A Whole New World | Teen Ink

A Whole New World

October 19, 2023
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could both feel and hear the whispering winds that delicately swayed the RV back and forth in the seemingly small margins of I-76.  I contently watched out the window as the landscape changed by the minute.  In the distance I could see the outlines of mountains, increasing in size as my family and I drove on.  It felt like I was approaching a whole new world.  Something I had only seen on the background of my MacBook.  

My head felt like it was going to explode as if someone had just put a cap on my ears and shook me up.  We got to our first lookout, I unlatched the safety lock and swung open the door.  

My contacts began to stick to my eyes as I stared in awe at the breathtaking view.   I could see for miles.  The tall peaks of the distant mountains, covered in white.  The roads that I had just traveled on minutes prior, now seemed small, like black stretches of yarn that had been gently laid down.  The trees formed a fuzzy rug of green blanketed across the ground.  It was all so new to me.  

I began to take pictures but every time I looked back at them, it just wasn’t the same.  No matter how hard I tried, or which angle I used, or the settings I changed, it just didn’t give me the view I was looking at in person.  I put my phone back in my pocket and immersed myself in the new world I was just placed in.  

Before long, it was time to go onto the next lookout.  My family and I piled back into the RV.  As I always did, I locked the safety on the door.  My dad turned the key and the RV grumbled as if it was already sick of the trip—but it obediently lurched forward as it was shifted into drive.  

The hour drive felt more like five minutes.  Each mile looked different from the last.  New mountains seemed to stretch to the ends of the earth; new groupings of trees looked as if they were scattered like toys in a sandbox.  

When we arrived at our last lookout of the day, I again unlatched the safety and swung open the door.  This time I was met by a glowing orb approaching its bedtime.  The sky was lit up with hues of purple, blue, and pink.  The quickly moving sun created an outline on the distant mountains, basking in the sea of glowing orange.  

My parents announced that it was time to take the RV to a campsite and begin dinner.  I looked for another minute.  Taking in the world around me, knowing that it would probably be the last time I would see nature so strongly.

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