Wilbraham | Teen Ink


May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

People live in all sorts of towns, cities or communities, but today I will show you why Wilbraham reigns supreme. Let me give you back round info about Wilby. Wilbraham was established in 1763. As said on the official Wilbraham website, “On June 15, 1763, the Fourth Precinct, plus a little more land from Springfield, was  erected into a separate town by the name of Wilbraham, with a population of about 400.”  It is a small town with little to no commotion what so ever. It’s the type of town where you would settle down with your children and be happy. Wilbraham is just ideal.

Why choose Wilbraham when there are so many other options to live at? Because Wilbraham opens you up to a whole new world; something amazing. You’re brought into the most loving and caring community of town folk. And if that isn’t enough there are a variety of businesses to choose from, such as The Wilbraham Plaza, YMCA, Neighborhood Pizza and so much more.

There are also some attractions. Spec Pond, Fountain Park and Rice’s nature preserve. An estimated 1,200 kids who go to the high school as well. The high school being Minnechaug Regional High School or MRHS for short. I myself am a freshman at chaug and from my personal experience Wilbraham is without a doubt to me is a lovely town full of opportunities and adventures for anyone whose willing to go for it.

But my friend there is also the things people say about Wilbraham, Wilbraham is a town of “losers and preps” I mean yes that applies to Minnechaug but not Wilbraham. In my opinion I think Minnechaug is all about fame and nice clothes. Coming from me I tend to try and look good but half of the time I really could care less. You are you and that’s how it should be. Speaking of Minnechaug, let’s talk about it. This is going to be controversial on man y different levels. To start I don’t feel like the principal and the assistant principal Handel situations fairly.
Another one is gym class. I mean some people are diehard fans of gym but personally a big guy like me probably isn’t feeling it when second block comes around. Lastly expectations are way too high. This school will literally bash you if you don’t have your id on you if you are late by 5 minutes. But in other cases Minnechaug is just fine, nice kids, nice staff and good food!

To me when I first had arrived at Wilbraham maybe around 2014, I was kind of mad. I didn’t know anyone besides my best friend Taylor, and it was a whole new life I had to live. I was finally close to kids and shops unlike my previous household in Hampden where I was in the forest and on a mountain. I mean give or take I had to deal with it. My house was smaller than our old one too which was a bummer. I remember me and my mother had gone out to the center of the town and walked around. It was a calm and peaceful setting; I was beginning to like it.

I felt a lot more happy there than were we had live prior. Then I explored my new neighborhood, I had met some really nice kids. Angelo, Cristiana and Serena. They are triplets. I had spent majority of my summer time with them.


Back to business. Wilby is just that town which people can settle down and live a quiet life, that’s what we had done. Its size is just right because it isn’t so hard to navigate where you desire to go.  Everyone here who is local will be the most polite individuals you will ever set eyes on. And the most important thing to take note if you’re a Wilbraham citizen, is that you can be you and love yourself here. No one will judge you if you are open about whatever it is you want to be open about. It’s just that easy to live here.

So I hope you can take what I had given you and really process it and give Wilbraham a chance!

The author's comments:

just how i fel about the town

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