Traveling the World | Teen Ink

Traveling the World

April 19, 2017
By Anonymous

Anybody who knows that if they have traveled outside of their comfort zone before, they know that it’s not easy to do.  But getting away from others and your community can actually be good for you if you think about.  You have to go and experience new places during your leisure time.  Leisure time is an important part of our health actually believe it or not.  Research has shown that people who have traveled to incredible places have lived happier, and more enjoyable lives than others who haven’t fulfilled these dreams quiet yet.  Traveling can be wonderful in so many ways.  I want to influence you in some way to travel more, point out the benefits that traveling has, with hopes you take your chance into becoming more of a traveler. 

Traveling isn’t a vacation or a hobby of some sort, it’s a way to get away from our regular lives.  You can forget your problems/issues for a few days or weeks, and being away for a while can help you rethink about a lot of things.  We all have crazy schedules and work lives that can get out of hand sometimes.  By traveling the world and going to different places, this can help get your mind off those issues and just relax.  Being able to relax helps us recharge our “batteries,” which is great.  When you get back to your regular life, you’ll feel motivated and happy to be back to your daily routine.  Traveling is a very good stress reliever which helps everyone in the world take time off and then be ready to go back to regular life. 

Family and friends are there for you whenever.  You’re never alone when it comes to those two things.  But having family and friends that care about you as much as you care about them is special also.  Memories made with them will always be in your heart.  You’ll look back on those days, and realize how special they were to you.  So by traveling with family and friends on trips, it can create memories that will last a lifetime.  Those memories will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens with that friendship/relationship.  It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever.  It’ll give you stories to tell your kids and maybe even your grandkids someday.  You can create scrapbooks and photo albums so that you’ll be able to remember that certain trip through pictures.  You will be able to feel the experience of that trip over again just by looking at those photographs. 

Not only does traveling provide a sense of adventure, it also has many cultural changes as well.  Better yet, you will become appreciative of other cultures, instead of instinctively criticizing that which is "different," you will be motivated to accept new cuisine or alternative forms of entertainment.  Experiencing different cultures will shape your personality significantly by teaching you to trust yourself, survive during periods of loneliness and homesickness, and will mentally make you a stronger person.  But after the you have learned to adapt to these differences, you’ll start to feel more comfortable in the new surroundings.  You’ll be able to meet new people and maybe also develop a friendship with them as well.  So not only will traveling to different areas of the world help you find your personality, it will also make you a better person all around. 

If you have some time off in a couple of weeks, I highly suggest that you take those weeks off, and go spoil yourself.  Don’t wait or tell yourself that there will be a better time to go.  Take the risk and the opportunity to buy yourself a plane ticket right now and leave.  You may learn from your traveling experience more than you can imagine!  Many times, you will make discoveries you never thought of before. Be prepared for abundant surprises!

The author's comments:

Traveling is something that i've always wanted to do and I hope to be able to travel abroad someday!

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