London | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By Sabrina Dzaferovic BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Sabrina Dzaferovic BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Welcome to London! It said as we exited the airport. I had nothing on my mind except FOOD, FOOD, and more FOOD, while everyone else was impatiently waiting to see Big Ben and the London Eye. The next day couldn’t have come any faster. My stomach was speaking a language I never heard before. Laura announced after years of walking, “ Dinner at six girls.” Those words were music to my little cold ears, despite the fact there were three hours to go.

As we left the National Gallery I felt like I was walking through magazine pages. The walk to the restaurant felt like it took millions of years but it was worth every step, the scenery became more and more unreal and beautiful. Even though it was winter, and everything is suppose to be dull colored and depressing all I saw was bright colors, I felt like I had just entered a kindergarten classroom. It felt so unreal. On my walk, I realized that London resembles New York, it was just packed into a much smaller version which was the beauty in what I was seeing. I couldn’t believe that on my first day in the city of London that I would be focussing primarily on food and only food, but I guess I was just really hungry.

Sandy said, “We are here girlies! This is the restaurant.” I thought to myself as I entered the restaurant, we are in this beautiful city in England, we passed by hundreds of amazing architecture restaurants yet they take us into a hole in the wall. I disregarded everything around me and continued walking to my seat.

The waitress approaches me with a dish in her hand that I was hoping wasn’t mine. She puts the dish down on the table in front of me. I automatically envisioned myself being in fear factor, although I don’t have the option of going home and not eating this unknown meal sitting directly in front of me with the weirdest smell. This food looked like it was put together by a five year old in a sand castle. The food was so dull and tasteless in my mouth, which is something I didn’t expect in such a big beautiful city full of lights and life.

I can surely say that I am no longer trusting EF Tours to pick out my meals. Not having dinner for the first five days of my trip made me learn to eat a larger breakfast and lunch in order to survive another four days. Even though I didn’t eat any of the dinners given in London nor Paris I wouldn’t really consider myself to be picky about food, it was just that I refuse to eat something that looks so vulgar. I didn’t know whether or not there were any creatures inside, dead or alive. I did see a lot of amazing attractions, but the food was definitely a distraction.

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