Universal Studios | Teen Ink

Universal Studios

February 4, 2020
By David1234567 BRONZE, Antelope, California
David1234567 BRONZE, Antelope, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do not give up

One day my mom,Harry, and I went on a surprise road trip to Los Angeles. At first I had no idea where we were going at the time. We were driving for what felt like forever because all of the traffic we had to go through. Next we got to the house we were going to stay at for our trip in Los Angeles. We were just relaxing for a week. I was playing video games and playing basketball with my friend Cody. After that one day we were eating breakfast and watching T.V. Afterwards they said, Come on, let's go. 

I did not know where they were talking about because our bags were still in the house. So I was just confused and we just went somewhere.We pulled up to Universal Studios I was super super happy. I was surprised. I was crazy surprised, because we were there and they did not tell me. So first we stood in a long line because a lot of people were going that day. I could not wait since it was gonna be a lot of fun, but also really cold. So when we first got there, we started walking to the Harry Potter Land and got in line for a roller coaster. It was fun because it is the only normal roller coaster that they have there in Universal Studios.  The roller coaster was fun, but it was not the most fun ride in Harry Potter Land or Universal Studios. After that we went on the Harry Potter Virtual Reality ride, which was a lot of fun. It was more fun than the roller coaster in my opinion. It was more fun to fight stuff and it felt real. So after the ride we left Harry Potter Land and went to a different part of Universal Studios. To do more fun stuff there. 

So the next ride we went to was called The Mummy. It was scary. But also a lot of fun to ride. It was scary because there was something popping up out of nowhere. It would make it seem like you were actually fighting them.  It was a Virtual Reality ride. The rest of the rides were also VR. After the ride we went on one that was called The Minions.It was a lot of fun. We got to be spies in the ride and act like we were stealing stuff for Gru and the other minions.

 Later when we went on a ride to see the whole thing. We saw Fast and Furious like it was another ride because it just  popped out of nowhere . After that we went on The Transformers the ride. It was in a car, which was a lot of fun because we got fake blasters and shot the other robots. I Especially liked it  because I have watched Transformers my whole life. Soon after we went on the Simpsons ride. We went on a ride that was a lot of fun. Afterwards we got food in Simpson's land ,and donuts were really big and good and we got pasta. I was happy because the food was really good. 

It will always be in my memories because I remember having to wait in the long line  of traffic going to Los Angeles. Then getting there and getting to Universal Studios and because I have always dreamed of going to Universal Studios in Hollywood . Also I will remember getting to go on all the rides and having a ton of fun. I also got a Harry Potter wand, which is cool, and I still have it. Also having a lot of fun at Universal Studios with my family will always be a memory that I will always have.

The author's comments:

My article is based on a trip I went to with my mom and Harry.

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