My New Beginning | Teen Ink

My New Beginning

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

We were on our way to the airport. I didn’t get much sleep last night in the airport hotel, even when I was so tired and exhausted the night before. It was dark outside but the sun was about to rise. My parents and my brother talked a little bit, my boyfriend said nothing, and just [incorrect word here] hold my hand while we were walking. We knew that I would leave Germany when we started dating and I knew things would work out. I also said nothing. I didn’t know what I should say and just listened to my family’s conversation. They all came with me to say goodbye. At the airport they all came with me for a little bit, and helped me to check in my luggage. Even when it was just 5 am, the airport was crowded. I hugged them all for the last time in the following ten month. A tear almost roll down my eye, but I didn’t cry. I wanted to be strong.

Next to us, a girl in my age also with her family. She was crying as if she was [incorrect word here] racked. I felt sorry for her, but I could understand it. She was in the same situation like me. 1 year, 10 months, alone. With foreign people she never met before. Like me. One year without her beloved family. Without her mom, her dad, her siblings, and whoever else belongs to her family; her friends, and maybe also her boyfriend.

It is over one year ago that I decided to go to America, but it felt like 3 days. It always felt unreal, it didn’t feel like I will leave the country soon. It felt like an eternity, but actually it was just a short moment.

My mom also looked like she is about to cry when I wouldn’t leave in the next couple of minutes. When I hugged my dad he didn’t want to let me go, he held me closely in his arms.

I remember my last birthday when it was the same,[comma splice]  he also didn’t want to let me go because he always thought about my 16th birthday which I wouldn’t celebrate in Germany.

I said, “I love you” to all of them one last time, and after a last waving, I left.

Then I was for my own. Behind the security control. Actually you can not really say that I was alone,[comma splice]  my dad called me immediately after he couldn’t see me anymore. I think he was much more nervous than I was, and later my boyfriend told me that my mom had to calm him down before he stopped texting and calling me, which I think is really funny. 

I walked to my gate and bought me some food. Even when I wasn’t hungry I ate it. It tasted a little bit bland but I didn’t care because I was too nervous to care. Also I didn’t know what to do, while I had to wait. After 45 minutes the boarding should start but it didn’t. I waited. Quarter hour... Half hour… Then finally! 

I thought. 

My dad was already about getting really mad because I had just one hour and a half at the airport in London.

In the plane on my uncomfortable seat I had to wait again 10 min... 15 min... After almost 1 hour delay at all, the plane finally started and took off the ground. It wasn’t the first time for me in a plane, but it was still different because it was the only time just for myself.

My first stop, London: One of the biggest airports and I had only an hour to get to the opposite side of the airport. First the bus, then run. I reached the boarding control in the last minute. Even when I had a ten hours flight before me, I was facilitated. At least I could sleep the whole time. It was a relaxed flight, I slept, listened to music, watched a couple of good movies and looked through the window; I was lucky because I had a seat at the window. 

After my stop in Chicago I was exhausted, [comma splice] I had 5 hours until my last flight to Kalamazoo. But the time went over fast. Everything went well with my visa and I could call my parents. Then my last flight to Kalamazoo.

 My host family already waited for me with signs and balloons at the airport. It was a very sweet welcome. They were all so cute and nice to me, and I was really happy in that moment. 

Really happy.

And I knew, from the first minute on, that this is the perfect family for me, that I love them and that it will be a great year. And all my doubts and fears disappeared.

Now after almost 2 months I couldn’t be happier with my host family and I’m so thankful for all of them!

The author's comments:

I wrote this after I came to the United States for an exchange year, which was a big step for me.

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