Sushi | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By JMaler BRONZE, Derby, Connecticut
JMaler BRONZE, Derby, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sushi, the perfect cultural delicacy. Originally called narezushi; originating in Southeast Asia, used to preserve fish in fermented rice. Today, sushi has developed into an edible art. Maki and Temaki rolls are some of the most common and have gained an iconic shape. Maki rolls are unlike Temaki in that Temaki are not cut into small portions. Any sushi is amazing due solely on the talent and finesse that goes into the creation of every roll. Sushi in itself is an oxymoron given that it is so simple yet very complex. Starting off, cook simple traditional white rice, while it is still warm add rice vinegar along with salt and sugar, it has to be warm, or else it will not mix into the soft, delectable creation that is to come. Next, lay the rice flat across a piece of crisp nori or seaweed. Following that choose your vegetables and fish; fresh green cucumbers, locally grown avocados, and prime juicy salmon are among the most delectable. These should be cut into even strips and placed on top of the now cool rice. Lastly, simply roll up your delicious creation and you have the option of cutting it into tiny morsels you can devour one by one or a larger roll that you may take bites from. Sadly, even though this is one of the most rewarding hobbies someone can have, some people see sushi in a negative light.

Many people outside of Asia flinch at the thought of sushi due to uneducated hearsay about false danger, but in reality, it promotes health. Given that most raw food have few bacteria; exposing yourself to the minute amount that could be in a serving of sushi, would strengthen your immune system by allowing your white blood cells to learn what bacteria is and how to get rid of it. Salmonella is one of the most common concerns dealing with anything raw, but as long as the food is fresh and you have not contracted some illness weakening your immune system, there is minimal chance of contracting an illness. Think about it, people in Asia have been doing it for thousands of years, and we haven’t heard about millions dying. In fact, the Japanese are among the most healthy in the world due to their high fish and vegetable consumption. Scientists have conducted comparisons between citizens of Japan and the United Kingdom; it turns out that even though they have relatively the same number of smokers, the Japanese have reported around two-thirds fewer citizens with lung cancer. Sushi is good for you, for so many reasons, yet if you refuse to give up the illogical belief that raw food is excessively dangerous, then Tempura rolls are for you. Made virtually the same as regular rolls, but all the fish is cooked to perfection.

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