Behind the Mask | Teen Ink

Behind the Mask

March 17, 2014
By VivianaP BRONZE, Queens, New York
VivianaP BRONZE, Queens, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You accept the love you think you deserve" - Stephen Chbosky

In the hotel room packing up for the next adventure in Paris, I find myself looking at the red, white, blue stripes mask, wondering if I should take it or not. Thinking if I would ever use it again, but it is just a cloth. But, it can be my souvenir from myself. It does looks simple but it has a story behind it, just like any object one keeps. This mask that I took and wore brought up my actual personality and hid my shyness.

Four days before in the Apple Market of London as sitting down in the floor lying back in a white pole where it maintains the huge Opera building, the group and I were taking care of Jennifer, who almost fainted. Luckily, our teacher was always with us and saved us. In the corner of my eye, with the sunlight hitting me I see a big yellow looking sun face coming towards the group and asked us,

"Do you want to be part of our music video?" The orange hair color girl with the happy face costume and both guys were eager for us to join. Yes! Well, Better not! As seconds passed the girl noticed we were not sure of joining in or not so she smiled and said,

“All you have to do is clap, whenever it says ‘clap’ that is all.”

The teacher Katherine, and the student, Laura stepped front. Go Viviana! Do not be shy! I stand up “I also want too!” Phew. I wanted my friend, Alina to join, however she replied smiling saying “No.” So I gave her my camera to take pictures, as turning around we were given the options of a yellow, green or an England mask. Obviously, we all chose the England mask. As putting it on I notice no holes for the eyes or for the mouth. Putting it on the girl told us what to do, which was clapping, jumping and simply move around and look that we are having fun. We understood and the music started "Because if I'm happy clap along Clap, Clap! if you feel like happiness is the truth. Jump Jump. Because I’m happy clap Clap Clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Do not stay still. Move around! Because I’m happy clap Clap Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do..." For a second I noticed I hit the happy sunshine girl. Oh my god, is she ok? I looked at her and she was still jumping around like a clown so I continued dancing around. With a blurry view due to the tightness mask I saw people smiling but others looking at us like crazy people in middle of the sidewalk, but who cares right? After all, I'm hidden behind a mask, no one knows me, plus I'm in London. When ever will this happen in London with my teacher but most of all my friends.

That is when I realized this mask needs to be taken with me, not only because it showed my actual personality, but it will remind me to tell the story for those who ask me my most memorable moment.

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