Where's the Bathroom? | Teen Ink

Where's the Bathroom?

March 17, 2014
By malavika_ BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
malavika_ BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For most people, a night in Paris and visiting the Eiffel Tower is a beautiful experience. As I looked around, I saw a couples looking into each others eyes with a love that made the stars shine brighter. A large family laughed with such warmth as if they had no troubles to face back home. But, I had a problem...

My bladder was about to explode. My group, The Sharks, and I had just exited the Eiffel Tower. The real Eiffel Tower in Paris, but I had to pee. I was not alone, some of my friends had to use the bathroom really badly as well. But I cannot hold it in.

Our group leader, Diana, decided to look for bathrooms as soon as possible. We walked over the bridge, away from the Eiffel Tower thinking that there must be bathrooms near the small stores. There were none. But we found a crepe shop!

Just as we were about to cross the street, my friend Stefania noticed two creepy guys staring us the kind of smirk that is a red flag to all young girls. The walking sign suddenly came on and my group and I walked across the street as quick as we could, not knowing that they were following us.

Just then, Anastasia and Tamara wanted to stop and take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower. The rest of us waited at the entrance of a park, while the girls took pictures. That’s when I noticed the creepy guys, except there were three more of them. Five older men staring us and getting closer to us as we look away. Diana called us for a group picture at the perfect timing. We all ran as if someone let a wild dog on us. I had to pee more now.

Of course, everyone wanted to get crepes before finding a bathroom. Actually I did too- crepes are a weakness. It took the man 10 minutes to make 3 crepes, time had never passed by slower. He finally gave me mine, a crepe filled with nutella. I took a big bite, and took a moment to appreciate the warm nutella stuffed in a pancake-like wrap. For that moment, I forgot all about how badly I had to pee but then... Diana then yells “WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE LET'S GO BACK TO THE MEETING PLACE!”Wait what about my bladder situation? It’s an emergency! I have to use the bathroom or as they say in Europe- the toilette. How am I going to run with a full bladder and a hot crepe?

Seven girls and and woman running with crepes and heels across the bridge to Eiffel Tower could make a mime crack up. We finally reached the meeting point but I really needed to pee. Diana brought to my realization that my best friend Gemma was crying. Pee or friendship? There was no time, I had to be there for Gemma. My only chance to pee was back at the hotel. I walked over to Gemma and tried my best to comfort her. I even offered her my crepe but she was really upset. She was just starting to get it together when our group had to walk to the metro station.

Two transfers at the metro and 40 minutes of transit time later, I ran into the hotel bathroom and relieved myself. Finally. This is not the experience most people have at the Eiffel Tower but I certainly did. Life throws multiple things at me all at once and laughs at me juggle and fail constantly. This was one of those nights. I truly believed that I would end up on the floor crying if I didn’t pee soon. But after every situation, I learned to go with the flow. (So to speak) I will never forget this night. Never.

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