12th Year | Teen Ink

12th Year

May 30, 2024
By Anonymous

Heights. Something I have been deathly afraid of. I was candid with myself, and knew this would be hard. I had to spend my 12th birthday high above the safe ground I live on. We board the plane getting packed like sardines, no room to breathe or move. I felt trapped. My whole life I feared heights, I had avoided all rollercoasters and carnival rides that involve leaving the ground.
Packed in, we were ready to take off. The wheels start to roll and the nose of the plane leaves the ground, commencing into the air. I was no longer on the ground where I felt the safest. Fearing for my life, my ears pop. I couldnt hear, my head ringing, I was in agony. I felt as if I was about to explode and not make it to Spain. My father quickly passed me his headphones, and I was calm. My head stopped aching, my ears no longer ringing, I felt safe.
We eventually reached the max altitude, and I was ready. I felt like everything was going to be good, I began to relax. Shortly after the crew gifted me some swiss chocolates and some gifts for my birthday. I still havent eaten the chocolates, I keep them as a memory. I exalted them for there gifts. There hearts filled with gold, and love.
Quickly after reaching the max altitude, we had turbulence. The storms seemed to be whipping the plane all around, the winds were stronger then a tornado. I spilled the orange juice I was drinking, “oops” I exclaimed as I covered myself with the juice.
As we approached Spain, the plane had begun to descend. It was starting all over again. The ears, my head, I quickly reached for the headphones but It wasnt helping. I was aching in pain, not knowing what to do, I quickly play music loud in the headphones. I was better. Everything seemed to go away and I could relax. We made it. We finally landed in Spain after a long 12 hours on the plane. Now I was dreading the ride back.

The author's comments:

This was my first plane ride to Spain on my 12th birthday, and the expierences I had

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