Wonder | Teen Ink


October 10, 2019
By 0courtney SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0courtney SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wonder - Essay


Beauty of Nature


My younger sister and I leap from one rock to a different rock peering above the intense stream. As I look over to my mom, aunt, uncle, and older sister, I notice a group of people watching as my sister and I jump back to our pack. 

I notice a sturdy rock slanted in the right position to climb. This is a challenge that I want to participate in. My younger sister tries to climb it, but the rock was too tall for her to progress. I try as well, almost making it up, with nothing to grip onto, I fail as well. Since the rock was on the outer side of a hill, I climb up the hill, making my way to the top of the rock to pull my sister up if she could reach my hand. I’m in a position to help her if she could grab my hand, sadly she couldn’t reach my grip. 

I slide down the rock returning to the luscious mud and the yellow leaves. I notice an abandoned railroad on top of a bridge. I trudge through the soft sludge approaching the tracks of the railroad with my family slowly following. I start to climb the side of the bridge while they climb the hill to the railroad track. I walk across the frail boards of the bridge, I quickly move onto the railroad tracks as my mother told me it is much more stable. We walk on the railroad not sure where it would lead to. 

My aunt saw the other side of the stream, across where me and my sister jumped from one rock to another. We run through the shrubs and bushes trying to avoid injuries. We walk around for upwards of 20 minutes, exploring exquisite territory. I was disappointed to discover the only way back was through the bushes and shrubs we ran through previously. Once again, we run through the obstacles and approach the tracks, looking for the bridge. After about 5 minutes we reach the bridge. I slide down the side of the bridge while the rest of my family carefully walk down the side. 

We traverse to a different trail to explore more of the woods. We come across two big rocks that look easier to climb. Pictures of me and my sister doing handstands on each rock were taken by my mother and aunt. After examining the pictures and determining they were good, we headed back to the minivan where the two hour drive awaited us. 


The author's comments:

I decided to work on this project because I had a great experience outdoors and thought that it would be great to make an essay about. I worked with my mom, what she remembered from that day and what I remember from that day and put it together. Working with my mom made this much better because we both knew what happened and put the information together, making it more special. 

This project brought me and my mother more in touch with nature because it’s hard to have a bad time outside. We plan to experience more nature in the future.

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