Grateful Gathering | Teen Ink

Grateful Gathering

September 30, 2022
By 3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mixed with love and rolled with affection.

 Neatly slid into the oven is a pumpkin pie.

Cinnamon. Nutmeg. Butter.

The timer shrills and steam filled with spice wafts throughout the room. 

The crust is baked to a golden brown.

Flakey. Soft. Tender.

Family and friends gather around a decorated table full of food and warmth.

Laughter and stories bounce around, gratefulness at its core.

Memories. Tradition. Culture.

Forks glide into smooth pumpkin slices, dolloped with fresh whipped cream.

Elegantly collapsing the pie exposes a cavern of flavor.

Rich. Earthy. Warm. 

The perfect finale to a bountiful story.

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