Keep Pushing and Smile | Teen Ink

Keep Pushing and Smile

May 24, 2018
By JacobS15 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
JacobS15 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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I know you dream, we all want to dream big. Why do we dream? Why do we want to do the things that exhilarates us? Simple question, with a surprisingly simple answer. We do it so we have something to keep us going, and to keep us hopeful for tomorrow. We let these thoughts go through our minds and we think about them everyday. Accomplish those dreams. But saying that would be cliche, how will you do it? As every road and path someone takes should be different, so are the circumstances, so I am unable to tell you how to accomplish your dream. That’s none of my business. Instead, I will give you the gift of universal advise. So you can apply it to everything, and do what you may with it. Because before your gone and perish from this Earth, you must ask yourself if you were successful or made it all worth it in the end, is this the way you want or wanted to end your story? If not, and you’re asking yourself that question on your deathbed, it’ll be too late.


You will meet people that intimidate you, particularly smarter people. Don’t be intimidated by smarter people. What you do with your knowledge is what counts, don’t waste your intelligence, surpass them with other wits and charismatic values.

Sometimes these people will scare you. Sometimes you will have other fears, such as failing, or fear of being doubted, or the fear of public speaking. Whatever it is, fear keeps you back from success. It is natural to be scared, but fear is different. Fear is the inability to do something because of said fear. Everything you want to be is on the other side of that fear. Conquer your fear head on, don’t continue to wilt in fear by protecting yourself against it with other means such as procrastination or pleasure. Think out a plan, make that plan happen, conquer that fear.

When we want to do something with our careers, whether that’s taking out a loan, signing a contract, deciding what to major in, or simply what job to choose, it’s all risk. If you don’t take risk, don’t bother wasting your time. Unless it’s a hobby.      

You will need skills to be successful. You cannot simply walk into the job interview and slap on the cap ready to go, you need skills. Writing is an important skill. Writing and speaking go hand and hand really. When talking about writing a story and character, being able to construct emotion in your character or structure while at the same time maintaining the main idea is perfect, to then be able to present that idea with the ability to speak. Both equally determine your success. How do you know if your writing is good? Your reader and viewer forget what they were doing, forget to take out the dog, forget to do their homework, completely what they are doing to watch and read what you have to say or present. To watch your writing and art.

The ability to speak has been mentioned, but what does it mean? Simple answers include no stuttering, no uhms, no useless words that will throw off your audience, but looking deeper than that, what does it mean? Slow down your thoughts and think. Speaking clearly and intelligently are the most important skills someone can have. One it makes you look like you know what you are talking about. It gives you charisma if you are proud when speaking, it will persuade and win over others. Look at famous and infamous leader of history: Hitler, Mussolini, Chaplin, MLK, Churchill, Ghandi, Abe Lincoln; All of them had these: An affirmative and hopeful voice. As it made everyone adore them with their skill of speaking. Captivate your audience with speaking, intelligence, and charisma.

Sometimes we run into problems that really hinder our ability to grow, procrastination is one of them. It is something I suffer, and it’s a cold game. Restricting you to something for lengths of time, becoming distracted and doing something else off topic. Why is this? Is it genetic? Does one learn to become a procrastinator or eliminator at an early age from parents or experiences? It can be a never-ending game for many. The one way I have exercised some of it off is to remind myself what’s important for now and for the future a.k.a, “The Long Run”. What’s more important to you?

Management is also vital to your success. Knowing what to get and what not too because of your finite resources. Sounds simple, hard to accomplish. Why? Because you are distracted by other things: Entertainment, food, tech, and other likes. As all of these are good, knowing what’s important, is, important. Rent on time, or that new restaurant a few blocks over? Save for a new house or car, or the new iPhone to replace the one that still works perfectly fine? You should know the answers to questions like these when the time comes based on what’s important to you. But once your resources are gone, was it worth it?

Some complain and moan debating whether or not school is helpful or not. As school systems may be faulty, the idea and true point is still there. You probably won’t use that equation from Math class to write out a problem later in life. You probably won’t have to name all the countries involved in WW1 later in life, and you also probably won’t need to know what the mitochondria is later in life. What’s the point? Why are you learning this? What’s the entire point of school? Learning how to prove. Learning how to recognize. Learning how to solve practically. While there’s so many more deeper lessons that come with school, you learn these skills for reasons. Teachers push you to do it, because the point of school isn’t exactly always the material, but how you go about to solve that material. Which isn’t fair sometimes as well, but many things in life aren’t either, which prepares you even more.

Branching off and taking a look at a similar concept is, reality. Look at reality, it sucks sometimes. But look at fantasy and you’ll always see what you want, but eventually everything boils down to reality. Taking the fantasy route is like a drug, it gives you happiness, but will fade off and then leave you in despair. Turning and following reality will still end up in the world of resulting reality, but you’ll think back at those 2 routes and you’ll know you made the right decision. Instead of being hurt more than you should have from taking that false security.
Sadness is a natural thing. Depression is different. I’ve never had to feel such horrors as depression, but I have seen people I care and love go through it. Mental health is important, staying up and keeping up when things seem like their going absolutely nowhere is the most important thing one can do. Stay with friends, keep at each others backs, support one another. Don’t let one another fall behind, you all must keep each other up. Keep positive, it’s cliche and sounds like something a cheery girl would say. But it’s true, when you do feel down, continue to look up and see the light ahead. Because you cannot find the rainbow if your looking down.

This includes being kind to everyone. From a practical perspective I have always looked at it like this; You never know who you could be talking to, what they do, or what their relationships with other people are. It will help you build relationships with people. Which helps you further yourself as a person and your personal success. Morally it’s important, because nobody likes a pissy, rude, or bossy person. Just be kind, it’ll help yourself emotionally as well. Making other people happy can help you become happy, seeing the smiles of others because of you, who wouldn’t be happy about themselves by that? Be kind, be honest, be you.

Continue doing great things, make your dreams happen, push your dreams forward instead of lingering on them. Years from now you, as you look back you will be more disappointed in what you didn’t do, than what you did do.

Break free from your chains, find your hidden plan, and set off and explore the stars of opportunity; Keep pushing, keep positive, and keep greatness.

This is YOUR dream. YOUR vision. YOUR struggle and sacrifice.
YOU have to initiate and overcome all different steps and struggles.
I know you can, you know you can. Do what you love, and never stray.

The author's comments:

I love to write inspiration advice and the philosophy and psychology of humans. So I wrote all this from heart and mind.


Dear Reader and Viewer,

This is the motivation you will need to read, to understand, and to use.

My writing advice is for the struggling aspirations all of us have at times, as we lose interest in what we   want and what is important to us. I wish you the very best in your success to keep pushing, to keep    positive, and to keep greatness. During your darkest times, that’s when it is so crucial to see the light ahead. Keep Pushing and Keep Smiling.

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