My Journey | Teen Ink

My Journey

May 6, 2020
By Anonymous

My Journey

I recently  got a lifetime opportunity to go to India and Pakistan with my sister and mom. On the way I had some stops before reaching  my destination. 

We started our journey at LAX airport. From LAX we caught a flight to Dallas texas it took us 3 hours to get there. Sadly we weren't able to explore Texas but we got to try some food that we had never had before and we got to see the airport, which was very nice. I got to eat some delicious food at a Japanese restaurant in the airport. After that I sadly had to leave to catch my flight. And then my mom decided to surprise me and my sister by changing our layover  to pairs. I had a night stay layover  in pairs so my family and I got to see the Eiffel tower and I also got the experience of eating out there. The conflict of flying is that at any minute of time something can happen you can miss your flight or your flight can be delayed and you can have too many bags.  Not only did we have a problem with the bags, but we also got in confusion with the ticketing agent because she kept saying our name wasn't  on the list. “Your name is not on the list”  But then my mom worked it out by talking to the lady and explaining that our names were on the list. “Our name is on the list” My mom was stressed because of traveling because she  didn't know how much weight of bags other airports let you have to be able to get on the airplane and she also had to figure out hotels and ground transportation for us to get to the hotel.  She was very calm and was  very happy that she was going to india. My mom was finally able to work it out with the lady and  we were able to enjoy the rest of our trip.

When I got to Paris it was a blast. After we got out of the airport, we had some trouble getting into the right bus that would take us to the hotel. We got on a few wrong buses and tried following instructions from other people, but not all their information was right.  Eventually, we were able to get to the hotel when we got to the hotel the room was pretty small after we had adjusted we went out and saw the eiffel tower after I saw that I went to go eat and I forgot the name of the restaurant but the food was delicious it was my first time eating pizza with egg yoke in it! The pizza had egg yoke around the crust area and not as much cheese.

When we arrived at the Dehli airport we took a long bus ride  to the bus stop. The bus ride was more than 4 hours. When we arrived at my grandparents house in India, it was my birthday. We celebrated my birthday and that was great because I got to see my family after a very long time and spend it with them.

After my birthday we had a few days till we went to India. My family got some physical therapy done so we could go without pain, after our long journey. My mom mainly needed the physical therapy and it was a person we know who did it for us. My aunt and my other aunt went shopping before we got to go pakastane. Pakistan was wonderful, and we got to see a lot of temples. The time we went they we were doing a  celebration for the first guru founder of my relagene it was his 550 birthday celabration  but before the celabration we got to see other temples in pakastane. Everyone in pakastane was very nice and treated us like we were more than their guest. In Pakistan and I spent 3 weeks there, I had a lot of fun. I got to go with a whole bunch of my family i got to go meet a lot of new people  I also got to see a lot of temples and I had a lot of fun people in pakistan where very very nice they all thought of us as there guest there food was very oily though and I got sick and tired of eating the same food everyday and most people on the trip got sick from the food everyone left an hour late each day i enjoyed the view because they took us out to eat 3 times and it was very fun i enjoyed shopping i enjoyed every thing  I enjoyed the very long drives. The streets in pakastane were very clean and while we were in pakastane we got a full secruity escort anywhere we whent for our saftey  the hotles were also very nice the bus drivers were also very very caring. It felt cool having escorts everywhere I went and being more safe. 

At the last airport we had too much weight in our luggage so they kept telling me to go to different places in the airport. One person told us one thing, but another told us something different. Finally we figured out where to go to check in our luggage

We were finally going home. We took the same bus we did leaving home but back. This time it was just me and my mom. But to be honest i am very greatfull that me and my family got a big opportunity to be able to go to pakastane. On our way back we had a layover in hongkong. I recently just got to go to hngkong i got to see the buda statue 

After that when we got back to LAX, which is home, my dad picked us up and took us home. My journey was long and amazing. I got to see so many things and learn new stuff. Travelling can be fun and also can be hard or easy it all depends on your luck. Everyone should try to travel if they can.  

The author's comments:

its nice

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