southern adventures | Teen Ink

southern adventures

March 6, 2014
By Anonymous

In my search for the perfect college for me I stumbled upon a college located in Charleston South Carolina at first I didn’t know what to make of this new and different place. I still decided to take the plunge and make the trip to keep my options open to all schools. Little did I know that this trip to a new state would change my life? I am so used to living in California with the life of a small town farm kid. The differences that I found with South Carolina and California where night and day. The feel of the south is so very different and inviting. The town of Charleston is so historic and so easily loveable and a place where I would not be scared to go to.

The school that I was visiting was about 20 minutes from downtown of historic Charleston. The school was a Baptist school of 3,500 students with so many classes that I could choose to study in and make something of my life. The school has this very cool southern white brick southern architect, with a very spread open campus to where I don’t feel confined. This great Christian school offers so much to me and with the help that they offer im sure I can to amount to someone great in America.

What really started to grow on me was the awesome down town location that the college was so near to. The downtown had this old English building feel with wonderful lanterns that lit the streets, with shops as far as the eye can see. The people in Charleston are incredibly nice and hospitable; the joy of going somewhere new and different excites me greatly. The people there dress very different which at first I thought was weird, but when I really thought about it was very nice and classy. Then as days went by I began to see my self dressing very classy and being in the downtown interacting with the people there and making good friendships. The town of Charleston really grew on me and I began to dream of my life being apart of this town and driving toward success in this environment.

Then there is the small car ride we took to folly beach and where I will also be spending my time if I choose this college. Folly beach was great it had so much to offer it had great shops and involvement with the local hospitable people there. As I walked the beach here I couldn’t help but think that the time I spent here would be reflecting on my new life I would spend at the college. As I started my trip back home I new I had to make a decision on where I would go to college. When it really came down to it, it would either be something of the same or different. That is why I choose to go to college in South Carolina because it is something new and different.

The author's comments:
the town of Charleston and the people in south Carolina really inspired my writing.

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