A World To Travel; A Companion To Bring | Teen Ink

A World To Travel; A Companion To Bring

September 23, 2012
By Anonymous

I could travel the entire world and not find someone like you. There’s only one you, and you’re right here in front of me. I could find someone who would love me just as much. I could find someone I could almost love as much. It just wouldn’t be you.
I could travel the entire world and not find eyes like yours. They pierce my soul with perfect accuracy. I dream of my children one day having your eyes- of our children one day having your eyes. If the eyes are the window to the soul, your soul is a beautiful, breathtaking place that I don’t want to lose my view of for even a second.
I could travel the entire world and not find the safety you make me feel. I don’t know if you could protect me from harm or sorrow, but I know you would do everything you could to try. Even when we’re not touching, or we just brush arms, I feel your strength. I want to protect you, too.
I could travel the entire world and not laugh like you make me laugh. It’s not that you do things to be funny, it’s that you are funny in the things you do. My most sincere giggles and belly laughs surface just because I love being around you. We’re silly together like I never thought I’d be able to be with someone. In crowded rooms or empty hallways, all it takes is a glance or a word to make my smile burst out.
I could travel the entire world and not be challenged like you force me to be. You don’t let me ask why and then let it go- you demand that I take it a step past even that. When I don’t ask why at all, you poke around the edges of my brain until I can’t help myself. When others tell me I’m overanalyzing, you catch my eye and gesture for me to go on. You bait me with fascinating topics and theoretical debates until I’m mentally exhausted and still begging for more. Sometimes you let me think I’ve won. Sometimes I do win.
I could travel the entire world and not find someone that makes my heart melt like you do. I’ve seen you with little kids- your cousins, mine, strangers in a store. Your tenderness is genuine and your smile is gentle. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not; you love them all. You treat all people with respect to their faces and behind their backs, and I’ve never known you to let anyone be insulted in your presence. Animals flock to you and you give them the same love you would give a human. It makes me reconsider how I treat even the smallest of bugs.
I could travel the entire world. I want to do it with you.

The author's comments:
This is about the idea of someone, not a person I currently feel this way about. Hopefully someday I will be able to tell someone to read this and actually mean it to be for them.

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