Oregon | Teen Ink


May 12, 2014
By Anonymous

We had to drive 16 hours to get to the green, tree-packed Oregon our parents had been telling us about. I couldn't wait to start exploring this place that had fresh air, trees everywhere, plants that I've never seen before, and I was most excited to see the ocean! When I stared to explore this place of tranquility, I understood why my parents wanted to take us on vacation here. You could here the sound of birds chirping in the morning and it was always a little foggy when I woke up. I liked the fog and the misty rain early in the morning, it was relaxing. When walking into the forest to get to the ocean, you could see every shade of green. As I looked up to look at the sky, I couldn't see anything but tall trees. We were finally to the ocean and I couldn't wait to go swimming. As I made my way into the ocean, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. It was a perfect day to swim in the chilly ocean. I went up to a rock that was on the beach but mostly in the ocean, there were so many different colored starfish living on it.

We finished swimming and decided to sit on the beach and watch "magic hour," the sunset. I was sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the view. I was thinking about my day and everything new that I had experienced, the smell of salty air, the sand between my toes, the chilly ocean, and the colorful starfish. We watched the sunset and then we started to walk back through the beautiful green forest and make our way back into the busy town. Once we got back into town, we were all so tired but we weren't ready to let this perfect day come to an end! We all talked about the best part of our day and exchanged laughs and smiles and that's when my parents knew that this was the right vacation for us.

That was the last day of vacation and now we have to go back home to reality. Everything was so peaceful and relaxing back there on those Oregon beaches, no cell phones, no busy schedules, no sports commitments, just pure undisturbed old fashioned quality family time.

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