but he is sick and dying. Other wise, it's just Aimee and me."
"What happened to the rest of your family?"
"Family reunion. They were all at a family reunion and the building burned down killing everyone, but me and my family. I even have a scar from that night." I lifted my shirt revealing a scar across my chest.
"Wow. You have had bad luck your entire life."
"Basically. What's funny is that I remember my mom and dad fighting about someone named Bailey. Who ever that is."
"Give me your phone."
"Why? No."
"Yes. Give."
"Use your own."
"If this is gonna work, you need to comply."
I handed her my phone and sighed watching her type like crazy. I rolled my eyes and trotted over to the burnt ladder that was laying down on the ashes. Jess trotted up and watched me jump off my horse. The horse stayed out and let a neigh out letting Deoji know everything that had just happened Deoji and the other horse came back up with Nick on the horses back. Jess looked at Nick and pointed at my phone. Nick pulled out his phone and looked at his messages. I looked away minding my own business. Nick jumped off the horse and followed me to the ladder.
"Buck. Do you or your sister know a Bailey?" He asked.
"No. My parents and foster parents did. I never did." I replied.
"How long were your parents married?"
"They celebrated their 15th Anniversary on the night they died. My mom was half a  month away from having our new sibling."
"Lots of kids."
"No, two and a half kids."
"Tell me a little about the night your parents died."
"My mom had pains beginning earlier in the day. They had finally stopped by noon. We walked to lunch and ran into a pair of 20 year old kids. One male and the other female. My mom and dad acted like they knew them. They both even hugged us and whispered in my ear. I didn't want to listen, but I did."
"What did they say?"
"They said that we'll need to run and find something. Anyway, we were skiing down the hill. When I heard a big rumble. Aimee hid behind a tree and I looked behind me finding an avalanche had occurred."
"What did you need to find?"
"I got out of the avalanche with Aimee and ran into the man we ran into earlier that day."
"What did he look like?"
"I forget, but Aimee ran from him and ran into a big hole. There was a shovel at the bottom of the hole. I picked up the shovel and dug for a few minutes and found a box. I opened the box and there was all of the things our parents left for us. The dog tag, the blanket, Mr. Giggles, and my mom's scrapbook. We kept them and ran away to find our parents buried in the avalanche."
"Was there any blood?"
"Why do you keep asking these questions?"
"I think we know something you don't."
"What is it? Do I have another family member?"
"I think so we need to investigate though."
"I want to come with you."
"Your too young."
"I'm fifteen years old."
"Maybe. It's not up to me."
"Who is it up to?"
"You and Jess."
"I say yes. I'm going."
"You have to ask Jess."
"Ugh, fine. Where is she anyway?"
"Over here, Buck." She screamed.
"Oh. What are you doing?" I said walking over to where she was.
"Investigating. Thanks for the information."
"What do you mean? What are you investigating?"
"I'm investigating you and Aimee. Aimee didn't know anything since she was too young, but you remember everything we need to know. What were your parents names?"
"We recently just ran into someone named Bailey, who is sister to Gray Malone. We want to know if you and Aimee are siblings to them."
"Whatever happened to them we need to find out why. Can I investigate with you guys?"
"Sure. We could use all the help we can get."
I walked over to my ladder and spotted something underneath. I picked it up and investigated it. I saw blood and I heard snoring. I picked up the ladder and brushed the ashes off. It was my foster father. I gasped, waking him up. He looked up and saw me and leaped to his feet grabbing my neck. He was strangling me. I couldn't believe it. I passed out. I was out.
I woke up, but everything was white. I looked around me and saw a light in front of me. I then saw my parents come up to me. A tear streamed down my face. I believe I was dead. My mom reached out to me and placed her hand on her face. Her hand was warm and soft. Another tear escaped me. I was dead, that's all I could believe. My dad place his hand on my shoulder. My mom removed her hand and placed it in front of me. A tear rolled off my face now. I grabbed in and launched into her arms. I held my mom again. I felt happiness. My dad pulled me off her and gave me a hug. I snuggled into him. His abs were so warm and snug. My mom got into the hug and I snuggled my head into her chest. I had never felt so much happiness in one moment since before my parents died.
"Son. I love you. We love you. We always watch over you and Aimee and promise that both of you will be in good hands." My dad spoke.
"We want to tell you some things. Come sit." My mom gestured me to the bench.
"Bailey and John are your siblings. They are going to protect you. You can meet them at the pier at noon tomorrow. Aimee will survive. She is safe." My dad spoke once more.
"What about Jess and Nick?" I asked.
"They are your godparents. They are to protect you as well."
"Why do they ask so many questions?"
"Baby. We have to go. Meet Bailey and John at the pier tomorrow. Also when you see the light again don't go to it." My mom replied.
"Am I dead?"
"Son. What do you think?" My dad asked.
"I think that I am."
"Your not. Your are just sleeping. You are probably in a hospital though. Bye, my baby boy." My mom said walking away hand and hand with my dad.
"I love you."
"We know, son." My dad answered back.
"We love you more. Goodbye." My mom said.
I sat up with wires and people all around me. I was in the hospital. Mom was right. I rubbed my head. Where is Jess and Nick? I looked around and was surrounded by doctors and nurses. I looked at the wires and found a water and blood tube attached to two of them. My throat hurt and saw a air pumper was attached to my face. The doctors stared at me like I just came back from the dead. I probably did. I lied back down, staring at the ceiling. I just saw my dead parents and held them for the first time in almost 10 years, and was told to meet my secret siblings tomorrow. I sat back up and unplugged the wires. The doctors still stared at me. I jumped off the bed and grabbed my clothes. I changed in them and walked out the door. I checked myself out and found Jess and Nick in the lobby.
"Let's go." I said.
They got up and followed me out the door. I jumped on my horse and galloped off to the hospital that Aimee was at. Nick and Jess followed still not saying anything. I parked my horse outside and stormed into the hospital. The woman at the front desk kindly gave me Aimee's room number. I walked to the room and burst in. I looked at Aimee and sat in the chair beside the bed. She looked so peaceful. The best way I've seen her in a long time. How long was I in that hospital? I looked at the gifts in her room. Jess walked in giving me a scared glare. I looked at the stuffed bear on the window sill. I picked it up and read the tag on it.
'Don't die on us! Love, Bailey and John.'
Don't die. That's something to live up to. Aimee loved being able to play and do cool things. I guess she won't be able to do those things for a while. She'll love the bear though. That was the only gift besides a card from our grandfather and a blanket from Jess and Nick.
My thoughts drifted back to my parents. It was like they never died. They held me and they made me feel like they weren't gone. How could they do that? Aimee is probably with them now. Talking with them. How long was I out though?
"How long was I in that hospital?" I asked still staring at Aimee.
"A few weeks." Nick answered.
A few weeks. I was away from Aimee for a few weeks. We were both in separate hospitals for a few weeks. I scooted Aimee over and lied down next to Aimee on her bed. I stared at the ceiling. I remember when Aimee never had her own room and slept in my room for months at a time. She never got angry with me. What if Aimee never comes back? What if she goes to the light?
"Hit me." I said.
"Why? We don't want to."Nick replied.
"Hit me so I can find Aimee."
"I said. Hit me. Hit me to where I can find Aimee."
"Nick, don't he's only wants out of his misery." Jess responded.
"Jess, I know. When the baby comes, tell me." Nick answered.
"What baby?" I asked.
"We are having a baby." Nick answered.
"Hit me."
He struck me across my face, making me pass out. Before I passed out, I heard him cry. I don't think he has ever hit someone before.
I woke up again and saw everything was white again. I saw Aimee. I also saw Mom and Dad. I let a tear run down my face again.
"Aimee!"I screamed.
"Buck!" She screamed back
I ran to her. I tried to pick her up and went through her.
"Aimee don't go to the light. I need you. I love you Aimee."
"What else do I have there?"
"Me, you have me."
"What else?"
"Jess and Nick, Mr. Giggles, me. Stay for me."
"I want to, but I can't."
"Yes you can. Just like I can chose right here. Come with me."
Mom stepped back and grabbed Dad by the shirt. I giggled a little. Aimee looked at mom who was nodding her head at me. Aimee stepped toward me.
"Only for you."
I picked her up and waved to Mom and Dad who were walking away. Aimee closed her eyes.
"How do we go back?" Aimee asked.
"Mom. I love you." I said.
"I love you more." Mom responded.
"Daddy, I love you." Aimee said.
"Pumpkin. We are always with you. We love you both to the ends of the galaxy and back." Dad responded.
"Goodbye, my babies." Mom responded.
"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." Aimee and I said together.
Waking up next to each other, Nick was crying, Jess was comforting him, and Aimee was laughing. We both conquered death, for me it was twice. Aimee picked up the bear and read the note.
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"Thirty minutes." Jess responded.
Nick jumped on us and hugged us. I guess he hated hitting me and missing us. I hugged him back. I looked into his back pocket and found his wallet. I wanted to grab it but found Jess coming into hug us. I sat back away from the hug. Aimee sat back too and got into her clothes. I hopped off of the bed and gave Nick and hug in his own. I grabbed the wallet from his back pocket without him knowing. Jess smiled and gave Aimee her own hug. The doctor cam in and saw Aimee in her clothes and us ready to leave the hospital. He moved out of the way and threw away his papers on Aimee.
We all went to Nick and Jess's home where all of our things were already in the kids room they had set up already. I guess Jess still got paid for her investigation work. The police station was cleared out and they found the video feed after all. I climbed into bed and lied on my bed. Aimee lied down next to me and fell asleep on my chest. I got up and walked to my school. I need to see her.
I walked through the halls and found her. I walked to her locker and closed it. She looked startled until she saw who it was.
"Kate, I love you. I have since the third grade. You are my first crush, my only crush. Whenever I am not dealing with crap, you are all I think about. Cause I love you. I have never done anything as brave as this. Would you go out on a date with me?"
All the people in the halls stopped and stared at us. I felt a part of me crumble, but still stood to her proud. I looked into her soft blue eyes that looked like her heart had just melted into a million pieces. I only told Deoji and Aimee about her. No one else expected this besides me.
"Buck," her sweet melody voice began,"I would love to go on a date with you."
"I'll see you after school then."
"You goofy boy. It's the end of the day. Let's go out right now."
"Oh. Right. Let's do it."
I took her soft hand into my own and walked with her carrying her books. Her long brown hair blew in the wind perfectly, as we stepped outside. She got a little chilly so I gave her my jacket. Everything in my life lately has been an absolute nightmare. I took her to the ice-cream parlor, where I got her, her favorite type of ice-cream. Peanut Butter Cookie Dough. I knew everything I needed to know about her. I had been in every class with her since the third grade. I  brought her the ice-cream and saw she was on the phone. I handed her the ice cream and she mouthed me a thank you.
"Daddy. What do you mean?" She said, "No. I'm on a date. He asked me. Yes. No. Buck Malone. Yes. He is the most sweetest, kindest, thoughtful, smartest, hottest, most trustworthy guy I have ever gone out with. Ok. Bye Daddy. I love you too." She hung up,"So sorry that was my dad. He wanted to know where I was. Where were we?"
"Do you really mean those things about me?"
"Of course, you and I have been friends since the first grade. Why else would I have said yes?"
"Cause you felt bad for me."
"What do you mean?"
"My sister and I had our house burned down, almost killed in the police station, al out died in three different cases, and love with a police woman and a paramedic. That's why."
"Woah. No wonder I haven't seen you around lately."
"I got out of the hospital a few hours ago."
"Should you be out then?"
"For you, I would run a mile with no legs. Write a novel with no arms. Read with no eyes. Die for no reason."
"Really. Wow. No guy has ever said that to me before."
"I love you. I would stop traffic for you."
"You are the best person I have ever known."
She took a bite from her ice-cream perfectly. I chomped at mine, leaving a big ring of ice-cream around my mouth. I got a text. It was from Jess. 'Where are you? You can be out just tell me where you are going next time.' It read. I answered back where I was and where I was going to take Kate to. I wiped my face off with me napkin and licked my nose with my tongue to be goofy. Kate laughed and smiled at me. Her laugh was like hearing the birds in the morning sing their beautiful song. Her smile was perfectly straight and her dimples made her face even more beautiful. Once we finished our ice-creams. We walked out from the parlor and made our way down the street.
"Where are we going now, Romeo?"
"Well, Juliet, where do you think?"
"Denny's? No. The mall. No. I don't know. I do know that Romeo and Juliet both die in the play though. You know that right?"
"I always knew that. I'm taking you to your favorite place in the whole town."
"The movie house. What movie?"
"Your favorite."
"Pretty Woman. You really do know me."
"I do. I also got you popcorn, gummy bears, and a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper."
She bit her bottom lip like she was crushing. I pushed my dark brown hair back and smiled. We reached the theater and went to our seats. I put a cushion on her seat to make her feel more comfortable and took my seat. She sat quietly in the chair and drank her Sosa peacefully. I could not find a single thing wrong with her. Had Aimee been right this whole time about her? All Aimee and I talked about was her when we weren't talking about other things. She was. Kate loved me back. I stared at the perfect face with her beautiful full lips smiling wide.
Out of everything awful that has happened lately, this was my happiness. My full attention stayed on her. Once the movie was near the end, there was the kiss scene. I turn her head to face mine. She looked into my eyes and stared deeply with her blue eyes. We both leaned in and were face to face. I took her face into my hands and kissed her. Not a peck, not a quick one, a passionate kiss. Her lips were soft and gentle. Her arms ended up around my neck.   We were locked here. I just wanted to stay here, forever.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too." I whispered back.
The movie ended and we were nestled next to each other. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I threw away the trash and walked with her. I didn't want this to end.
"Come home with me." I said.
"My dad is expecting me." She replied.
"What time is he expecting you at?"
"We have time. Please."
I walked her to Nick's place and walked inside.
"I'm home." I screamed
"Good, I made dinner." Nick said.
"I brought home someone. Can she stay?"
"She? Well, of course. Come in sit down."
I walked her to the dining room and sat her down in chair. I sat next to her and nudge her knee with mine.
"Jess should be here any minute. Aimee! Come down! Dinner!" Nick yelled as he walked in the room.
"Nick, this is Kate." I said.
"Hi Kate. I'm Nick." He said shaking her hand.
"Hi." She responded, "I see you have a piano. May I?"
"Of course. Be my guest."
She looked at the piano in the corner and walked up to it. She sat down on the red velvet bench and played a few notes. I turned my chair around to face her. She then, played a beautiful tune. The best part was when, she began to sing. Her voice was soft and smooth and sounded gorgeous. Her fingers slid across the piano keys perfectly. I got up and sat next to her on the piano bench. I began to sing next to her. Our voices sounded beautiful together and we had hit every note perfectly.
Aimee and Jess had come in at that point and were clapping as we finished. We stood up and bowed. We sat down to dinner and ate our chicken and steamed broccoli with in minutes.
I walked Kate home and walked her to the door. She put the key in when, I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. This time it felt like fireworks had just gone off. I let her go and she walked through the door. She closed the door and I walked off of the steps. I jumped in the air.
My phone dinged. It was from Kate. 'I had the best time today. I want this to become more than just a few dates.' I responded.'Will you be my girlfriend?' My phone dinged again.'Of course. I love you.' I laughed.'I love you too.'
I ran home. I sat on the piano and began to play. Nick and Jess were in the kitchen laughing until I began to play. I sang too. I felt happy and like finally something in my life had turned out great. Deoji trotted in and barked. I continued to play. She jumped on the bench, next to me, and tilted her head. I continued to play and sing.
My heart was filled with happiness. I conquered death twice. I saw my parents for the first time nice they died almost 10 years ago. I saved my sister. I got away from my foster father. I have people who would kill for me. I get to meet my older siblings for the first time tomorrow. I got the girl of my dreams. Most of all I had Deoji. She was my wolf best friend. BANG!
Gunshot. I crouched down and found Jess holding her gun out. She creeped to the door and found it wide open. I ran upstairs and grabbed Aimee and our things. Deoji. I forgot Deoji downstairs. I crept back downstairs. I grabbed Deoji and rushed back up the stairs. Aimee opened the window and let me jump out first. I jumped out again. Nick met me around the back. I caught the stuff and placed it on the ground beside me. Nick had his and Jess's things as well. Aimee jumped out of the window and I caught her. Deoji had crawled downstairs.
Jess was met by a man in black holding a gun. I looked through the window. I knew that gun. I knew it all too well. I opened the back door and let Deoji outside. I stepped inside the house. Aimee cried. She knew the gun too. Nick looked through the window at his wife and me. I stepped up to Jess and whispered in her ear. She went outside and closed the backdoor, comforting Aimee.
"Why? Can't you let me at least have a decent day?" I asked.
"You are a rotten kid. You can't leave me alone." The man said.
"Where are you?"
"I'm in Nick and Jess Wild's home."
"Where Aimee and I are staying. Go to your home."
"I don't have one."
"That's right because you burned it down."
"Where's the wolf?"
"None of your business."
"I'm here for the wolf."
"Then you'll have to go through me then."
"I did it once I'll do it again."
"You are my enemy. You are my conflict. Just put us out of our own miseries."
"Shoot you? My pleasure, but first I want you to suffer."
"I mean you. Shoot yourself. Or I'll do it for you." I said pointing Jess's gun at him.
"Where did you get that?"
"Jess. She is a cop. I took from her when, I whispered in her ear. It's her back up one."
"Shoot me. Kill me."
"Not yet. First you will tell me some things."
"Like what?"
"Were the men in the Police station your friends?"
"Tell the truth."
"Darn. I forgot you are a human lie detector."
"Tell the truth."
"Yes they were. I payed my friends to take hold of the police station while you were there."
"Did you beat Aimee and I when you had hold of us?"
"Yes. I was drunk and away from my wife."
"Did you kill our foster mother?"
"Where is she?"
"Under the ashes of your old foster home."
"Did you strangle me to nearly death?"
"Yes. I was also the pilot on the helicopter that dropped the ladder on Aimee's head."
"Would you like to say any last words?" I said putting a whistle in my mouth, c***ing the gun.
"Aimee, I know you can hear me. I hate myself for torturing you. Please don't hate me. Except you can hate me Buck, I enjoyed hurting you. You are the worst kid I have ever met and I hate you. Also your siblings I found them years ago. They are somewhere you'll never find them."
"Is that all?" I said through the whistle.
"That is all." He said bracing himself.
"Then we shall begin."
I blew into the whistle that made no noice that the human ear could hear. Deoji came bursting through the open front door. Deoji jumped on top of him growling and snarling. His face was so scared I them blew another whistle and Deoji jumped off still growling. I held the gun firmly and shot him in the head. Death over came him. Deoji grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the house. Aimee, Nick, and Jess came through the back door and hugged me. I dropped the gun and dropped to my knees.
It was over. All over. No more foster father to torture me. I felt so free.
I met my siblings the next day and they told us what they have been doing and everything we needed to know about mom and dad. They love in the area and they are going to help Nick and Jess when ever they can. Jess had her baby and named her Becka. Nick and Jess decided to adopt us.
I'm now 16. I live with my adoptive parents, Nick and Jess Wild, and my sisters Becka and Aimee. I have a pet wolf named Deoji and I have two siblings that are watching out for me. I have three horses Captain, Thunder, and Baltimore. I am dating my true love, Kate, and hope to marry her someday. My life was not great for 10 years of my life. I never really had a family to call my own. I only had my best friend, my sister, and the memories and things of my parents.
When the wolf howls, look to the woods and run. For when there is darkness and creatures, there is always a friend in there waiting for you. Run to the howl. When the wolf howls, think of this story and remember that life will always turn out just fine. One day at a time.

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