My Trip To Paradise | Teen Ink

My Trip To Paradise

December 23, 2011
By jennyferl10 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
jennyferl10 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The natives of the Hawaiian Islands are also very friendly and treat everyone like family, “ohana”.

When I told my friends about my vacation to Hawaii last summer, they burst into a chorus of; “Lucky! I wish I lived there” and “It must be the best place on earth!” This is most people’s reaction to the idea of the beautiful tropical paradise that is known for having ‘no worries’ and no stress.
Hawaiians live a simple life and have a very unique culture. They are used to the high expenses, but with their ‘worry free’ nature, they are less concerned about being rich and are satisfied with having just enough money for them to pay their bills and get food on the table. A nice aspect of their way of life is that they are not that materialistic and they are more focused on the earth and the nature around them. Their culture welcomes everyone and they use the word ‘Aloha’ to express many welcoming words like hello, goodbye, and many other ideas like I love you. Hawaiians know their surroundings and respect and honor the nature around them as a family member. When I went to Hawaii, I noticed that the natives there were very conservative. They use what is naturally provided to them and do not waste anything. For example, they make necklaces out of plants and use them as medicine, food, decorations, and many other things. The natives of the Hawaiian Islands are also very friendly and treat everyone like family, “ohana”.

Not only do the gorgeous islands of Hawaii have a wonderful culture of people, but it also contains breathtaking surroundings. On my trip I visited Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and the big island of Hawaii; all part of the chain of Hawaiian Islands. The big island of Hawaii blew me away with all of the volcanoes, lava, and black sand beaches that visibly made up Hawaii. Unlike the big island, the island of Kauai is known for having the most wildlife and wonderful flora and fauna. I found this island very beautiful and somewhat hilarious, because there were many chickens and roosters wandering around. I noticed them everywhere I went, but the natives ignored them as if they were not there clucking and pecking at their heels. The island of Oahu is the city part of Hawaii. Unlike the other Hawaiian Islands, which are simple and more about nature, Oahu has tall buildings and lives a more cosmopolitan lifestyle. The last island I visited was the island of Maui. Maui is gorgeous and my favorite out of all the Hawaiian Islands. Maui is like a combination of all the islands: tropical and into nature, and also modern. Hawaii has many great wildlife habitats and scenery. Not only are Hawaii’s land attractions stunning, but it is known for its fabulous beaches. The moment I stepped onto the silky, white sand and took a glimpse of the clear blue water, I never wanted to leave. With the nearly perfect temperature and many things to do, Hawaii was one of the most astonishing places I have ever traveled to.
Although the idea of being in Hawaii 24/7 seems like a wonderful dream to me, Hawaiians do not exactly have the perfect life. Hawaii is a secluded series of islands, so to get food and supplies costs a lot of money, because they need to ship everything over the ocean to reach them. Because of this disadvantage, food prices, every day items, and especially gas prices seem highly unreasonable when eager tourists visit the islands. If someone moved to Hawaii looking to work and be successful, they may be overwhelmed at the prices they have to pay to live there.

Hawaii has countless great qualities. Between the wonderful culture and welcoming attitude of the Hawaiian people and the wonderful landscape and chain of islands that were created by a series of volcanic eruptions, Hawaii seems almost like a dream. Although Hawaiians do have some worries like tropical storms, high prices, and their beautiful islands losing its culture and being transformed into a modern and economic center, Hawaiians tend to push their troubles aside and focus on the positive joys that their glorious life brings them. My adventure to Hawaii was truly an educational and eye-opening experience. I hope in the future I can go back to Hawaii to learn more about the culture and explore more of the mystery of the mystical power of Hawaii.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 10 2024 at 6:45 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

Love Hawai'i so much! Me and my family have been here for almost three months, and we're sad to have to leave! Hawai'i has such interesting people, and history, and their language sounds so pretty!

on May. 28 2015 at 2:02 pm
LovinLife09 BRONZE, Rayne, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is so amazing