Rhode Island | Teen Ink

Rhode Island

March 7, 2013
By Abby Bouvier BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
Abby Bouvier BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My love for the northeast started the first time I went to Rhode Island. My dad had to go on a business trip and my mom thought it would be fun if we went with him. I thought that going to Rhode Island would be really fun because I have never been there before. As we were packing our bags to get ready to leave, I was getting excited! Our plane left at six the following day; therefore, we had to get up really early to make it.

When we got to Rhode Island, it was extraordinarily beautiful. From where our hotel was we could see the ocean! The view was amazing. We dropped our bags off at a beautiful hotel and went and grabbed a bite to eat, at a place called the Barking Crab. The Barking Crab is right next to the water, and when you walk inside, there are huge tanks filled with lobsters. It was really cool to see. I got the fish and chips, which was very delicious. When my dad had to go to his meeting my mom and I went to the mall which was walking distance from our hotel. We had a great time there; we bought a ton of clothes. The next day, my dad didn’t have a meeting until later that night and we heard about the Cliff Walk. The Cliff Walk is a walking trail along the beach and on the other side of the trail there were gigantic houses, which only the wealthy could afford. We stayed there for the longest time. When we got to a certain point on the trail it become all jagged rocks and it was difficult to walk on but we managed to get across without getting hurt. The best part of that was hearing the waves crashing against the rocks and listening to the sea gulls, and just admiring the beauty of God’s creation! As we headed back to our car, there was exceptionally good; we ate there for dinner the whole time we were there. After dinner, my dad had to go to a meeting so my mom and I went back to our room and just hung out until he got back. When he got back we went to bed.

We got up bright and early the next morning to head to the airport. I didn’t want to leave because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see the ocean again for a long time. All in all the trip was amazing, I had a great time at the I was very tired; I was glad when we reached our car and jumped in and headed for the hotel. When we got to our hotel, we had dinner at the restaurant that was connected to the hotel. The food we had ocean and walking at the Cliff Walk. The ride home was long, but I slept most of it. When I got home, I just crashed on my bed; I was so tired after that fabulous trip! I hope to go back soon.

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