Miami Memory | Teen Ink

Miami Memory

December 1, 2015
By reemmohammad BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
reemmohammad BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 This photo was taken on May 25,2015 at  2:37 PM , in Miami Beach, Florida.

Before this photo was even taken, I went to West Palm Beach, Florida for my friends wedding.  We stayed there for a week and slept in a really nice hotel that has 2 pools and a hot tub.  A couple days before the wedding, we went to the beach every day and went to the pool.

One day my sisters and I, plus my best friend, were sitting in the hotel and thinking of what we should do that day.  I decided that we should go to the movies and watch Pitch Perfect 2.  The movie theater was located in a very beautiful outside mall.  It had chandeliers everywhere and when you walked in the movie theater, a huge sparkly chandelier was there as well.

After we were done watching that very funny movie, I bought a pretty blue dress with gold sleeves and a blue bow on the back for my friends wedding and my best friend bought a black one with shiny beads that go all over the back.  We got our nails and makeup done because that same night was her wedding. It was so much fun. The food was great! She served greek salad, chicken, rice, and bread. She looked amazing with her Cinderella-like wedding dress and her hair curled to perfection.  We danced all night and I was so happy that I got to be there to celebrate her special day.

The next morning was our last day.  We decided to go to Miami and that was the funnest moment of my life.  We went to an outside mall called Bayside Market that overlooks Miami Beach.  We walked around and shopped and got ice cream and smoothies and we noticed that they were having a boat tour.

Not knowing what we were going to be looking at when we went on, all the sudden, the captain was giving us a tour of celebrities’ beach mansions.  My heart was racing and I was so happy.  We saw mansions for Shakira, P-Diddy, Thomas Kramer, Usher, Julio Iglesias, Will Smith, Naomi Campbell, Lebron James, Sylvester Esteban, Madonna, Paulina Rubio, The man who invented the Viagra Pill, Jackie Chan, and more!  All theses mansions had very different models.  Some were greek style and modern.  Most had yachts and pools.  The most expensive one was 69 million dollars and it belonged to the man who invented the Viagra pill.

After seeing all those beautiful mansions, I instantly wanted to pack all my bags and move there.  The picture inserted at the top was taken right after the caption said the mansion behind us was Will Smith’s. I started freaking out!  After the boat tour was over, we went inside the Bay Market to go eat some food.  I ordered pizza, cheese fries and water. 

After we finished eating, we went to go shop for some clothes. I went to Wet Seal and bought a black jacket with gold outlines and two denim jeans.

It started to get dark and that's when our fun day had to come to an end.  We went back to our hotel to pack all of our bags and drive home to Atlanta, Georgia. The car ride back home was the worst.  I get car sick and the drive was 8 hours but it was a good feeling coming home to my cat that I missed dearly.   I had a great trip. It was truly a memorable experience in an exciting new location and I can’t wait to go on more adventures and new places again very soon.

The author's comments:

This is about my new travel experience

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