My Time Abroad | Teen Ink

My Time Abroad

November 20, 2013
By Anonymous

A personal experience that I had was going too Cancun, Mexico. I went two years ago, so I was in the 9th grade. I went there for a wedding. I had too take 2 planes to get there, one to Florida, then to Mexico. In total it took like 6 hours to get there. The plane rides weren’t that bad though.

Like I said, I went for a wedding. It was a wedding for someone that’s like a brother to me. I went for 10 days. It was so beautiful there! The only thing that sucked is that they had a couple of storms. I went with about 7 people & others came a couple of days later. I had a good time.

While I was there I went shopping, relaxed by the pool, and beach. The weather was perfect, I went in October so it wasn’t too hot. I cant wait til I can go back. That’s the first time I ever went out of the country, I plan on traveling as I get older. I was nervous going out of the country. That wasn’t the first time I went on an airplane so I was fine with going on the plane.

When I left I was so mad, I didn’t want to go back to school or back to cold weather. Leaving there was so hard to do. Im gonna go soon with my friends and family. It’s a really good place to relax and party! I suggest you go.

I recommend if you want to go on vacation, you go there! It was a good experience, its beautiful out there. Before I make big decisions in life im going to travel the world, its worth it.

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