My Sport | Teen Ink

My Sport

May 29, 2024
By haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sport of a thousand years.

Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports, and I am blessed to be able to play this sport and make a part of who I am.

Sports. Where boys learn how to become men. Although they can be fun, the true and dirty work that the rare ones put into sports is a special gift. 

Learning. A skill like a sport is fun and all, yet it is not what being a part of a team is truly about. Brotherhood, integrity, teamwork, and most importantly the realization that lacrosse is much more than a sport, as it welcomes individuals that are novice to the sport.

Brotherhood. To many this may seem like a joke or seem stupid. Yet, to me, it means much more. Brotherhood is the ability to have another gentleman's back that has gone through hell and back with you. Along with this it means to keep them accountable for their actions. On and off the field. Growing together, not growing separately. Traveling together like a pack of wolves. There is a very fine line between being a teammate to someone and being a brother. I have learned this throughout my career, and it has helped me tremendously. 

Teamwork. In the real world, this could not be any more important. There are certainly situations where you will need to put your head down and be a lone wolf; however, more times than not, you need to learn to work with others. Trying to always do everything yourself, will never work. Tough truth. Not listening to others, input is hard but so beneficial to an individual. And, I have learned this the hard way. 

Integrity. Being honest and being able to go get what you want when no one is there to keep you accountable is a talent I have learned exponentially and try to assimilate the longer I play lacrosse. As said before, boys learn to be men through sports. Another part of being a man is realizing no one is coming to save you. Put in the work. . .  pedal to metal, and see where it takes you. You may be surprised.

Realization. Let—me—be—frank. I love winning. More than anything. I still had the opportunity to take a step back and write this and realize what lacrosse is for me. It is much more than a sport. For me, it is a safe place. Home. I have a place that lets me be me. There are many other reasons for individuals, but overall, it is an outlet for people. A way to get out. Not just a game. Lacrosse could not be further from “just a game.” 

It is the sport of a thousand years.

The author's comments:

I m blessed to have this be a part I who am. 

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