Travel and Culture | Teen Ink

Travel and Culture

January 19, 2016
By Anonymous

“Come on, come on”, I screamed. This is it. We are finally going to Turks, and Caicos. I wonder what it’s going to be like. Blue water, great food, nice people. Are taxi comes, and we head off to the airport. Once we landed, it felt so peaceful, and relaxing. It was sunny out, and I just couldn’t wait to get swimming! We walk into our hotel room, and guess what? All of our cousins are in the room. “Surprise!” I was so excited we haven't seen our cousins in forever. They live all the way in Canada. I was full of excitement.

It was beautiful in Turks and Caicos. The nice thing was that there was water slides, free cotton candy, free snow cones, and it just couldn't get better. My cousin Lauren, and I are really close. We basically do everything together, well when we get to see each other. We were the first ones riding the slides, and in the ocean. The ocean was so warm, it felt like I was in a sauna. My favorite part was that there was a bar inside the water. Like it was built inside, and there were seats built in to. So basically we just swam up and ordered what we wanted in the water. And it was a kids club, so there were smoothies, soda, everything you could imagine, it was like heaven.

First night dinner, was the best night. We went to this outside chinese restaurant, where they cook in front of you. We ate rice, chicken, shrimp, sushi. If you have been to a chinese restaurant where they cook in front of you, you might know when they take shrimp, and they say 1,2,3 open. And you try to catch the shrimp in your mouth. That was super funny. After dinner, we walked around our hotel room because there were cute little shops there. On our way back to the room we saw this hammock that was outside, and you know of course we had to all go on it. I’m surprised it didn’t break! The first day  at Turks and Caicos was a blast.

The past days, my family and I just had so much fun, Riding slides, eating different types of foods, and we also found out that they had a kids club. It wasn’t a baby kids club, it was actually a great experience. It was my first time making something out of clay! The best part was at night, we put up performances, and we got to dance on the stage. Of course I danced my heart out because I love to dance.

Days past, it was time to go back home. The whole trip was just a blast. There was so many activities to do in Turks and Caicos. The slides were so much fun, and the ocean was so blue. I loved how we spent it with family, and cousins. I just couldn't wait to go back. It was definitely a vacation to remember.

The author's comments:

Definitley a great expiereice. And best trip I'v ever went on.

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